George Douglas

George Douglas


George Douglas


El ataque de la mujer de 50 pies
Sheriff Dubbitt
Una sufrida ama de casa (Allison Hayes) se encuentra con unos extraterrestres que la hacen crecer y crecer hasta que alcanza los 50 pies de altura. Un film de culto de serie B, delirante, prefeminista y con el encanto de los clásicos de ciencia-ficción de los años cincuenta.
La Raya de la Muerte
Charles Maynor
Un alguacil mata a un asesino en una ciudad que lo amaba, y cuando nadie está dispuesto a identificarlo, no puede cobrar ninguna recompensa
The Snow Creature
Corey Jr.
A botanical expedition to the Himalayas captures a Yeti and brings it back alive to Los Angeles, where it escapes and runs amok, seeking food.
Un yanqui en la corte del rey Arturo
Sergeant at Arms (uncredited)
Un golpe en la cabeza hace que el mecánico Hank Martin sea transportado desde 1912 a la Edad Media, concretamente a la época del Rey Arturo y los Caballeros de la Mesa Redonda. Musical de la Paramount basado en la obra de Mark Twain.
Relato Criminal
El jefe de la organización criminal más importante de la ciudad es sospechoso de haber evadido impuestos. La operación para atraparle es asignada al agente del Tesoro Frank Warren. El y su compañero pretenden apoderarse de los libros de contabilidad del cabeza de la banda para poder acusarle de fraude fiscal. A pesar de todas las dificultades, entre las que se incluyen las amenazas de muerte a Judith, la mujer de Frank, los dos policías deciden seguir adelante con su trabajo.
Un secreto de mujer
Policeman (Uncredited)
Marion, una actriz y cantante ya retirada de la vida profesional por haber perdido la voz, intenta formar y promocionar a Susan, una joven cuyo nombre artístico es Estrellita, que está dotada de buenas cualidades, pero que carece de carácter. Melodrama con trasfondo criminal, basado en una novela de Vicki Baum.
Doble vida
Audience Member (uncredited)
Tony es una gran estrella del teatro. Britta, su pareja en los escenarios, lo fue también en la vida real aunque llevan divorciados más de dos años. En cuanto empiezan los ensayos de "Otelo", Tony vuelve a transformarse una vez más hasta perder su personalidad y adquirir la del celoso moro veneciano.
Riders of the Santa Fe
Tom Benner
Tom Benner controls the town and the water supply. When his stooge Mayor rebels, he has him killed and replaced with Bullseye Johnson who immediately brings in Matt Canway as the town Marshal. Conway doesn't carry a gun but he is soon on to Benner and out to prove that Benner has altered the survey lines to obtain the water rights.
Home in Wyomin'
Luigi Scalese aka Crowley
Radio star Gene Autry returns to his home town of Gold Ridge at the request of his old friend Pop Harrison, who wants Gene to straighten out his wayward son, Tex Harrison, whose gambling and drinking threaten to bankrupt the rodeo organization which he heads. News photographer Clementine "Clem" Benson and reporter Hack Hackett are ordered to follow Gene. The group finds quarters at the "Bar Nothing" dude ranch, winter quarters for Tex's rodeo group, and Tex soon tangles with Hackett in a quarrel.
Lone Star Raiders
Henry Martin
Yet another fast-paced western featuring the "Three Mesqueteers," pulp writer William Colt McDonald's trio of sagebrush heroes, Lone Star Raiders finds Stony Brooke (Robert Livingston), Tucson Smith (Bob Steele) and Lullaby Joslin (Rufe Davis) defending elderly rancher "Granny" Phelps (Sarah Padden) from greedy neighbor Henry Martin (George Douglas).
The Tulsa Kid
Dirk Saunders
A protegee of notorious outlaw Montana (Beery), young Tom Benton decides to stay on the good side of the Law upon reaching maturity. Montana, however, has no such inclination to reform, the result being a climactic gun duel between the ageing gunman and his former pupil.
Hold That Woman!
Steve Brady
A skip tracer--someone who collects late payments from people who've purchased appliances, etc., or takes them back them when they don't pay--repossesses a small radio from a deadbeat who's skipped payments. What he doesn't know is that a gang that has stolen diamonds from a Hollywood movie star has stashed them inside the radio, and they start hunting for him.
Phantom Raiders
Taurez's Henchman
In this second Carter mystery, a mysterious rash of cargo ships sinking in Panama leads insurers Llewellyns of London to hire vacationer Nick Carter and his eccentric associate Bartholomew to investigate. Nick recognizes influential nightclub owner Al Taurez as a shady operator, but getting the goods on him depends on slick diversions involving the heavyweight champ of the Pacific Tuna Fleet, a Panamanian bombshell armed with American slang, a young couple in love and a whole raft of crooks and cutthroats.
Covered Wagon Days
Stony Brooke, Rusty Joslin and Rico, the Three Mesquiteers, are returning from Mexico and are stopped at the border by Army officials, who are attempting to apprehend smugglers who are buying cheap silver in Mexico and smuggling it into the States, where they can take advantage of a silver stabilizing measure and sell it at a high price.
City of Chance
Texas girl goes to New York, becomes a newspaper reporter, and tries to get her gambler boyfriend to come home.
The Man Who Wouldn't Talk
A man involved in a crime (Nolan) kills his key witness by mistake and resigns himself to death. He changes his name so as not to harm his family. The law is not content with his explanation, however.
The Kansas Terrors
The Commandante
In Kansas Terrors, Stoney and his saddle pal Rusty take a job delivering horses to a flyspeck Caribbean island. Here they join forces with Rico to topple the regime of a despotic commandante.
The Adventures of the Masked Phantom
Robert Murdock
Barton's mine foreman is receiving gold bullion from gangsters in the East, putting it through the mine's smelter, and then shipping it out. When Barton finds out, Murdocks men make him a prisoner. Arriving at the same time, Alamo hears the story of the Masked Phantom and then becomes that Phantom fighting Murdock and his men and attempting to find Barton.
Dick Tracy's G-Men
Henchman Sandoval
A mad doctor named Zanoff uses a drug to bring himself back from the dead after his execution in prison. Dick Tracy sets out to capture Zanoff before he can put his criminal gang back together again.
Good Girls Go to Paris
Baxter (uncredited)
Jenny Swanson, a waitress on a college campus, is dying to visit Paris. Thanks to English professor Ronald Brooke, she manages to make her dream come true. Besides seeing the sights in the French capital she makes friends with a wealthy family there, the Brands.
The Night Riders
Talbot posing as de Serrano
Talbot uses a phony land grant to rule thirteen million acres, taxing everyone heavily and evicting those who won't pay. The Three Mesquiteers becomes mysterious "night riders" to fight this evil.
Let Us Live
Ed Walsh
Dos hombres inocentes son acusados injustamente de asesinato y condenados a muerte. La novia de uno de ellos convence a un detective de policía de su inocencia, y juntos tratan de encontrar al verdadero asesino antes de la fecha de ejecución de los hombres.
Out West with the Hardys
Mr. Carter (uncredited)
Cuando el juez Hardy recibe la carta de una vieja amiga, en la que le explica que puede perder su rancho de Arizona por culpa de un vecino, decide ir en persona a solucionar el problema, acompañado de su familia.
Sunset Murder Case
Carlo Rossmore
Small-time showgirl poses as a stripper to infiltrate a nightclub whose owner is believed responsible for her father's murder.
Pals of the Saddle
Paul Hartman
The first of eight "Three Mesquiteers" Westerns to star John Wayne.
Rebellious Daughters
Joe Gilman
Girl moves out of her parents house against their wishes. Gets a job in a dress shop, gets mixed up with dirty pictures and blackmail.
Arsène Lupin Returns
Gendarme (uncredited)
A woman and a man vying for a woman's affection: the usual love trio? Not quite so since the belle in question is Lorraine de Grissac, a very wealthy and alluring society woman, while one of the two rivals is none other than Arsène Lupin, the notorious jewel thief everybody thought dead, now living under the assumed name of René Farrand. As for the other suitor he is an American, a former F.B.I. sleuth turned private eye by the name of Steve Emerson. Steve not only suspects Farrand of being Lupin but when someone attempts to steal a precious emerald necklace from Lorraine's uncle, Count de Brissac, he is persuaded Lupin is the culprit. Is Emerson right or wrong? Which of the two men will win over Lorraine's heart?