Sound Re-Recording Mixer
This two-hour special dives into the minds of child killers, and tells the intense, personal stories of young murderers and their victims, with exclusive access to the families involved.
There are over 6,000 languages in the world. We lose one every two weeks. Hundreds will be lost within the next generation. By the end of this century, half of the world's languages will have vanished. Language Matters with Bob Holman is a two hour documentary that asks: What do we lose when a language dies? What does it take to save a language?
Dialogue Editor
Documental que explora el abuso y el tratamiento brutal de los elefantes. Muestra el entrenamiento de elefantes y el trauma psicológico y el daño físico causado por las condiciones de vida en algunos zoológicos y circos
Sound Editor
This was a very human account of the lives and deaths of Marie Antoinette and Louis the XVI focusing primarily on Marie. It is an account of their lives from birth to death and the circumstances leading to the downfall of the French monarchy.
Sound Editor
An undercover investigation of Martin Creek Kennel is carried out by the animal rights group Last Chance for Animals. The film documents the efforts of a young animal rights activist named "Pete" to both get hired by the Martin Creek Kennel and secure enough evidence to shut down owner C.C. Baird's violation-filled kennel.
ADR Recordist
¿Quién será el que vuela de noche en un avión Cessna de alas negras, aterriza en pequeños aeropuertos y asesina brutalmente a los residentes locales? Cuando el reportero Richard Dees empiece a seguir a este desconocido asesino, descubrirá pistas que revelarán que este piloto nocturno es un ser mucho más terrorífico de lo que nunca hubiera imaginado.
Foley Recordist
Largometraje de animación basado en la conocida serie de la cadena MTV, fue un gran éxito de taquilla en Estados Unidos. Cuando les roban su televisor, los jóvenes Beavis y Butthead se echan a la calle.