Shigeo Minakami


"Drop" tells the story of a boy named Hiroshi Shinanogawa, who grew up in the 1980s. He became inspired by the Be-Bop High School manga and decided to become a delinquent. Hiroshi dropped out of a private middle school and transferred to a public school There he joins up with a delinquent gang.
First Love
In the chaotic days of the 1960s, Misuzu, a lonely high school girl from a troubled family, finds sanctuary with her nihilistic brother, Ryo, and his friends. They pass their days hanging around a shadowy jazz cafe bar, indulging themselves in a life of sex, drugs and alcohol.
El policía Takabe investiga unos extraños asesinatos. Las víctimas aparecen con una herida de arma blanca en forma de "x" y los culpables son personas totalmente normales sin ningun motivo para haber cometido el asesinato. Takabe empieza a sospechar que algo está influenciando a la gente para matar.