Statehood Audience Member (uncredited)
Un anciano senador del Congreso de los Estados Unidos, Ransom Stoddard (James Stewart), relata a un periodista la verdadera historia de por qué ha viajado junto a su mujer Hallie (Vera Miles) para acudir al funeral de un viejo amigo, Tom Doniphon (John Wayne). Todo comenzó muchos años atrás, cuando Ransom era un joven abogado del este que llegó en diligencia a Shinbone, un pequeño pueblo del Oeste, para ejercer la abogacía e imponer la ley. Poco antes de llegar a su destino, es atracado y golpeado brutalmente por el temido pistolero Liberty Valance (Lee Marvin).
American Legionnaire at Funeral Service (uncredited)
Once amigos, compañeros de armas en la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), planean robar, en una sola noche, cinco de los mayores casinos de Las Vegas. En el año 2001 Steven Soderbergh hizo un remake con un gran reparto: George Clooney, Brad Pitt y Julia Roberts.
Townsman (uncredited)
Case Britton, gunslinger and wanted man, comes to town to meet his bride-to-be, stop a stagecoach robbery, and get even with the man who killed his brother.
Un joven que vive amargado por el hecho de ser hijo ilegitimo, se da a la bebida.,Pero cuando hereda un rancho de un donante desconocido, decide enderezar su vida, sacando el rancho adelante ayudado por un competente capataz. (FILMAFFINITY)
Los problemas para transportar el oro desde el sur de California a cualquier punto del país son cada día mayores. El gobierno decide establecer una línea regular de diligencias. Al frente de la misión está el oficial de caballería John Heins.
Memorial Service Attendee (uncredited)
Pike, un piloto de pruebas de las fuerzas aéreas, acude sin demasiadas ganas al funeral por un compañero con el que coincidió en la Guerra de Corea. Sucesivos flash-backs se combinan con la actualidad, en que una hermana y la viuda del difunto parecen mostrar un interés más allá de la amabilidad por Pike.
Townsman at Wedding (uncredited)
Jessica Drummond (Barbara Stanwyck) es una despótica terrateniente que gobierna el condado de Cochise, en Arizona, con un grupo de hombres armados a sus órdenes. Un día aparece por sus tierras Griff Bonnell, un antiguo pistolero al que han nombrado sheriff.
Man on Sidewalk (uncredited)
Adaptación de la novela homónima de Julio Verne. Un ladrón ha robado 55.000 libras del banco de Inglaterra. Todos creen que ha sido Philleas Fogg, un auténtico caballero inglés, que ha hecho una apuesta con sus compañeros de club, asegurando que es capaz de dar la vuelta al mundo en 80 días.
Courtroom Spectator (uncredited)
Kile Hadley, un magnate del petróleo, y Mitch Wayne, su mejor amigo y empleado, se enamoran de la misma mujer: la secretaria Lucy Moore. Kile, que es un alcohólico irresponsable, se casa con ella, aunque Mitch está convencido de que con esta boda Lucy comete un gran error. Al cabo de un año, contra todo pronóstico, Kyle parece un hombre nuevo: ha dejado de beber y presta más atención a sus negocios.
Townsman (uncredited)
El alguacil Coleen Wave (Randolph Scott) es un abogado que recorre el territorio de Colorado para acabar con los criminales. Su dedicación al trabajo es tan excesiva que su esposa (Angela Lansbury) lo abandona y le asegura que no volverá con él mientras no deje definitivamente las armas. Pero él está decidido a imponer la ley y el orden en una última ciudad, que está dominada por una banda de pistoleros, dispuestos a todo con tal de que el territorio no se convierta en un estado de la Unión.
After killing Billy the Kid, Sheriff Pat Garrett is relentlessly dogged by members of the Kid's gang.
La atractiva Amanda Dartland (Jane Russell) acompaña a su marido Jonathan (Jeff Chandler), que es mestizo, a un poblado minero del Oeste, donde, al parecer, se esconde un valioso tesoro apache. Pero la relación de la pareja empieza a tambalearse porque él no puede soportar las atenciones que recibe su mujer. Ella, por su parte, se desespera al ver que la excavación resulta infructuosa.
John Stewart trata de establecer la ley y el orden en su pequeña localidad de Arizona, sin hacer uso de la violencia. Sin embargo, su vecino Wick Campbell no es de la misma opinión, y desea contratar los servicios de un pistolero.
Good-Doer Club Member (uncredited)
Do-gooder Joe McDoakes is the guest on the "Know Your Relatives" TV show where, to his chagrin, many of his black sheep relations reveal the skeletons in the family closet.
Miner (uncredited)
En 1896, Jeff, un solitario aventurero de oscuro pasado, se dedica al lucrativo negocio de surtir de carne de vacuno los asentamientos de buscadores de oro del Yukon, en Alaska.
Townsman (uncredited)
Ambientada en 1905, narra la sentimental historia de un afable y popular juez de Kentucky que se presenta a la reelección contra un fiscal yanqui.
Hunter (uncredited)
Un hombre investiga la extraña desaparición de dos de sus amigos, tras la visita de éstos al siniestro castillo de un Conde austriaco.
Sheriff (uncredited)
El doctor Brown recoge a un chico de un orfanato para ponerle bajo su protección. Pero su altruismo cambia cuando el chico descubre un tesoro.
NY Express Board Member (uncredited)
El ambicioso editor de un periódico ve su éxito amenazado con el regreso de su ex mujer, a la que abandonó veinte años atrás. Tras matarla involuntariamente, se encuentra con que sus mejores periodistas se ocupan de investigar el caso.
Voting Official (uncredited)
Frenchie Fontaine pone a la venta su exitoso negocio en Nueva Orleans para dirigirse a la zona oeste de los Estados Unidos para encontrar al hombre que mató a su padre, Frank Dawson. Aunque sólo conoce a uno de los dos hombres que lo hicieron, está determinada a encontrar al otro.
Passenger (uncredited)
One of the passengers on a train to Tombstone decides to rob it of the $250,000 it is carrying.
Detective (uncredited)
Joe Gillis es un joven escritor de segunda fila que, acosado por sus acreedores, se refugia casualmente en la mansión de Norma Desmond, antigua estrella del cine mudo, que vive fuera de la realidad, acompañada únicamente de su fiel criado Max. A partir de ese momento, la actriz pretende que Joe corrija un guión que ella ha escrito y que va a significar su regreso al cine.
Deputy Mack
Although the Lincoln County War has come to a conclusion, Billy the Kid turns his back on a gubernatorial pardon and continues his lawless career.
Policeman (uncredited)
Cody Jarrett y su banda asaltan un tren que transporta 300.000 dólares, asesinan a los conductores y huyen con el dinero. Poco después, los agentes federales inician la persecución, convencidos de que él es el autor del asalto. Cody se entrega a la policía y es condenado a sólo dos años de prisión, ya que ha preparado una coartada perfecta. Sin embargo, los agentes del tesoro están convencidos de que fue el cerebro del asalto y le tienden una trampa.
Barfly (uncredited)
Al ex oficial confederado Clay Fletcher se le concede la oportunidad de reunirse de nuevo con una amiga muy querida para él, Susan Jeffers, cuando su padre, el juez Fletcher, le manda un documento.
When power-hungry Faulkner and Leroux want to divide Texas into smaller sections, instead of allowing it to enter the Union as a single state, Gary Conway and the Texas Rangers must step in to thwart their chicanery.
Policeman (uncredited)
Después de catorce años en prisión, Frankie abandona la prisión para reencontrarse con su hermano Dave para reclamar su parte del club acordado 14 años atras
Tony es una gran estrella del teatro. Britta, su pareja en los escenarios, lo fue también en la vida real aunque llevan divorciados más de dos años. En cuanto empiezan los ensayos de "Otelo", Tony vuelve a transformarse una vez más hasta perder su personalidad y adquirir la del celoso moro veneciano.
Cop in Squad Car (uncredited)
Dick Tracy investigates the theft of a fortune of fur coats, a possible insurance swindle and several murders, all linked to a huge thug who wears a hook in place of his right hand.
Deputy Ted
Johnny Mack Brown stars in the formula oater Shadows on the Range. The film was made at a time when Monogram was experimenting with the notion of passing Brown off as a singing cowboy. While his voice is dubbed, he's definitely handling all the action sequences himself, and that's what the fans really wanted.
Jones the Ice Man (uncredited)
In this John Nesbitt's Passing Parade short, a man traces his history by the succession of cars his father owned. [This short appears in its entirety during MGM's short feature "The Great Morgan".]
Minor Role (uncredited)
Suspecting that a safari guide is a wanted killer, undercover policeman Geoffrey Bishop (Richard Fraser) joins a safari led by the suspect for a scientist that hopes to find and prove that a fabled white gorilla is a missing link.
A scientist who is working on a cure for influenza is victimized by his unscrupulous boss, who releases the vaccine before it's ready, resulting in the death of the scientist's son.
Reporter (Uncredited)
Head over heels in love with a stern and cold older businessman's young wife, a reporter is seduced into conspiring to murder him so she can inherit his estate, while pinning the murder on another businessman.
Cop at Kennerly's (Uncredited)
A reporter learns that an executed killer has taken over a scientist's mind.
Train Conductor (uncredited)
Un policía canadiense (Errol Flyn) detiene a un espía nazi. Cuando el preso consigue escapar, el policía no se da por vencido y finge ser un desertor para infiltrarse entre los nazis. Thriller de espionaje con grandes dosis de acción y aventuras ambientado en la inmensidad de las blancas montañas canadienses
This drama chronicles the extreme measures taken by a determined young crime reporter to get an interview with a notorious convict. The zealous journalist, also a star quarterback on the town college team, decides to become a convict himself. He gets into the prison, becomes president of the prisoners' union, does his interview, successfully woo's the warden's daughter, and gets out in time to publish his story before anyone else does. His career is off to a tremendous start.
Island Guard-Launch Pilot
A bunch of waterfront youths pursue the Sea Raiders, a gang of saboteurs.
Mine Guard
The heirs of Anton Benson are searching Bensonhurst for hidden gold; they are joined by a reporter, a gangster...and a masked fiend known as The Iron Claw.
A young man in a small town wins $5000 in a radio contest. He goes to New York City to propose to his girlfriend, but gets mixed up with a crooked attorney and two con men...
Stage Guard
The Saturday matinee crowd got two cowboy stars for the price of one in this lavishly budgeted western serial starring former singing cowboy Dick Foran and Buck Jones. The latter contributed deadpan humor to the proceedings, making Jones perhaps the highest paid B-western comedy relief in history. The two heroes defend the Death Valley borax miners from an outlaw gang headed by Wolf Reade. An extraordinarily strong cast -- for a serial, at least -- supported the stars, headed by Charles Bickford as Reade, Leo Carillo, Lon Chaney, Jr., and silent screen star Monte Blue. Leading lady Jeanne Kelly later changed her name to Jean Brooks and starred in the atmospheric RKO thriller The Seventh Victim (1943). Universal claimed to have spent $1 million on this serial and made sure to get their money's worth by endlessly recycling the action footage in serials and B-westerns for years to come.
Armored Car Driver
The evil and masked "Gargoyle" is sabotaging all of America's industrial plants. It is up to the Spider to save the country.
Fresh out of reform school, a bunch of delinquent girls fall in with a gang of crooks and are put to work as "hostesses" in a number of mob-controlled bars and cafes. The girls are expected to string along male customers so that the latter will squander their money on watered-down drinks and fixed poker games. When one gullible New Yorker is clipped to the tune of $18,000 worth of diamonds, the Law closes in.
While on their honeymoon, a reporter and his new bride stumble upon a ring of fifth columnists.
Conductor (uncredited)
Bud y Lou se alistan en el ejército para poder escaparse de la cárcel; lo que ignoran es que en el cuartel se encontraran con un instructor de armas tomar.
Gunner - Army Deserter
Second serial featuring The Green Hornet and Kato.
Ranger Radio Technician (uncredited)
Unos rangers de Texas de la decada de 1930 son llamados al rancho de White Sage. Ellos se las arreglan para introducir a uno de sus agentes en la banda, haciéndoles pensar que él es Pecos Kid quien está en fuga.
The Range Busters head for Pinto Basin where a series of stage robberies have occurred. To try and find the gang's boss, Crash sends out a empty money box. The plan backfires when the boss has the Range Busters identified as the robbers. Thinking it is now safe, the bank sends out a big money shipment. Needing to rob the stage, the boss gets the boys out of jail so they can be blamed. But this is just the chance they need to catch the robbers.
Jewish Man (uncredited)
Un humilde barbero judío tiene un parecido asombroso con el dictador de la nación Tomania, que promete sacar adelante y que culpa a los judíos de la situación del país. El dictador ataca al país fronterizo, pero es confundido con el barbero por sus propios guardias, siendo ingresado en un campo de concentración. Simultáneamente, el pobre barbero es confundido con el dictador...
Marianne de Beaumaniour está de camino a Nueva Orleans desde París para inspeccionar la plantación que heredó de su tío. En el barco viajan también algunos esclavos para ser vendidos. Charles, Duque de Villiers, un enemigo político del rey, también está a bordo haciéndose pasar por esclavo. El jefe de la plantación de Marianne compra a Charles y éste pronto la seduce con su encanto. Marianne descubre rápidamente la verdadera identidad de Charles y le deja en libertad, antes de que los oficiales franceses le encuentren. Marianne decide volver a París con el Capitán de Policía, a bordo del barco “Luna Llena”, pero deben hacer escala en la Martinica. Después de la Martinica, el barco es asaltado por los piratas. Marianne queda conmocionada al ver que Charles es el líder de los piratas. Esa noche, una dura tormenta les azota, y todo se hunde. Ahora Charles es el líder y la diversión acaba de comenzar….
Customs Officer
El Santo regresa a la acción para ayudar a un viejo amigo suyo el Inspector Fernack, acosado por un grupo de mafiosos.
The trials and tribulations of a group of newly sworn-in police officers.
Stone is buying cattle cheap in Mexico, bringing them across the border without paying duty, changing the brands, and then selling them at a big profit. When Jack Rowan arrives and buys the vacant ranch used by Stone to sneak his cattle across the border, Stone sends out his henchmen to finish Jack off.
2nd Police Officer
El malogrado Oliver trabaja desde hace tiempo en una factoría de bocinas. Tal trabajo le está costando la salud, ya que padece una extraña excitación que se convierte en delirio cada vez que suena, junto a sus oídos, una trompa o algo parecido. El médico que ha visitado para acabar con su afección le ha recomendado dos cosas: realizar un viaje largo para relajar los nervios y beber leche de cabra para mejorar su estado. Al conocer el estado de Oliver, su inseparable amigo, Stan le comenta que no es necesario realizar una gran travesía para disfrutar del aire marino, y le propone alquilar una pequeña embarcación del muelle. Oli acepta y Stan consigue una cochambrosa barca por cuatro cuartos. Junto a la pareja de amigos, viajan una entrañable cabra que le proporcionará leche a Oliver y un inesperado polizonte, un peligroso asesino que se acaba de fugar de la cárcel
Mr. Harris
Dr. Herbert Lee, an archaeologist seeking to decipher ancient Mara inscriptions, is aided by his son Terry, Terry's pal Pat Ryan, and Normandie Drake. Jungle pirate and warlord Fang (Dick Curtis) plots to kill The Dragon Lady, Queen of the Temple of Mara, and seize the treasures of her ancestors. Both Fang and The Dragon Lady have sworn death for any foreign intruders.
Major (uncredited)
Un chico de Brooklyn se alista al ejército, en el regimiento "Fighting 69th", para luchar contra los alemanes en la I Guerra Mundial. Su actitud de prepotencia e insubordinación en los entrenamientos le pone en contra de todos excepto del padre Francis Duffy, también soldado -y personaje que existión en la vida real-, que intenta ayudarle en todo momento. Ya en la guerra, a la hora de luchar, el joven comprobará que ésta es más horrible de lo que pensaba... (FILMAFFINITY)
Police Patrolman (uncredited)
El editor de un periódico y su sirviente coreano combaten el crimen como vigilantes, mientras aparentan ser un gangster enmascarado y su cómplice. Primera entrega del serial de la Universal Pictures basado en el personaje radiofónico. Le seguiría "The Green Hornet Strikes Again!" (1940)
Plane Mechanic
La Sombra lucha contra un villano conocido como The Black Tiger, que tiene el poder de hacerse invisible y está tratando de conquistar el mundo con su rayo de la muerte.
A federal agent and his partner hang out in Mexico to check a revolution.
A farm boy trains a wild colt on his own.
The Pal From Texas features the diminutive screen cowboy attempting to prevent old prospector pal from being swindled by an unscrupulous tavern owner.
Ship's Officer
Una joven de vida sencilla conoce un día a un ilusionista, El gran Arturo. Deslumbrada por su excitante personalidad, se enamora del mago y, poco después, se casa con él y abandona su pueblo natal para seguirlo en sus giras artísticas. Después de varios años de vida nómada, la mujer se da cuenta de que la felicidad para ella consiste en tener una casa, una familia y un marido a quien cuidar. Una vida que el ilusionista, más preocupado por sus trucos que por su esposa, no parece dispuesto a ofrecerle.
McGlen's First Boy (uncredited)
A couple inherits a college and to generate revenue offers a thousand dollars to players for each touchdown they score.
Roy is a Confederate officer stationed in Missouri during the Civil War. He must put an end to outlaw gangs working under the pretense of service to the Confederacy.
Wild West Show Cowboy
A loud-mouthed Texas cowpuncher tries his hand at polo finding himself at odds with high society and trying to save a floundering Wild West show.
Vernon Castle, que se gana la vida como actor cómico de segunda fila, conoce en una playa a Irene, quien ve en él grandes aptitudes como bailarín. Ambos se enamoran y poco después se casan. Irene convence a Vernon para formar juntos una pareja de baile. Un malentendido les lleva a París, donde en realidad sólo le querían a él para interpretar un grotesco número cómico de vaudeville. La suerte, sin embargo, les sonríe de inmediato: una empresaria pone sus ojos en ellos y les hace debutar en el Café de París. Vernon e Irene triunfan por todo lo alto en el mundo de la moda. Pero estalla la guerra y Vernon siente la necesidad de alistarse.
Movie Set Cowboy (uncredited)
In this musical short, a waitress at the Warner Bros. commissary gets her big break.
David Ross organizes the ranchers into a vigilante group to rid the town of outlaws. The plan succeeds but the trouble starts when some of the men form a new vigilante group and posing as the original one plunder for loot.
Historia sobre el desarrollo de las comunicaciones terrestres en los EE.UU. durante su rápida expansión en el siglo XIX. La película se centra en la vida de Ramsey McCay, empleado de la recién creada asociación entre Henry Wells y William Fargo, y de cómo gracias a su especial dedicación, la Wells-Fargo llega a convertirse en una gran empresa de correos y transporte de mercancías hacia el Oeste, presente en los mayores acontecimientos de la época.
Policeman (uncredited)
A young married couple whose plans for their life together haven't turned out as expected decide to rob the bank where the husband works of $100,000, then hide the money in a safe place and return for it after they serve out their sentences. All goes according to plan until they get out of prison, when they find that they're being trailed by an insurance investigator and the husband's old cellmate, who has decided that he wants a cut of the money.
Davy Crockett [Chs. 5-12]
Western favorites Ray "Crash" Corrigan and Hoot Gibson head the cast of the 12-chapter Republic serial The Painted Stallion. Corrigan plays American federal agent Clark Stuart, on assignment in Santa Fe to draw up a trade agreement with the newly installed Mexican governor. Meanwhile, Walter Jamison (Hoot Gibson) leads a wagon train from Missouri, hoping to take advantage of the new agreement. Among Jamison's passenger are famed frontiersman Jim Bowie (Hal Taliaferro) and a very youthful Kit Carson (Sammy McKim). The destinies of all these personalities intersect when villainous ex-governor DuPrey (LeRoy Mason) schemes to undermine the treaty and take over the New Mexico territory for his own vile purposes. Somewhere along the way, Davy Crockett (Jack Perrin) joins the "good guys" in their efforts to thwart the despicable DuPrey. ~ Hal Erickson, Rovi
Chet Newton
When Jim Allen is lynched, his identical twin brother Bob, a Texas Ranger, takes his place in an attempt to flush out the man responsible.
A proud, pro-capital punishment district attorney with a 90% execution rate, finds himself wrongly convicted of murdering his estranged wife and sentenced to die. The woman he loves and his investigator rival for her affections rally to find the real killer, while he is confronted by the misery of life on death row.
Bob Blake
Big city gangster muscle in on ranch territory with a cattle protection racket. Out to stop them is federal agent Jack Perrin.
Jack Rankin
A gang of bank robbers holes up at a cowboy's ranch. One of the robbers turns out to be his brother. After the brother is killed by the gang, the cowboy tracks them across the desert.
Wildcat Saunders
Perrin plays a boxer whose manager takes him out to a ranch for training, but Perrin soon discovers the ranch foreman is responsible for a $100,000 jewel heist.
Captain Jim Hair-Trigger Casey
After having been gone for some time, a cowboy comes home to his ranch to find himself up against a gang involved in smuggling Chinese into the country.
Texas Jack Carrol
Jack is looking for the man that was responsible for the death of his sister after he hired her as a school teacher. When he runs into school teacher Ann who was just hired by Corey, he soon realizes Corey is the man he is after. Lacking proof, he works on Corey's nerves hoping to get a confession from him.
Jack Jennings
Deputy Indian Agent is framed for the murder of a captured fur thief actually killed by his boss in rivalry for affections of a saloon girl.
Jack Loomis
Perrin is a cowboy who comes to the aid of local Indians being swindled out of their gold. He signs on as a ranch foreman, but learns the ranch is the home of the crooks.
Jack rides into trouble when he meets up with Bill Meeker and his outlaw gang. Rescued from the gang's clutches by Don carlos, he joins forces with Carlos and with the help of Lolita who learns of the gang's next raid, they go after the culprits.
Jack Durant
Perrin and his partner get paid a big sum of money at the end of their cattle drive. Shortly thereafter, the partner is found with a knife in his back and Perrin is blamed for the murder.
Bud Regan
Jerry Hixon's ranch is being besieged by raiders so Ben sends for his friend Bud. When Bud arrives and finds that the outlaw Texarkana Pete has been captured, he buys Pete's clothes and posing as Pete joins the outlaw gang. But he is quickly in trouble when his masquerade is exposed.
Jack Reed
Reed breaks up the first attempted gold robbery. When the outlaws next attempt is successful, Reed is jailed as the suspect. Escaping from jail, he knows who to look for.
George Andrews
The famous western fiction writer Bob Morris arrives at the Henderson ranch. He quickly realizes the hanging, runaway horses, and the shootout are fakes for his benefit. But when a real robbery takes place he thinks it's another fake.
Riley (as Richard Terry)
Bob Hamilton gets into trouble when crooks cause the defeat of his father's horse in the Derby, and it is reported he is in with the crooks. The old man disowns him and his sweetheart, Patricia , breaks their engagement. So Bob and "Skipper", the also-suspected trainer, head for the western tracks, taking with them the horse Hamilton Senior forced them to buy, determined to make good and prove they are on the level.
Hank Davis, foreman on a huge dam project, enlists the aid of his two flyer friends when a sinister figure known as The Black Ace leads his Mystery Squadron of masked pilots in an attempt to destroy the dam.
Sergeant Kinkaid
Seeker Dean has found the gold he has been looking for for 15 years. Heading for the Government office, Boone Jackson kills him. Kickabout finds a cryptogram as to the gold's location and Sergeant Kinkaid solves the puzzle. But Jackson learns of the gold's location and to get it, he sets out to dynamite the dam that would flood the entire communuty.
Man in Screening Room (Uncredited)
Harold Hall (Harold Lloyd), un joven sin ninguna habilidad ni talento como actor, quiere desesperadamente, actuar en una película. Así que marcha a Hollywood y se presenta a numerosos castings, donde ocasiona todo tipo de dificultades y problemas.
Henchman Curley
Heading west, Ken and Bouncer end up at the Brooks ranch where Ken is to ride Tarzan in the big race. But both the Sheriff and Edmonds are after him and he must hide both himself and the horse until race time.
A cowhand and his sidekick come to the Texas border country looking for the man who had lured the cowhand's sister in bondage in Mexico. But the man doesn't want to be found and has hired some gunmen to see that he isn't.
A cowhand named Bob Blake visits with Sally Thompson and her kid-brother, Jimmy, on their hard-scrabble homestead adjoining the Steele Ranch where Bob works. He learns that their father just died, and he plans on seeing if he can make things a bit easier for them.
A gang of jewel smugglers swears to take revenge on a deputy sheriff after his dogged pursuit of them forces them to flee without their goods.
Jim aka The Apache Kid
A former outlaw eludes the authorities by masquerading as a cowboy.
Jack Saunders
Horses are being stolen by a white stallion known as "The Phantom of the Desert." A cowboy sets out to find who's behind it.
Chasing the man who had caused the death of his sister, Jack Walsh rescues Mary Winters from the unwanted attentions of a drunk, and learns that she has been lured to Mexico by the false promises of an ex-prizefighter "Kayo" Mooney. The latter kidnaps Mary but Jack wins the showdown and Mary, and finds that Mooney is the man he was looking for.
Jack Rowland
Seeking his father's killer in Mexico, Jack Rowland falls into the clutches of Buck Lambert and his band of smugglers.
Having quit their old gang and gone straight, Bert Allen and Joe Kemp finally own their own ranch after three years, but Joe robs the Riverton bank of the Green River Dam payroll - using Bert's horse, gun and gloves and leaving behind Bert's hat.
Jack Lamar
Released in both sound and silent versions, this ten-chapter serial starred former cowboy ace Jack Perrin and chapterplay veteran Louise Lorraine. One of a group of Americans steals the Jade Box, which holds the secret of invisibility; a murderous Oriental cult wants it back and tracks them down.
Jack Merritt
Purchasing the Carney Carnival and Road Show, unscrupulous sportsman Martin Trask assumes he has ownership of Rex, the world's greatest trained horse, and its rider, Margie Smith. The girl releases Rex, flees from Trask in a runaway wagon, and finds shelter with young cowboy farmer Jack Merritt, with whom she falls in love.
Sgt. Jack Gordon
Rex the wonder horse's owner is murdered by Joe Regan, the leader of a band of smugglers. RCMP Sgt. Jack Gordon has been sent to capture the villain. Rex vows vengeance on Regan and helps Gordon capture him.
Parson Jed Campbell
Jed Campbell, a "skypilot," and Nanette, a dance hall girl, meet when each goes to rescue Rex, "King of the Wild Horses," from a trap.
Jack Crosby
It seems that an evil saloon owner not only wants this valuable steed for himself, but also its owner, the beautiful Mary Ellis. Enter honest gambler Jack Crosby, who wants to settle the score.
Phil Manners / The Lone Rider
Human cowboy hero is teamed with Rex, King of Wild Horses, an ornery critter but a magnificent animal.
Jack Marvin
A boy's father is an unjustly accused fugitive, and the boy's scheming uncle plots to become the youngster's guardian and take over the family fortune.
Jerry Lane
A forest ranger comes to the aid of his fiance and her father when a crooked rancher and his gang try to force them off their land.
Judith Endicott, the daughter of a wealthy eastern banker, vamps Philip Randolph, an Arizonan, when he comes east to talk business with her father. Philip proposes and discovers that Judith has only been kidding him along. He returns angrily to Arizona, and the elder Endicott, accompanied by his daughter, follows him west. With her father's permission, Richard "kidnaps" Judith and takes her to a deserted Indian cliff dwelling, where she must cook and care for him. Bert Durland, Judith's fiancé, follows after her, and his Indian guide steals all of the horses. Judith and Bert and Philip start back to civilization across the desert, and Bert goes berserk from the heat. They are rescued by cowboys, and Judith returns east, "kidnaping" Philip and taking him with her.
When his father is falsely convicted and sentenced to die for a murder committed aboard ship, the man's son signs on as a crewman to discover the real killer and clear his father.
A cowboy pursues a man who seduced his sister.
Sergeant Larry Donovan
A couple of war veterans search for the family of a fallen friend.
Rance Raine, R.N.W.M.P.
A Northwest mounted policeman leaves the service to seek revenge for his brother's murder.
Man from Oklahoma
Sam Stallings kills and robs Lynn Durant. The Man from Oklahoma arrives and he and Stallings quickly become enemies. The Oklahoman eventually learns who killed Durant and avoiding the trap on his life by Stalling's henchman, sends his dog for the Sheriff while he goes after Stallings.
Larry Benson
When Montana cowpuncher Larry Benson, riding his horse Starlight and accompanied by his dog Rex, tied up at the hitching post in front of McAvoy's hotel in Dam, Texas, he had little idea of the extraordinary series of adventures that were in store for him, Starlight and Rex.
Don Brandon
A returning war veteran who finds his father murdered and the family ranch in the hands of outlaws.
Richard Mason
A young man inherits a mansion in a Florida swamp from an uncle he never knew he had. When he, his assistant and the estate's executor arrive at the house, the audience catches sight of someone crawling in the window, though the house is supposed to be unoccupied. As the house staff begins to arrive they sense a strange presence in the house, and when a young woman no one knows runs into the house to escape a knife-wielding psycho, the occupants realize they may be in danger from both outside and inside the house.
Jack Carson
The Thunderbolt Strikes
Jack 'Silent' Sheldon
Clinging desperately to his ranch, penniless Jack Sheldon is falsely accused of killing a sheriff's deputy, a heinous crime actually committed by crooked ranch foreman Joe Phillips.
Wes Channing
After Wes Channing's partner, the feckless Buck Littleton, loses his half-interest in their ranch to gambler Flash Denby, Wes stands up against the sheriff's men when they try to seize the ranch-- land that has a gold mine on it. Denby tries to trick Mary Sims, granddaughter of Wes's neighbor Rufe Sims, into signing over the rights to the land. Denby's machinations are all set in order-- but Wes's right hook may prove to be a hell of a monkey wrench!
Tom Lawson
Vincent Barton, the son of the vice-president of a railroad company, takes a job as the depot agent at Bynes. He fires one of Tony Sharkey's henchmen, scheming against the railroad, and, as a result, a fight takes place and a switching order is overlooked which nearly results in a major wreck. Realizing the situation at Hynes, Helen Barton, Vincent's sister, dashes to Hynes in her roadster and puts together a severed telegraph wire to put the station back in communications with headquarters. Meanwhile, Helen's sweetheart, Tom Lawson, is fighting with Sharkey in a run-away engine and it is headed for an open bridge over a river.
Jack Foster
Plot unknown.
Lightin' Jack Hardy
Wanted for a murder he didn't commit, Lightnin' Jack travels to Arizona where he gets a job on the Manning ranch. Two men are out to get the Manning ranch and see their chance when Manning decides to use Lightnin's horse in the big race. They get Manning to bet his ranch and then kidnap Lightnin' so he won't be there to ride.
Dan Dawson
Dan Dawson hires on at the Mason ranch where he wins the affection of Ruth and alienates Frank Macy who gets fired. Later, on Dan and Ruth's wedding day, the cowhands bring Macy, now an outlaw and escaping the Sheriff disguised as a preacher, to perform the ceremony. But upon leaving Macy loses part of his disguise and Dan now recognizing him gives chase.
B-Western regulars Jack Perrin and Marilyn Mills starred in this obscure, low-budget Western serial released in 15 chapters.
Frank Church
A federal agent assigned to stop a bootlegging gang joins forces with the gang leader's wife and the sister of one of the ring's truck drivers to break up the gang.
The Stranger
In the Deep South, plantation owner Col. Webster, who is in dire financial straits, is offered a loan by wealthy neighbor Sam Logan on the condition that Webster's beautiful daughter, Madonna, marry him. Webster turns down the offer, thus angering Logan.
Mary's kid brother needs an operation and, in order to pay for it, Mary goes to a Hollywood studio and applies for a job as an actress. Mary is given a job as a waitress in the commissary, and gets to meet 40 actors, actresses and directors, none of whom tip big enough to enable Mary to earn enough money to pay for an operation. Will Mary become an actress and make some big money?
Sam Corwin, stage line owner and camp bully, makes unwelcome love to Polly, daughter of an old prospector. The old man drives him off the place at gunpoint and Sam conspires to have the old man sent to prison. He stages a fake hold-up, leaving the old man's hat on the scene. This is managed with the connivance of one of Sam's stage drivers.
Herman Jenks
Working as a wardrobe girl in a cheap traveling stock company, Mamie Judd secretly loves Jenks, the leading man, who scarcely notices the young girl. She saves Neal Selden, son of a small-town banker, from being accused of robbery and murder, acts committed by the company's manager and leading lady.
Mazie, a shop-girl of New York City's Little Ireland, goes to the aid of a young man in formal attire involved in a street fight. Though badly beaten, he bears a strong resemblance to Lord Lytton, the hero of a magazine story Mazie is reading in installments. Although he is, in reality, a soda clerk, Mazie permits his attentions, and together they read the "Sloppy Stories" yarn about English nobility.
Gordon Talbut
Forced into a loveless marriage by her mother, Joan Coolidge, a beautiful American girl, finds her husband a brute. She runs away to Paris and studies dancing and becomes The Rage of Paris.
Lt. Paul Mack
Velma is unhappily married to Sam Patton, a millionaire roué. Aboard his yacht bound for the South Seas, Sam pays more attention to his guests than to his wife, and she flees when he attempts to force liquor on her. A sudden paralytic stroke renders him helpless, and she believes him dead. A storm comes up, and Velma is washed ashore on a desert isle. She is later joined by Lieut. Paul Mack, whose hydroplane has run out of fuel. They fall in love, but their idyll is broken when they are captured by a band of moonshiners.
Rev. Jonathon Meek
When a circus troupe comes to a small, extremely conservative New England town, the residents go to their minister to have him protest the scandalous fact that the female tightrope walker wears a pair of pink tights. When she has an accident and is forced to recuperate at the minister's house, he has to hide her in order to avoid even more of a scandal. Mazie Darton, a high-wire performer with a traveling circus, longs for a peaceful country life. Forced to stay in a small town while laid up with an injury, Darton is spurned by the conservative townspeople. Rev. Jonathon Meek, the local parson, befriends the circus troupe, especially Darton. But he, too, opens himself to criticism from his flock, who protest his closeness with the show people. Eventually, Darton's boyfriend arrives and the pair become closer. The parson fades from the scene as a possible mate for Darton, who ends up winning the hearts of the townspeople.
Norma Dawn silent tropical island Fiji rubber plantation romantic melodrama starring Edith Roberts, Jack Perrin, Richard Cummings, Noble Johnson, and Dr. Arthur Jervis. This is a "lost" film which means that no surviving copies are thought to exist.
The Newlywed
An Austrian military officer and rogue attempts to seduce the wife of a surgeon. The two men confront each other in a test of abilities that ends surprisingly.
Jack - the Man
The Jack of Hearts is a 1919 silent Western.
The Fighting Heart is a 1919 silent Western short.
In the Latin Quarter of Paris, American artist David Lane (Norman Kerry) marries his model Yvonne (Olive Thomas), but just prior to the birth of their baby, David's mother dies, and he is forced to depart for the United States. In David's absence, his father hires a lawyer to convince Yvonne that David has abandoned her, and grief-stricken, she dies soon after her little girl is born. Yvonne's trusted friend Pierre rears the girl as a boy, whom he calls Toton, and trains her to become a skilled pickpocket. Meanwhile, David adopts a boy named Carew, and when he grows to manhood, the two move to Paris to establish an art studio. In robbing the studio, Pierre recognizes David, and to avenge Yvonne's death, he claims that Toton has been taught to hate her father. Later, Pierre becomes convinced of David's innocence, and before he dies, he reveals the truth to Toton. Finally, the girl is reunited with her father and marries Carew.
The Banjo Player
Cactus Nell
Luke and his pal find existence in prison so amusing that they depart with regrets.
The Four-Bit Man is a silent Western short.
A mining engineer is hired by a villainous woman to front her fake company. When he smells a rat, the woman -- known as "Lady Lucifer" -- has him abducted.