Craig Mitchell


El caso Wells
El trabajo de Errol Babbage (Richard Gere) consiste en vigilar a los delincuentes acusados de delitos sexuales que han salido de la cárcel. Como se toma el trabajo demasiado en serio, sus jefes deciden jubilarlo. Allison, su sustituta, una joven de 27 años, tendrá que pasar unas semanas con él para que le enseñe el oficio. Un día, Harriet Wells, una chica de 17 años, desaparece sin dejar rastro, y Errol está seguro de que uno de sus "chicos" es el responsable. A pesar de que la policía no quiere que intervenga en el caso, Allison decidirá colaborar con él en la búsqueda del culpable. Durante la investigación, encontrarán toda clase de pistas, muchas de ellas falsas; además, deberán mezclarse con gente muy poco recomendable.
Sin aliento
Cuando su mujer es asesinada por un psicópata, su marido (Jim Caviezel) se lanza a la carretera para dar caza al responsable, un asesino en serie que mata a mujeres atropellándolas, y del que se sabe que viaja en un Cadillac Eldorado verde de 1972, un coche que usa como símbolo de expresión de la rabia y el odio que lleva dentro debido, principalmente, a una mujer que le rompió una vez el corazón.
Patrick Conally era un niño cuando sus padres murieron atacados por un tipo de agresivos dragones llamados Komodo. Años después parece incapaz de seguir con su vida, así que su psiquiatra decide hacerle volver a la isla para revivir su pasado. Pero cuando llegan, las casas de verano han sido sustituidas por plantas industriales y un terror latente e inimaginable se encuentra al acecho.
Four young grade-school girls witness the murder of one of their classmates during what they thought was just an innocent game. The killer is a strange young boy named Milo Jeeder. Sixteen years later, the four survivors of the event re-unite under happier circumstances in the same town where it happened. They believe that Milo drowned in a river shortly after the murder, but soon learn that the demonic killer Milo has also returned, still a young boy, unchanged even after almost two decades.
Bigalow's Last Smoke
Chain smoker Frank Bigalow is imprisoned in a simulacrum of his apartment, then forced to quit smoking and punished each time he lights up.
What's Up, Hideous Sun Demon
Z-grade horror flick "The Hideous Sun Demon" re-dubbed and re-edited into a monster-movie spoof about a suntan lotion that works from the inside out (it also has a certain side effect).
What's Up, Hideous Sun Demon
Z-grade horror flick "The Hideous Sun Demon" re-dubbed and re-edited into a monster-movie spoof about a suntan lotion that works from the inside out (it also has a certain side effect).
Jim, the World's Greatest
One of his earlier pieces, Don Coscarelli (of Phantasm Phame) has a knack for seeing the world through the eyes and heart of a young boy. He offers a Peter Pan-esque adventure to men from the boomers to present day, with each generation being introduced to a more innocent time.
Jim, the World's Greatest
One of his earlier pieces, Don Coscarelli (of Phantasm Phame) has a knack for seeing the world through the eyes and heart of a young boy. He offers a Peter Pan-esque adventure to men from the boomers to present day, with each generation being introduced to a more innocent time.
Jim, the World's Greatest
One of his earlier pieces, Don Coscarelli (of Phantasm Phame) has a knack for seeing the world through the eyes and heart of a young boy. He offers a Peter Pan-esque adventure to men from the boomers to present day, with each generation being introduced to a more innocent time.
Jim, the World's Greatest
One of his earlier pieces, Don Coscarelli (of Phantasm Phame) has a knack for seeing the world through the eyes and heart of a young boy. He offers a Peter Pan-esque adventure to men from the boomers to present day, with each generation being introduced to a more innocent time.