Craig Mitchell

참여 작품

연방보안국 요원 에롤의 관할구역에서 10대 소녀의 실종사건이 발생하지만 경찰은 단순 가출 사건으로 결론 내린다. 추적 1 DAY – 실종! 실종소녀와 관련된 기사가 난 신문을 에롤이 볼 수 있도록 의도적으로 놓고 간 범인. 에롤은 자신이 관리하는 전과자들 중 한 명이 자신과 게임을 벌이고 있음을 직감한다. 추적 2 DAY – 용의자! 에롤은 경찰의 도움조차 없이 자신만의 방식으로 13명의 용의자를 추려내 사건조사를 시작하지만 모두 완벽한 알리바이를 가지고 있으며, 혐의를 입증할 단서조차 확보되지 않은 채 사건은 점점 미궁에 빠져든다. 추적 3 DAY – 추격! 에롤을 비웃기라도 하듯 직접 사건의 단서를 제공하는 대담함을 보이는 범인. 사건의 실체에 다가설수록 에롤은 점점 위험에 빠져들게 되고, 그는 자신만의 경험과 감각에 의존한 채 놈을 잡기 위한 목숨을 건 추격전을 이어간다. 추적 4 DAY – 마지막 기회! 집요한 추적 끝에 범인의 거처를 알아내는데 성공한 에롤. 과연 그는 범인을 검거하고 실종된 소녀를 구할 수 있을 것인가? 아니면 이 역시 범인이 준비해 놓은 위험한 함정일 것인가?
뺑소니 사고로 아내를 잃은 레니 크레이는 범인을 찾아 복수하기 위해 전국을 횡단한다. 그가 찾고 있는 범인 제임스 파고는 뺑소니 사고를 가장해 살인을 즐기는 냉혹하고 잔인한 킬러로, 72년형 캐딜락을 개조해 스스로 고안한 킬링 머신으로 고속도로를 오가는 운전자들을 위협하고 있다.
During the 70's, some Komodo Dragon eggs were dumped on an North Carolina island. Somehow, the baby Komodos survived, and twenty years later they have grown up and taken over the island for themselves. Young Patrick has lost his parents and his dog to the lizards, but didn't see them himself, which has left him traumatized. Now, with his therapist Victoria, they return to confront his fears.
Four young grade-school girls witness the murder of one of their classmates during what they thought was just an innocent game. The killer is a strange young boy named Milo Jeeder. Sixteen years later, the four survivors of the event re-unite under happier circumstances in the same town where it happened. They believe that Milo drowned in a river shortly after the murder, but soon learn that the demonic killer Milo has also returned, still a young boy, unchanged even after almost two decades.
Bigalow's Last Smoke
Chain smoker Frank Bigalow is imprisoned in a simulacrum of his apartment, then forced to quit smoking and punished each time he lights up.
What's Up, Hideous Sun Demon
Z-grade horror flick "The Hideous Sun Demon" re-dubbed and re-edited into a monster-movie spoof about a suntan lotion that works from the inside out (it also has a certain side effect).
What's Up, Hideous Sun Demon
Z-grade horror flick "The Hideous Sun Demon" re-dubbed and re-edited into a monster-movie spoof about a suntan lotion that works from the inside out (it also has a certain side effect).
Jim, the World's Greatest
One of his earlier pieces, Don Coscarelli (of Phantasm Phame) has a knack for seeing the world through the eyes and heart of a young boy. He offers a Peter Pan-esque adventure to men from the boomers to present day, with each generation being introduced to a more innocent time.
Jim, the World's Greatest
One of his earlier pieces, Don Coscarelli (of Phantasm Phame) has a knack for seeing the world through the eyes and heart of a young boy. He offers a Peter Pan-esque adventure to men from the boomers to present day, with each generation being introduced to a more innocent time.
Jim, the World's Greatest
One of his earlier pieces, Don Coscarelli (of Phantasm Phame) has a knack for seeing the world through the eyes and heart of a young boy. He offers a Peter Pan-esque adventure to men from the boomers to present day, with each generation being introduced to a more innocent time.
Jim, the World's Greatest
One of his earlier pieces, Don Coscarelli (of Phantasm Phame) has a knack for seeing the world through the eyes and heart of a young boy. He offers a Peter Pan-esque adventure to men from the boomers to present day, with each generation being introduced to a more innocent time.