
Doble vida (1947)

Género : Crimen, Drama, Suspense

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 35M

Director : George Cukor
Escritor : Ruth Gordon, Garson Kanin


Tony es una gran estrella del teatro. Britta, su pareja en los escenarios, lo fue también en la vida real aunque llevan divorciados más de dos años. En cuanto empiezan los ensayos de "Otelo", Tony vuelve a transformarse una vez más hasta perder su personalidad y adquirir la del celoso moro veneciano.


Ronald Colman
Ronald Colman
Anthony John
Signe Hasso
Signe Hasso
Edmond O'Brien
Edmond O'Brien
Bill Friend
Shelley Winters
Shelley Winters
Pat Kroll
Ray Collins
Ray Collins
Victor Donlan
Philip Loeb
Philip Loeb
Max Lasker
Millard Mitchell
Millard Mitchell
Al Cooley
Joe Sawyer
Joe Sawyer
Pete Bonner
Charles La Torre
Charles La Torre
Whit Bissell
Whit Bissell
Dr. Stauffer
John Drew Colt
John Drew Colt
Stage Manager
Peter M. Thompson
Peter M. Thompson
Asst. Stage Manager
Elizabeth Dunne
Elizabeth Dunne
Alan Edmiston
Alan Edmiston
Art Smith
Art Smith
Sid Tomack
Sid Tomack
Wilton Graff
Wilton Graff
Dr. Mervin
Harlan Briggs
Harlan Briggs
Oscar Bernard
Claire Carleton
Claire Carleton
Betsy Blair
Betsy Blair
Girl in Wig Shop
Janet Warren
Janet Warren
Girl in Wig Shop
Marjorie Woodworth
Marjorie Woodworth
Girl in Wig Shop
Guy Bates Post
Guy Bates Post
Actor in "Othello"
Fay Kanin
Fay Kanin
Actress in "Othello"
David Bond
David Bond
Actor in "Othello"
Arthur Gould-Porter
Arthur Gould-Porter
Actor in "Othello"
Leslie Denison
Leslie Denison
Actor in "Othello"
Frederick Worlock
Frederick Worlock
Actor in "Othello"
Virginia Patton
Virginia Patton
Actress in "Othello"
Boyd Irwin
Boyd Irwin
Actor in "Othello"
Thayer Roberts
Thayer Roberts
Actor in "Othello"
Percival Vivian
Percival Vivian
Actor in "Othello" and "A Gentleman's Gentleman"
Elliott Reid
Elliott Reid
Actor in "A Gentleman's Gentleman"
Mary Young
Mary Young
Actress in "A Gentleman's Gentleman"
Georgia Caine
Georgia Caine
Actress in "A Gentleman's Gentleman"
William Bailey
William Bailey
Detective (uncredited)
Harry Bannister
Harry Bannister
Second Actor (uncredited)
Joseph E. Bernard
Joseph E. Bernard
Joe (Landlady's Husband) (uncredited)
Reginald Billado
Reginald Billado
Reporter (uncredited)
Laura K. Brooks
Laura K. Brooks
Dowager at Party (uncredited)
Paddy Chayefsky
Paddy Chayefsky
Photographer (uncredited)
Alexander Clark
Alexander Clark
Barry (uncredited)
Angela Clarke
Angela Clarke
Lucy (uncredited)
Heinie Conklin
Heinie Conklin
Second Bartender (uncredited)
Curt Conway
Curt Conway
Reporter (uncredited)
Russ Conway
Russ Conway
Reporter (uncredited)
Leander De Cordova
Leander De Cordova
Audience Member (uncredited)
Nick Dennis
Nick Dennis
Stagehand (uncredited)
John Derek
John Derek
Police Stenographer (uncredited)
Joann Dolan
Joann Dolan
Ellen (uncredited)
George Douglas
George Douglas
Audience Member (uncredited)
Watson Downs
Watson Downs
Bootmaker (uncredited)
Fernanda Eliscu
Fernanda Eliscu
Landlady (uncredited)
Franklyn Farnum
Franklyn Farnum
Party Guest (uncredited)
Maude Fealy
Maude Fealy
Minor Role (uncredited)
Bess Flowers
Bess Flowers
Theater Patron (uncredited)
Nina Gilbert
Nina Gilbert
Minor Role (uncredited)
Thomas Gomez
Thomas Gomez
Cassio (voice) (uncredited)
Dick Gordon
Dick Gordon
Beatrice Gray
Beatrice Gray
Ethyl May Halls
Ethyl May Halls
Fred Hoose
Fred Hoose
Doretta Johnson
Doretta Johnson
Charles Jordan
Charles Jordan
Robert Emmett Keane
Robert Emmett Keane
Hazel Keener
Hazel Keener
James Khan
James Khan
Kay Lavelle
Kay Lavelle
Elmo Lincoln
Elmo Lincoln
James Linn
James Linn
Phil MacKenzie
Phil MacKenzie
Barry Macollum
Barry Macollum
Janet Manson
Janet Manson
Kathy Marlowe
Kathy Marlowe
Thomas Martin
Thomas Martin
Joyce Mathews
Joyce Mathews
Don McGill
Don McGill
Walter McGrail
Walter McGrail
Hal Melone
Hal Melone
Carl Milletaire
Carl Milletaire
Howard M. Mitchell
Howard M. Mitchell
Harry Hays Morgan
Harry Hays Morgan
John Morgan
John Morgan
Jack Perrin
Jack Perrin
Albert Pollet
Albert Pollet
Joey Ray
Joey Ray
Yvette Reynard
Yvette Reynard
Frank Richards
Frank Richards
Bruce Riley
Bruce Riley
Buddy Roosevelt
Buddy Roosevelt
Sarah Selby
Sarah Selby
Jamesson Shade
Jamesson Shade
George Sherwood
George Sherwood
Pietro Sosso
Pietro Sosso
Michael Stark
Michael Stark
Cedric Stevens
Cedric Stevens
Diane Stewart
Diane Stewart
Mike Stokey
Mike Stokey
Wayne C. Treadway
Wayne C. Treadway
John Valentine
John Valentine
Mary Worth
Mary Worth


George Cukor
George Cukor
Michael Kanin
Michael Kanin
Miklós Rózsa
Miklós Rózsa
Original Music Composer
Milton Krasner
Milton Krasner
Director of Photography
Robert Parrish
Robert Parrish
Harry Horner
Harry Horner
Production Design
Harvey T. Gillett
Harvey T. Gillett
Art Direction
Bernard Herzbrun
Bernard Herzbrun
Art Direction
John P. Austin
John P. Austin
Set Decoration
Russell A. Gausman
Russell A. Gausman
Set Decoration
Frank Shaw
Frank Shaw
Assistant Director
Ruth Gordon
Ruth Gordon
Garson Kanin
Garson Kanin
Carmen Dirigo
Carmen Dirigo
Bud Westmore
Bud Westmore
Makeup Artist

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