Stariji gospodin
The Glembays of Zagreb are a rich family cursed with tragedies and haunted by sinister past. Leone Glembay, a rebelious son of the family patriarch, is becoming disgusted with hypocrisy, perversion and crime that runs in the family.
Melkior Tresic is one of many intellectuals in 1941 Zagreb who is helplessly waiting for the encroaching war.
En la primera parte de su trilogía bélica, Zafranovic cuenta la historia de la distinta evolución ideológica y moral de tres jóvenes amigos y la hermana de uno de ellos durante el auge del fascismo, ya a las puertas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Película extremadamente cruda en algunos de sus pasajes (que recrean el terrorismo y crímenes de la Ustacha), lírica en otros, de narrativa enérgica, que plantea un profundo dilema moral y constituye un gran fresco de la sociedad croata en aquellos convulsos años. (FILMAFFINITY)
Bajin otac
The action takes place in a village where police investigates a murder committed because of an accordion.
A young married woman Jelena finds about her husband's car accident from an unknown stranger named Vlatko, but also that he wants to be visited by his mistress rather than her. The encounter with her father, an ex-politician, will be another shock, but that's when she accepts Vlatko's courtship without being able to see his self-interested nature.
Gospon Jurak
Dos jóvenes administrativos, remeros amateur, viven sus vidas cotidianas, tratando de exprimirle a la vida más emociones y placeres. El más introvertido y sensible de los dos se enamorará de una atractiva mujer...
Every Sunday, lonely bachelor and refined judge Mladen goes to play chess with his friend, sculptor Fedji. Slowly, he engages in a love affair with Neda, Fedia's wife, and almost invisibly, a love triangle forms. Chess board is the central part of the film, as moves on the board reflect emotions of the characters.
Segment "Duga ulica" (A Long Street): A young man named Boris and a girl, Vera, live in the same neighborhood. They meet one night when she loses her key. Boris invites her to spend the night at his place; Segment "Čekati" (To Wait): Married students, Ivan and Sonja, live in an old woman's apartment. She is sick and the couple hopes that she will die soon, so that they may inherit her apartment; Segment "Poslije predstave" (After the Play): A husband and a wife lose the key to their apartment and have to spend the night in a hotel. The experience is wonderful and renews their feelings for each other, if only for a night.
Vitez Senilan
The adaptation of Hans Cristian Andersen's tale filmed on a white background. It is also the first Croatian movie in color.
Grand Visir
Maciste (o Sansón, según el doblaje) viaja a Egipto, donde dirige una rebelión contra una reina malvada.
Stariji gosopodin iz restorana
The story about colonization of poor Dalmatian peasants to the fertile Pannonian plain shortly after WWII.
Boris Buzančić plays an idealistic young doctor who is assigned a nearly deserted village. The backwards residents at first resent Buzančić's new-fangled methods. Gradually, he proves his worth and wins their confidence. The clincher comes when Buzančić rids the community of a despotic villain.
Rosalie is young and pretty maid on the farm of the winemaker Jacob. She becomes pregnant with the servant Marko, who disappears with a gypsy singer, leaving Rosalie alone in her awkward situation.
Celebrating the end of World War II and liberation of their city, a group of students is set on holding a cultural evening. They invite Ema, a reclusive piano teacher from the same building, to play for them. Ema declines, but starts reminscing back on her own life and the historical events that have seemingly overshadowed it.
kníže Clemens Wenzel Metternich
Year of the Revolution 1848
Basada en la novela de Karel Capek, el destacado escritor checo de principios del siglo XX que acuñó la palabra robot para su obra R.U.R., la historia gira en torno al descubrimiento de Krakatit -un poderoso explosivo- por parte de Prokop, un científico experimental que, tras un explosión accidental en su laboratorio, entra y sale del delirio. Cuando se da cuenta de que, en un período delirante, le ha dado la fórmula para hacer Krakatit a uno de sus colegas, intenta encontrar al hombre, quien no se da cuenta de lo peligroso que es Krakatit. En el proceso, casi vuelve a revelar su descubrimiento a intereses extranjeros, a un grupo de anarquistas y a fuerzas de la oscuridad aún mayores...
maestro Bondini
Rudolf Linhart
Venice Film Festival 1940
Small stories from a grammar school.Děj je poskládán z celé řady epizod, které během jednoho školního roku prožívají septimáni. Jejich pojítkem je příběh profesora přírodopisu Matulky, starého mládence a věčného suplenta, který si z přehnané svědomitosti ani v pokročilém věku netroufá složit tu poslední státnici. Stále se mu totiž zdá, že ještě něco nezná, a tak by snad bez diplomu odešel i do penze. Naštěstí jsou tu jeho studenti, kteří sice dávají dobráckému učiteli pěkně zabrat, ale po nezodpovědné klukovině s bouchacími kuličkami, kdy se Matulkovi udělá špatně, se kluci vzpamatují a s pomocí mladého profesora, někdejšího Matulkova žáka, připraví šlechetnou lest. Pod záminkou nákupu k doplnění školní entymologické sbírky je vylákán ke zkoušce u laskavého profesora Vondráka. (oficiální text distributora)
Venice Film Festival 1939
Lee Prentice
When the yacht of her former lover Mario Tudor arrives in Split, widowed Countess de Milesi, plagued by financial troubles, is hell-bent on selling him a fake copy of an expensive painting.
A morally questionable lord comes to the aid of a working class man who is to be executed for speaking out about thieving rich scoundrels sticking it to the poor.
A dashing but mysterious man saves a gambler from suicide, crashes the posh party of a prominent industrialist, falls in love with his daughter, and finds himself in a web of intrigue revolving around her blackmailing fiance and a gang of counterfeiters.
Dr. Martin Braun
MUDr. Vaněk
MUDr. Richard Rybiak, Hanin manžel
Venice Film Festival 1937
Milan Rastislav Štefánik
On the coast of Yugoslavia lives fisherman Ivo Kralj, his wife Marie, son Vuk, and Ivo's mother in one happy home. Marie, who loves her husband and always looks forward to his return from sea, attracts Nikola, with whom Ivo, out of jealousy, has a scuffle at a dance. After the outbreak of World War I Ivo is mobilized. He ends up in a P.O.W. camp where he is subjected to hard labour. His family then receives news of his death. The years pass and the lonely widow Marie is occasionally visited by her friend Nikola. Ivo's mother would like her to remarry. Soon after the wedding Marie becomes pregnant. Ivo, who has been thought dead, succeeds in escaping the P.O.W. camp where he has spent several years. Upon his arrival home he finds his name on a memorial erected to the victims of the war...
A man and a woman meet on the streetcar. Six years ago, they were close . . .
A Milk-Cannery baron, Jakub Simonides, is broken by the Canned Milk-Trust and, in his wanderings with a worker, Filip Kornet, he discovers he still owns a half-finished apartment-house. They rally the workers and complete the building for use as a collectivist dairy. The cooperative flourishes and after a chase/pursuit with the police, pratfalls, slapstick and various crashes, the workers buy out the Milk-Trust.
Woman concert star seeks to connect with her adult daughter, by her former marriage to a staid industrialist who has kept the two apart since the girl was very small, and receives inadvertent help from the industrialist's just-fired employee who has fallen in love with the girl.
Ervín Herold
Eva se acaba de casar con un señor mayor, pero descubre que está obsesionado con el orden en su vida y que no tiene mucho espacio para la pasión. Ella se desanima y lo abandona, volviendo a la casa de su padre. Un día, mientras se baña en el lago, conoce a un joven y se enamoran. El marido se ha afligido por la pérdida de su joven esposa, y el destino lo une al joven amante que le ha arrebatado a Eva.
Royal Officer
The Portorican prime minister asks British detective Sherlock Holmes to find a twin for King Fernando XXIII, a weak and frightened man who fears anarchists and does not want to show himself in public. Holmes finds in the Czech newspapers a photo of the perfect double, František Lelíček, a daring bon vivant drowned in debt, so when Holmes offers him money, Lelíček decides to travel to Portorico and play the role.
Life and drama in a gypsy camp with the groups young lady falling in love with an outsider.