Silvana Bezzola Rigolini


Flavio Paolucci. From Guelmim to Biasca
In 2022, an exhibition on the Swiss painter-sculptor Flavio Paolucci was planned in a German museum. The museum had reserved a white wall on which the artist was to create a work. Everything was ready, but the pandemic prevented the 88-year-old artist from travelling. So Flavio Paolucci had the idea of creating this mural in his studio and then destroying it.
Radical Landscapes
When filmmaker Elettra Fiumi inherited her father Fabrizio Fiumi’s archives, she discovered a man she knew nothing about. Fabrizio, along with the group of radical architects called 9999, imagined architectural innovations and anticipated a future that is still forthcoming. He was also founder of the Florence Film Festival. In coming to know her father, Fiumi unveils a visionary genius we don’t know enough about.
Il sergente dell'altopiano, la storia di Mario Rigoni Stern
Amando a Highsmith
Commissioning Editor
Basada en los escritos personales de Patricia Highsmith y en los relatos de su familia y sus amantes, la película arroja nueva luz sobre la vida y la obra de la famosa escritora de novelas de suspense, impregnada de temas relacionados con el amor y su influencia decisiva en la identidad.
Hugo in Argentina
A promising Italian cartoonist lands in Buenos Aires in 1950, with the dream of reaching the United States, to discover that, for him, America will be Argentina. The country immediately overwhelms him with its massive economic boom and a cultural scene among the most vibrant in the world. We are at the dawn of Argentina's most delirious decade, and the young immigrant feels that the vast promise of this country is within his grasp. His name will indeed make itself known: Hugo Pratt.
Solo una niña
Poema visual creado por más de 20 directores de animación bajo la supervisión artística de Simone Giampaolo, que da forma y color a las palabras originales pronunciadas por Severn Suzuki en la Cumbre de la ONU en Río en 1992. Un desesperado llamado a la acción de un niño para el futuro de nuestro planeta.
Daniel Kemény returns twenty years later to the place of his childhood, the village of Pietrapaola in Calabria. In search of lost time, the filmmaker collects musical accounts, brings together their protagonists and gives these memories a new life, thus playing the generous transmitter who helps keep alive the oral history of a world whose popular traditions are dying off.
Paul Nizon: Der Nagel im Kopf
The film tells of the radical life-search by the Swiss writer Paul Nizon, born 1929 in Bern, Switzerland, who became what “he was meant to be” in Paris. Now 90-year-old, Paul Nizon grants insights into his life and work in a self-ironic, direct manner. The intimate portrait of a great literary outsider emerges, for whom the risk of life and the risk of writing merge into one and the same work of art.
Isole d'istanti
Las hermanas de Rocinante
The outbreak of the economic crisis in Spain led thousands of horses (a symbol of prestige in the years of plenty for nouveau-riches) to be abandoned by their owners. On the southeastern coast of Spain, a 45-year-old British woman, aided by her volunteer helpers, has set up a rescue farm; a modern-day Noah’s Arc that offers refuge and healing to undernourished and tortured horses (and other animals). A humble yet noble tale of perseverance and endurance and a parable for our times, which applies to people as well: once our shine comes off, society deems us redundant.
Libellula gentile. Fabio Pusterla, il lavoro del poeta
A film about the Swiss Italian poet Fabio Pusterla and his creative poetic process, his struggle to find an honest language, one which adheres to the personal experience and is able to unfold a hidden truth that creates a strong and profound bond with the other, with his public.
Oltre il confine - La storia di Ettore Castiglioni
Per altri occhi
Impaired vision-friendly documentary about blindness.
La historia del LSD
Commissioning Editor
El 16 de abril de 1943 en Suiza, el químico Albert Hofmann se encontraba trabajando en su laboratorio de ciencias naturales cuando se topó con algo completamente nuevo, la dietilamida de ácido lisérgico, el LSD. Tres días más tarde, el científico decidió experimentar consigo mismo, primero con dosis muy pequeñas. La sustancia resultó ser mucho más fuerte que cualquier cosa conocida por la ciencia. Su experimento se convirtió en un viaje hacia lo desconocido. Sus efectos no tardaron en despertar el interés de los psiquiatras de todo el mundo para tratar enfermedades como la esquizofrenia y otras psicosis.