Thayer Roberts

Thayer Roberts


Thayer Roberts


This Is Not a Test
Jacob Elliot Saunders
A highway patrolman stops motorists on a highway after he hears news reports of a possible nuclear attack.
Burden Of Truth
Hiram Pearson
Joe and Ella Mae Hamilton, having just moved into a new neighborhood, are confronted by an angry, jeering mob of whites outside their house. Joe thinks back on his life. According to press materials, the film's story was based on an idea "expressed by [United Steelworkers of America Union, distributor of the film] President David J. McDonald in a speech on civil rights given by him" in Los Angeles in September 1956.
Lady Godiva
William, Duke of Normandy
Lady Godiva se casó con Leofric, conde de Chester, hacia el año 1040. Según Roger de Wendower, cronista del siglo XIII, Godiva rogó a su marido que redujera los impuestos que abrumaban a los habitantes de Coventry. El conde accedió, pero con la condición de que su mujer atravesara desnuda las calles de la ciudad, cosa que hizo cubriéndose únicamente con su larga cabellera. Se cuenta también que la población, por respeto hacia ella, se encerró en sus casas para no mirarla. Sólo la vio un indiscreto que desde entonces fue llamado Peeping Tom, Tom el Fisgón.
Crimen perfecto
Detective (uncredited)
Tony Wendice maquina un plan para deshacerse de Margot, su esposa infiel. Pero la casualidad hará que sea a ella a quien finalmente acusen de asesinato. La inestimable ayuda de un inspector de policía ayudará a resolver el misterioso crimen.
Sky High
Maj. Catastrophe
When he is told that he is to spend three more years as a tailgunner, goofball GI Herbert Pumice thinks that a promotion--which he has little to no chance of getting--will get him out of the job he hates. He asks his girlfriend Sally, who owns the base café, for help. She goes to the base commander, Col. Baker--who she knows has a crush on her--to help out Herbert. Col. Baker schedules a promotion hearing for Herbert that Friday. He naturally fails it miserably, and then learns that Col. Baker is going out on a date with Sally. Meanwhile, the base military intelligence officer discovers that Herbert is a dead-ringer for the head of a spy ring intending to sabotage a new automated plane, and gets Herbert assigned to infiltrate the gang. Complications ensue.
Doble vida
Actor in "Othello"
Tony es una gran estrella del teatro. Britta, su pareja en los escenarios, lo fue también en la vida real aunque llevan divorciados más de dos años. En cuanto empiezan los ensayos de "Otelo", Tony vuelve a transformarse una vez más hasta perder su personalidad y adquirir la del celoso moro veneciano.
Jiggs and Maggie in Society
Henchman Pete
Maggi continues her forever-ever efforts to crash Manhattan's top society, while Jiggs still mingles with his old construction cronies at the bar of Dinty Moore on 10th Avenue.
The Chinese Ring
Captain James J. Kelso
Soon after a Chinese princess comes to the US to buy planes for her people, she is murdered by a poison dart fired by an air rifle.