Necmettin Çobanoğlu
Nacimiento : 1953-03-01, Refahiye, Erzincan, Turkey
Arap Ali
Elif Ana is a wise woman who foresaw the future. Even when he was a child, he ran away from home and lived in the mountains and caves for days. In Alevism, "maternal-grandfatherhood" is transferred by blood ties, but Elif Ana is a person who has taken the title of "maternity" even though she is not from her family tree. He is someone who does good to everyone throughout his life. So much so that he is called the good angel around him. He runs to Elif Ana, who is in trouble, has a disease, is in trouble, and has no children. Elif Ana also heals them. However, this woman who does good to everyone sees the worst evil in the world at the end of her life.
A nomad family migrates with their camels and goats when summer and winter turn. Balanced between traditional and modern lifestyles, migration season comes. What do they see ahead?
Being at death’s door, Seristan, an old woman in her eighties, wants her son to take her back to her homeland, with the last wish to be buried there. Her son, Mirza, is determined to keep his promise no matter what happens, thereby revealing an inconvenient truth about the roots of the family.
Ozan, who is studying at the university, goes to his village after the death of his grandmother. In the village, he learns a lot about the past of his father, whom he is angry with. But he also chooses to run away from reality.
Dilber lives with her family in a very poor eastern village, her only dream is to marry her childhood lover, Ali. But when she finds out that it won't happen because of a reason that she can't get away with, she gets crazy and lock herself up in her family's barn. Then she makes everybody knows that she'll marry the first guy who proposes and won't leave the barn till that happens. One day, a limping man comes to the village. He's alone and has heard that there's a girl in that village who's ready to marry him.
A través de la historia de Mustafa y su mujer, evoca la historia de muchos turcos aquellos días aciagos después de la asonada en 1980: 650 mil fueron llevados a dependencias policiales y la mayoría de ellos torturados. Analiza también el porqué de la súbita extinción de gran parte del movimiento de izquierdas y el trauma causado.
Zeki's father
Two young Kurdish refugees, recently arrived in Germany struggle to make their way through the harshness of the occidental city. Their encounter with a gang of Turks will rapidly led them into an inevitable tragical spiral filled with death and revenge.
The story of a man who believes he's been presented with a new life where he witnesses his son's resurrection.
In the metropolitan city of Hamburg, illegal immigrant Chernor, an openly gay African youth with blond hair, makes his money by dealing drugs and dreams of one day living in Australia. Baran, meanwhile, is a Kurdish bicycle delivery boy living in constant fear of deportation, who keeps his past in a video camera. The two form a bond when they meet, and their shared struggles to survive soon develop into a relationship that is threatened when Baran loses his job.
Directed by Yilmaz Arslan.
Haydar Sener
Inspirado por las historias de prosperidad de turcos en Suiza, Haydar convence a su mujer para emigrar de forma ilegal a Suiza. Venden sus pertenencias y un pequeño terreno a cambio de un pasaje, y emprenden viaje junto a uno de sus hijos, dejando a los otros seis en Turquía al cuidado de los abuelos. En el transcurso del viaje tendrán que enfrentarse a todo tipo de humillaciones y a la discriminación por su origen.
Three villagers, four soldiers and a journalist woman traveling through the snow.
Una prisión en Turquía. Cinco prisioneros reciben permiso para viajar a sus casas durante una semana. Los difíciles viajes para llegar hasta sus familias nos conducen a las regiones más alejadas de Turquía. Cada uno de ellos tiene sus propios problemas, preocupaciones y nostalgias. Rigurosas leyes, escritas y no escritas, y un sistema brutal son una carga que pesa sobre ellos. Sufren violencia y ejercen violencia. Las vacaciones, comenzadas con esperanza, terminan con dolor.