Monta Bell

Nacimiento : 1891-02-05, Washington, District of Columbia, USA

Muerte : 1958-02-04


Guionista, montador cinematográfico y director de cine estadounidense, nacido en Washington DC. En el mundo de Monta Bell, una de las constantes temáticas que más llaman la atención por su repetición insistente se refiere a las mujeres como seres fuertes, dominantes, en algunos casos manipuladores; mientras que los hombres suelen ser débiles, sumisos y fundamentalmente pasivos. Sus protagonistas femeninas son las indudables heroínas, mientras que los personajes masculinos son a menudo antihéroes. Esto lo podemos ver de forma especialmente clara en sus dos primeras películas, Lady of the Night y Pretty Ladies, en las que encontramos sorprendentes similitudes. Sus protagonistas masculinos, no por ser fundamentalmente pasivos, carecen de talento. En Lady of the Night, Molly decide quitarse de en medio para que David pueda ser feliz junto a Florence, mientras que en Pretty Ladies, Maggey deberá asumir y perdonar la infidelidad de su marido. La revolución de Bell en los roles tradicionalmente aceptados del hombre y de la mujer alcanza su máxima expresión en After Midnight. La secuencia en la que Joe y Mary se conocen y él le “vende” a ella un trozo de plomo, símbolo evidente del miembro viril, representa toda una declaración de principios de este traspaso de poderes que puebla el imaginario de Bell. Y el uso que ella hace del falo como objeto que le confiere poder sobre él, no deja lugar a dudas. Dejando aparte la poco característica The King on Main Street, encontramos en Upstage un monumento aislado en la concepción de los roles de Bell, ya que en ella asistimos al único ejemplo de hombre que, a pesar de enamorarse de la chica, permanecerá firme en sus propósitos. La simulación y los disfraces constituyen un tema determinante en las películas de Bell, ya sean disfraces físicos o, por llamarlos de alguna manera, disfraces del alma. Entre los primeros, destaca su uso en momentos trascendentales de la vida de sus protagonistas. Por ejemplo, en Lights of Old Broadway, el rico y elegante Dirk se enamora de Fely justamente cuando, en la noche de las revueltas callejeras, se ve obligado, a instancias de ella, a disfrazarse con las ropas de un hombre pobre, para salir indemne de la batalla campal. En Man, Woman and Sin, el humilde Al se enamora de Vera la noche en que debe acompañarla a un baile de sociedad, y para ello, ha alquilado un frac. En el cine de Monta Bell no hay finales felices, ni tampoco finales desgraciados presentados de forma romántica. En sus películas, suele haber una constante en el enfoque hacia los momentos finales que se podría definir como “agridulce”. En general, los finales de Monta Bell son como despertares del sueño que han vivido sus personajes, a veces un despertar muy duro pero que les va a permitir negociar con la vida en términos más realistas.


El gran desfile de la comedia
(archive footage)
Una recopilación de los momentos más divertidos de las comedias MGM.
China's Little Devils
In this propaganda film, a courageous group of Chinese children risk their lives to assist downed American pilots escape the ruthless Japanese oppressors.
Horizontes salvajes
Una mujer que ha permanecido en una isla desierta desde que sus padres fueran asesinados por una manada de furiosos elefantes, es rescatada y llevada de nuevo a San Francisco, donde tiene que reclamar su herencia.
El nacimiento del blues
Jeff crece cerca de Basin Street, en Nueva Orleans, tocando el clarinete en el muelle de estibadores. Forma una banda, La Basin Street Hot-Shots, que incluye a Memphis, un trompetista. Sufren para que su música jazz sea aceptada en los cafés de la ciudad. Betty Lou, una cantante, se une a la banda y consigue conciertos para ésta. Jeff y Memphis se enamoran de Betty Lou.
Un joven nativo de los Mares del Sur es enviado a EE UU para su educación, regresará a su isla después de que su padre muera para tratar de detener una revolución.
Nido de águilas
Un sargento del ejército anima a su hijo en convertirse en aviador de la escuela de West Point.
Student Tour
A philosophy professor accompanies his school's rowing team on a worldwide tour.
Hombres de blanco
Un joven médico (Clark Gable), que vive absolutamente entregado a sus pacientes, tiene una novia que no logra entender que ponga a los enfermos por encima de cualquier clase de diversión. Las desavenencias entre ambos llegan al límite cuando él conoce a una bella enfermera que comparte su pasión por la medicina.
The Worst Woman in Paris?
Tired of being tired and scandalized in gossip columns, she leaves Menjou for a trip to the US. Barely surviving a Midwest train wreck, she becomes a local hero after injuring herself while saving a baby's life. While recovering at the home of the headmaster of a boy's school and his family, her veneer of oversophistications melts away and she finds herself fancying the small town life.
The Worst Woman in Paris?
Tired of being tired and scandalized in gossip columns, she leaves Menjou for a trip to the US. Barely surviving a Midwest train wreck, she becomes a local hero after injuring herself while saving a baby's life. While recovering at the home of the headmaster of a boy's school and his family, her veneer of oversophistications melts away and she finds herself fancying the small town life.
Los de abajo
A partir de una historia escrita por él mismo, John Gilbert interpreta a Karl, un chófer despreocupadamente amoral, cuya avaricia y lujuria amenazan con alterar el orden establecido en las propiedades del barón para el que entra a trabajar. Confiando en su atractivo, intentará seducir a la baronesa, la doncella y la cocinera. (FA)
Los de abajo
A partir de una historia escrita por él mismo, John Gilbert interpreta a Karl, un chófer despreocupadamente amoral, cuya avaricia y lujuria amenazan con alterar el orden establecido en las propiedades del barón para el que entra a trabajar. Confiando en su atractivo, intentará seducir a la baronesa, la doncella y la cocinera. (FA)
Personal Maid
Nora Ryan, a poor Irish girl, living in New York decides to change her life by working as a personal maid for the wealthy, Gary family.
Up for Murder
Young reporter accidentially kills his newspaper's editor in a fight over the publisher's mistress, who is also the paper's society editor.
Up for Murder
Young reporter accidentially kills his newspaper's editor in a fight over the publisher's mistress, who is also the paper's society editor.
Up for Murder
Young reporter accidentially kills his newspaper's editor in a fight over the publisher's mistress, who is also the paper's society editor.
East Is West
Ming Toy is on the auction block in China. She is saved by Billy and taken to San Francisco by Lo Sang Kee. To save her from deportation she is sold to Charlie Yong, the Chop Suey King. Billy kidnaps her with plans of marriage.
Zeigfeld Follies beauty Peggy marries an older man, C. Morton Gibson. Although she soon grows tired of their sedate life, she refuses the attentions of her longtime friend, the volatile sculptor Ralph Le Saint. When pianist Paul Lockridge arrives from Paris, he begs Peggy to run away with him to France, where they can share adventure and a full life -- but complications arise for Peggy when Gibson's attractive daughter visits.
The Big Pond
A singing Frenchman meets an American heiress and gets a job at her father's chewing-gum factory.
Young Man of Manhattan
Two flappers try to get their newspaper reporter boyfriends to pay attention to them.
Young Man of Manhattan
Two flappers try to get their newspaper reporter boyfriends to pay attention to them.
Behind the Make-Up
Gardoni, a down-on-his-luck vaudeville performer, is taken in by a fellow performer, a clown who has a bicycle riding act. Gardoni shows his appreciation by stealing the clown's act and his girlfriend, whom he marries.
The Battle of Paris
Gertrude Lawrence plays a singer in Paris during World War I. After stealing from Tony (Walter Petrie), an American artist, the two fall in love.
This early example of the "backstage" musical genre tells the story of Kitty Darling, a fading burlesque star who tries to save her convent-educated daughter April from following in Mom's footsteps.
The Letter
A planter's wife shoots a neighbor, but tells conflicting stories of what happened.
The Letter
A planter's wife shoots a neighbor, but tells conflicting stories of what happened.
The Letter
A planter's wife shoots a neighbor, but tells conflicting stories of what happened.
The Bellamy Trial
The Bellamy Trial is a 1929 American drama film directed by Monta Bell and written by Monta Bell and Joseph Farnham.
The Bellamy Trial
The Bellamy Trial is a 1929 American drama film directed by Monta Bell and written by Monta Bell and Joseph Farnham.
Man, Woman and Sin
A young man takes a succession of odd jobs in order to save enough money to buy he and his mother a house. He lands a position in a newspaper office and falls in love with the beautiful society editor, who is secretly having an affair with the married managing editor. She returns the young man's affections in order to make her lover jealous, but finds herself falling for him.
Man, Woman and Sin
A young man takes a succession of odd jobs in order to save enough money to buy he and his mother a house. He lands a position in a newspaper office and falls in love with the beautiful society editor, who is secretly having an affair with the married managing editor. She returns the young man's affections in order to make her lover jealous, but finds herself falling for him.
After Midnight
When Joe, a hold-up man, tries to rob Mary, a nightclub hostess, she winds winds up knocking him out. She takes pity on him, however, and nurses him back to health. He decides to go straight and marry her. Mary buys a $1000 Liberty Bond as an investment, while Joe saves up and buys a taxi to start his own business. Then Maisie, Mary's wild and money-crazy sister, shows up, which leads to tragedy.
After Midnight
When Joe, a hold-up man, tries to rob Mary, a nightclub hostess, she winds winds up knocking him out. She takes pity on him, however, and nurses him back to health. He decides to go straight and marry her. Mary buys a $1000 Liberty Bond as an investment, while Joe saves up and buys a taxi to start his own business. Then Maisie, Mary's wild and money-crazy sister, shows up, which leads to tragedy.
The Popular Sin
Philandering husband George Montfort purchases railroad tickets for a weekend tryst in the mountains with his latest paramour. When his wife Yvonne finds the tickets, George hastily explains that they were bought as an anniversary present for her. Yvonne doesn't believe George, but she decides to use her ticket anyway, while George remains behind in Paris on "business."
Dolly Havens, a small-town girl with big-town ambitions that are larger than her talents, hooks up with Johnny Storm, a vaudeville performer, whose talents make the act a success. Dolly, thinking she is the reason, meets a handsome leading man and joins up with him but, before long, he discovers 'she ain't a trouper' and she is soon performing with 4th-class acts in Tank Town America
A young girl and her father are kicked out of their house by a cruel noblewoman, and the girl's heart is broken when her sweetheart, the noblewoman's son, won't go to Paris with them. After becoming an opera star in Paris, the girl returns to her homeland and finds her romance with the nobleman rekindled.
A young girl and her father are kicked out of their house by a cruel noblewoman, and the girl's heart is broken when her sweetheart, the noblewoman's son, won't go to Paris with them. After becoming an opera star in Paris, the girl returns to her homeland and finds her romance with the nobleman rekindled.
The Boy Friend
A young man uses tips from an absurd book to woo a woman he fancies.
Lights of Old Broadway
Adapted from the play The Merry Wives of Gotham, twin sisters are separated at birth - one of them becomes a society girl in New York, the other lives in the Irish slums.
Lights of Old Broadway
Adapted from the play The Merry Wives of Gotham, twin sisters are separated at birth - one of them becomes a society girl in New York, the other lives in the Irish slums.
The King On Main Street
A European Ruler falls in love with an American.
The King On Main Street
A European Ruler falls in love with an American.
El jazz-Band del Follies
Maggie es la primera actriz cómica del Follies, que anhela el tipo de relaciones románticas de sus más agraciadas compañeras de trabajo. Maggie, a resultas de caer en el tambor del batería de la orquesta, Al Cassidy, se enamora de éste. Se casan y tienen un hijo. Pero Selma Larson, una de las más guapas estrellas del Follies, se entrometerá en el matrimonio con el único fin de perjudicar a Maggie, ya que está celosa de ella por el éxito cómico de sus números...
1925 Studio Tour
A tour of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio in 1925 shows the people who make the movies there, and gives viewers a glimpse at how movies are made.
Lady of the Night
The story of two baby girls, born near in proximity, but worlds apart in life: Molly Helmer, the daughter of a thief, and Florence Banning, the daughter of the judge who would send Molly's father to prison. The girls' lives come together as young women at eighteen as Florence leaves the security of the exclusive Girls Select School, and Molly, now orphaned, begins her life free from reform school.
El vanidoso
Dos maestros de escuela, casados por amor, están separados por el deseo obsesivo del marido por la riqueza y la posición social.
Broadway After Dark
Ralph Norton, man-about-town and wealthy favorite in Broadway society circles, is attracted to Helen Tremaine, but her flirtatious behavior causes him to reject the superficial life of his set.
How to Educate a Wife
Business failure Ernest Todd is advised by his friend, Billy Breese, to enlist his wife's charms as a means of winning customers.
Una mujer de París
Melodrama que denuncia la hipocresía y los prejuicios morales de la sociedad a través de la historia de Marie St. Clair, un sencilla joven de un pequeño pueblo francés enamorada de un pintor.
Charlot aventurero
Man (uncredited)
El audaz convicto no. 23, conocido como la Anguila, se escapa de prisión y, después de burlar a sus ineptos perseguidores, salva la vida de tres personas en peligro: una hermosa chica, su madre y un pretendiente molesto, solo para agotarse y acabar casi ahogado. Una vez que ha recuperado sus fuerzas en casa del juez Brown, participa en una fiesta de clase alta donde compite con el pretendiente por el favor de la encantadora señorita Brown. Pero los guardias de la prisión siguen tras él.