Necmettin Çobanoğlu

Necmettin Çobanoğlu

Nascimento : 1953-03-01, Refahiye, Erzincan, Turkey


Necmettin Çobanoğlu


Elif Ana
Arap Ali
Elif Ana is a wise woman who foresaw the future. Even when he was a child, he ran away from home and lived in the mountains and caves for days. In Alevism, "maternal-grandfatherhood" is transferred by blood ties, but Elif Ana is a person who has taken the title of "maternity" even though she is not from her family tree. He is someone who does good to everyone throughout his life. So much so that he is called the good angel around him. He runs to Elif Ana, who is in trouble, has a disease, is in trouble, and has no children. Elif Ana also heals them. However, this woman who does good to everyone sees the worst evil in the world at the end of her life.
The Last Birds of Passage
A nomad family migrates with their camels and goats when summer and winter turn. Balanced between traditional and modern lifestyles, migration season comes. What do they see ahead?
The Trace
Being at death’s door, Seristan, an old woman in her eighties, wants her son to take her back to her homeland, with the last wish to be buried there. Her son, Mirza, is determined to keep his promise no matter what happens, thereby revealing an inconvenient truth about the roots of the family.
Open Wound
Ozan, who is studying at the university, goes to his village after the death of his grandmother. In the village, he learns a lot about the past of his father, whom he is angry with. But he also chooses to run away from reality.
Dilber'in Sekiz Günü
Dilber lives with her family in a very poor eastern village, her only dream is to marry her childhood lover, Ali. But when she finds out that it won't happen because of a reason that she can't get away with, she gets crazy and lock herself up in her family's barn. Then she makes everybody knows that she'll marry the first guy who proposes and won't leave the barn till that happens. One day, a limping man comes to the village. He's alone and has heard that there's a girl in that village who's ready to marry him.
Kanımdaki Barut
Zeynep'in Sekiz Günü
Eve Dönüş
September 1980. Mustafa 'Mehmet Ali Alabora' and his wife, who're both laborers are married for 5 years. The couple has nothing to do with politics and spend their days happily with their 3 year old daughter and their TV, despite the clamor of guns clashing outside every night. One Friday morning, they wake up and hear the voice of Hasan Mutlucan on radio and observe soldiers marching through the streets, the very confirmation of the military coup that has taken place. Arrests begin instantly in workplace and neighborhood. Yet Mustafa, far from being disturbed, assumes that all apprehensions must have rightful reasons. Until the night he's taken into custody, charged with the crimes of a militant code named "Sehmuz".
Brutalidade Sem Limites
Zeki's father
Azad é um jovem Curdo, que deixa sua casa e família na sua terra natal para juntar-se a seu irmão na Europa. Assim que Azad chega na Alemanha, ele conhece no asilo em que mora o pequeno Ibo, um jovem órfão também refugiado na Europa. Nasce uma forte amizade entre os dois, até eles terem problemas com dois maldosos irmãos turcos, que estão dispostos a usar a violência para delimitar seu território na cruel sociedade alemã em que vivem.
The story of a man who believes he's been presented with a new life where he witnesses his son's resurrection.
A Little Bit of Freedom
In the metropolitan city of Hamburg, illegal immigrant Chernor, an openly gay African youth with blond hair, makes his money by dealing drugs and dreams of one day living in Australia. Baran, meanwhile, is a Kurdish bicycle delivery boy living in constant fear of deportation, who keeps his past in a video camera. The two form a bond when they meet, and their shared struggles to survive soon develop into a relationship that is threatened when Baran loses his job.
The Wound
Directed by Yilmaz Arslan.
A Viagem da Esperança
Haydar Sener
Num vilarejo paupérrimo do interior da Turquia, as histórias de sucesso econômico de turcos que foram viver na Suíça inspiram Haydar a fazer o mesmo. Ele convence a mulher, Meryem, e assim vende o pouco que tem para poder comprar as passagens. Mas ele deverá deixar com parentes seus sete filhos. O pai de Haydar, no entanto, diz ao filho que ele precisa levar ao menos uma das crianças para estudar na Europa. Eles embarcam e tudo parece seguir tranquilamente. Mas durante a viagem eles são enganados por um homem que se diz guia, são abandonados nos Alpes e Haydar e o filho ainda se perdem de Meryem.
Three villagers, four soldiers and a journalist woman traveling through the snow.
O Caminho
Um retrato sem retoques da Turquia, seu povo e autoridades, mostrado a partir das histórias de cinco prisioneiros postos em liberdade há apenas uma semana e suas dificuldades de adaptação ao mundo exterior.