Rudy Thauberger


Independence Daysaster
Cuando la Tierra es atacada por una fuerza alienígena hostil, un pequeño bombero de la ciudad y un equipo científico de SETI Rogue trabajan para activar la única tecnología capaz de derrotar a los invasores.
12 catástrofes
Es víspera de Navidad cuando aparece una ominosa estrella oscura en el cielo; ¿sería esta estrella una señal de que el juicio final está cerca? Cuando enormes terremotos y desastres naturales destrozan ciudades, parece que es el día del juicio final sobre nosotros - y ahora una pequeña banda de héroes debe unirse para salvar el mundo!
Infierno en la nieve
Una bola de cristal mágica, cuando es sacudida, provoca desastres en el mundo real.
Chicago Heights
Nathan Walker is a young man living in Chicago Heights, Illinois, many miles south of downtown Chicago. He finds himself entwined every day in the lives of his neighbors. They're polite, friendly, down-to-earth people. But in any community, individuals have their own private passions that their neighbors will never know. Each has a dark secret, a disappointed dream, a fervent hope, a spirit-breaking fear. We accompany Nathan while he comes of age and observe with him as the layers fall away from this seemingly random array of ordinary people who, below their practiced, Christian surfaces, are extraordinarily human.
The Rhino Brothers
After a stint in the minor leagues, young hockey player Stefan Kanachowski (Curtis Bechdholt) returns to his tiny hometown to live with his girlfriend (Deanna Milligan) and hit the ice with his older brothers, Sasha (William McDonald) and Victor (Alistair Abell), who play for a local amateur team called the Rhinos. But even though no one wants to say it, they're all thinking the same thing: Has Stefan lost his shot at the big time?