Film about the Bahian singer dives into the moment when shy Gracinha becomes Gal Costa, during the violent, innovative and mind-blowing years that helped shape Brazil's greatest singer.
The interlocking stories of two Lakota boys growing up on Pine Ridge Reservation. At 23, Bill just wants to make something of himself. Meanwhile, 12-year-old Matho can’t wait to become a man. Bound by their shared search for belonging, each of the boys grapple with identity, family, and loss, as they navigate their unique paths to manhood.
Marina Lenk is an experienced Ornamental Jumping athlete. However, an attack of Tinnitus — an unbearable ringing sound in the ears — drags her from the top of her game to the edge of madness.
Cabra, un adolescente que vive en la Quebrada de Humahuaca, cerca de la frontera con Bolivia, y que tiene un gran sueño: ser bailarín profesional de Malambo, danza folklórica mestiza que incluye movimientos combinados llamados zapateos y cuyos pasos imitan el trote de los caballos.
En un futuro cercano. El pueblo de Bacurau llora la muerte de su matriarca Carmelita, que falleció a los 94 años. Algunos días más tarde, los habitantes se dan cuenta de que el pueblo está siendo borrado del mapa...
In the sports court of a school, dancers rehearse under the watchful eye of a choreographer. Tensions haunt personal desires as they are observed by a rival troupe.
En el Brasil de 2027, donde las raves celebran el amor celestial y las consultas espirituales se han convertido en norma, Joana mantiene su relación con Dios como el aspecto más importante de su vida. Utiliza su trabajo como notaria para que las parejas que soliciten el divorcio reconsideren su posición, además de participar como miembro en un grupo poco convencional de religiosos que la ayudan a mantener su matrimonio a flote. Aunque tanto ella como su marido tienen problemas para lograr traer un niño al mundo, el esfuerzo que conlleva esta tarea les acercará aún más a la gracia de Dios.
Tayra and I grew up on a beach in the north east of Brazil. We were inseparable. The sea breeze brings me back happy memories.
Miguel —alias Tibars, alias “Djon África,” born and raised in Portugal— is a kindhearted Rastafarian who loves women and lives a carefree life. Until one day a stranger tells him he's the spitting image of his father, “a player and a crook.” His father, whom he never even knew! This intriguing discovery makes him change tack. Particularly when his grandmother, who always took care of him, finally tells him how his father was in prison; how sad Miguel was as a toddler when he couldn't see him; how his father was banished to Cape Verde. Miguel goes there to visit him. Who is this man?
Un caluroso fin de semana de verano en Buenos Aires. Jorge y Mabel pasan sus últimas horas juntos como pareja en la casa familiar que ya se ha vendido.
Brazil. Historically Pernambuco state in the country’s northeast was characterised agriculturally by the sugarcane industry. Today there is a new sector in the economy: various evangelical Christian groups are on the rise. The mantra of the evangelicals, who have gained an ever-increasing influence in Brazilian society over the past years, is the attainment of improvements in one’s personal and economic situations through adherence to an extreme religious practice. In Brazil the evangelicals have established themselves as a growing political power over the past years. They control segments of the media and preach hate and intolerance towards homosexuality and other creeds. HOLY TREMOR focuses on a young generation of priests, producers and singers who hail from a rural area and make gospel music. Wagner and de Burca take into account the environment of the protagonists in order to make ethics, morality and life visible in an aesthetic agglomeration.
Clara, una ex-crítica musical de Recife de 65 años, vive retirada en un edificio particular, el Aquarius, construido en la década de 1940 sobre la chic Avenida Boa Viagem, que bordea el océano. Un importante promotor ha comprado todos los apartamentos, pero ella se niega a vender el suyo y emprende una guerra fría contra la empresa que la acosa. La estresante situación le perturba y le lleva a pensar en su vida, en su pasado, en sus seres queridos.
Iremar trabaja en las Vaquejadas, el tradicional rodeo del noroeste de Brasil. Su casa es el camión que transporta los animales de uno a otro show y que comparte con sus compañeros: su compadre, Zé, Galega, una bailarina exótica y conductora de camiones, y su alegre hija Cacá. Pero el país está cambiando y la creciente industria textil de la región infunde nuevas ambiciones en Iremar, que empieza a soñar con el diseño de moda.
In four acts, dancers combine steps of frevo, a traditional Carnival dance of Pernambuco State (Brazil), with others typical of contemporary rhythms like funk, swingueira, electro, and vogue.
A photographer travels to São Paulo for his first solo exhibition and decides to stay in his now married, ex-girlfriend’s house.
La llegada a un pueblo costero brasileño de un investigador que registra los vientos alisios y un sorprendente descubrimiento arrastran a Shirley y a Jason a un viaje que los obliga a afrontar el duelo entre la vida y la muerte, la memoria y el olvido, el viento y el mar. (FILMAFFINITY)
La historia de una niña de 12 años, que es abandonada por sus padres junto a su hermano mayor en medio de una ruta luego de una pelea. Al poco tiempo ella quedará sola y empezará a vagar por zonas de su país y entrará en contacto con otra gente (ella pertenece a la clase alta de Recife) en un imprevisible y fascinante viaje de (auto)descubrimiento.
Seven adolescents take on the mission of filming, for one week, their family's housemaids and hand over the footage to the director to make a film. The images that confront us uncover the complex relationship that exists between housemaids and their employers, a relationship that confuses intimacy and power in the workplace and provides us with an insight into the echoes of a colonial past that linger in contemporary Brazil.
Rodrigo is a young deaf man from Recife, northeast Brazil who works installing car stereos in a small dealership on the outskirts of town. Despite his deafness, sound penetrates his day to day life and he harnesses its vibrations, allowing it to pulse through his veins.
In an inhospitable place, a boy and his family struggle for survival.