Tetsuaki Matsue


On-Gaku: Our Sound
Cuando eres un adolescente aburrido que busca emociones, a veces lo único a lo que puedes recurrir es el rock 'n roll. Sin habilidad, dinero o incluso un set completo de batería, un temido trío de delincuentes de la escuela secundaria, deciden que están destinados a la gloria musical en una búsqueda para impresionar a su única amiga Aya, evitar una pandilla rival y, lo más importante, improvisar.
Cinema Capriccio
Documentary about the crazy cinephile Atsushi Tsuboi, vice president of the Nagoya art theatre "cinemaskhole".
Takayuki Yamada in 3D
Interview with Yamada Takayuki about his life, career and interests.
Flashback Memories 3D
Didgeridoo performer GOMA developed higher brain dysfunction as the result of an expressway accident. While looking back on his rehabilitation and recovery with his family's help, animation recreates his “flashbacks” - incongruous images that suddenly appear in his brain. This completely new style of 3D movie that blends past footage, flashbacks, and studio performances is also emphatically a story of familial love.
Seven women and one man gathered for the first anniversary of a movie director. Six cameras recorded the night at the same time with 8mm insert.
Tokyo Drifter
Tokyo Drifter es una oda a Tokio, con una premisa muy simple: un músico (Kenta Maeno) se pasea con su guitarra por diferentes zonas oscuras de la ciudad en una noche lluviosa de mayo, cantando canciones sobre la vida, el amor y Tokio. Matsue y Maeno juntos toman la ciudad en todo su esplendor y tratan de arrojar luz sobre la oscuridad.
Coming Future
Nakagawa shot “Coming Future” on the nights of December 24 and 25, 2010 in Shibuya, making it his location for an idealized Bohemia in the heart of Tokyo. Interesting interviews/discussions with Kenji Murakami, Nobuhiro Yamashita, Kenji Onishi, Tetsuaki Matsue and more... By far the most interesting sequence is with Kenji Onishi (“A Burning Star”). Wielding a super-8 camera, Onishi documents his own interview, taking random shots of street-life and buildings. He leavens his monologue with statements bordering between cliché and outré. “A movie that aims to make a message is boring.”
Live Tape
Musicians perform live in the street in this one-take film.
Live Tape
Musicians perform live in the street in this one-take film.
Annyeong Yumika
Don't get it twisted: Yumika Hayashi is way more than just a porn star. She's a Rorschach test, film theory with curves, her screen image throwing off endless refractions within the hearts of those who knew her, loved her, or just got off to her. The "iron woman" of Japanese erotic film, best known for critically-acclaimed pink eiga LUNCHBOX, Hayashi died in 2005 at age 35, but in ANNYONG YUMIKA, the new documentary by Tetsuaki Matsue (LIVE TAPE), Yumika's legend is reborn, her passion made immortal. (Description by Subway Cinema)
The Virgin Wildsides
A documentary film-maker gives two virgins each a video camera so that they can film their lives in modern Japan.
The Virgin Wildsides
A documentary film-maker gives two virgins each a video camera so that they can film their lives in modern Japan.
Documentary about 3 adult video performers, searching for their identities.
Documentary about 3 adult video performers, searching for their identities.
Documentary about 3 adult video performers, searching for their identities.
Strange Days: The Making of Strange Circus
The Making of Strange Circus
Strange Days: The Making of Strange Circus
The Making of Strange Circus
Strange Days: The Making of Strange Circus
The Making of Strange Circus
Honto Ni Atta! Noroi No Video 10
10th entry in the popular "Honto ni Atta. Noroi no Video" series. A video of the fire brigade training and a figure jumping from the roof of the building behind you...
Honto ni Atta! Noroi no Video 8
The Glamorous Life of Sachiko Hanai
Sachiko Hanai es una joven prostituta. Su especialidad es adoptar el rol de una lujuriosa tutora. Un día recibe en una cafetería un balazo en la cabeza durante un encuentro casual. En lugar de morir, Sachiko consigue sobrevivir pero dotada de unos sobrecogedores poderes psíquicos que han incrementado su inteligencia y la han convertido en una fanática de las lecturas de Noam Chomsky. Pero para rematar esta sucesión de acontecimientos extraños, cae en sus manos por azar un cilindro que contiene una réplica exacta de un dedo del presidente de Estados Unidos George W. Bush. Precisamente, la huella dactilar de ese dedo permite activar el lanzamiento de misiles nucleares. Por ello y desde ese preciso instante, Sachiko se verá acosada por espías norcoreanos que pretenden provocar una catástrofe mundial.
No One's Ark
Daisuke and his girlfriend have failed at selling a smelly health drink named Akajiru in Tokyo, amassing five million yen in debts. In order to recover financially, they retreat to Daisuke's island hometown.
Mysterious! Unbelievable 3
This is the third installment in the popular series focusing on ghost photography! This work pursues various kinds of ghost photos, such as photos in which the subject turns around, or photos in which there are unexpected bruises, as well as the terrifying experiences associated with the photos.
The Lost Virgin
Spread over three time periods (Summer 10 Years Ago/Summer 5 Years Ago/This Summer), Lost Virgin tells the tale of good-time girl Chisato (Sasaki), hungry for new experiences yet ultimately in search of emotional fulfilment.
Annyong Kimchi
Japan and Korea have had a troubled relationship over the centuries, and discrimination against Korean residents in Japan has been legendary. But how important is the issue of race to a younger generation born and raised in the country? Tetsuaki Matsue, a third-generation zainichi attempts to get to grips with the issue of his own national identity in this autobiographical video documentary made as the then 21-year-old director's graduation project from the Japan Academy of the Moving Image. (Midnight Eye)
Annyong Kimchi
Japan and Korea have had a troubled relationship over the centuries, and discrimination against Korean residents in Japan has been legendary. But how important is the issue of race to a younger generation born and raised in the country? Tetsuaki Matsue, a third-generation zainichi attempts to get to grips with the issue of his own national identity in this autobiographical video documentary made as the then 21-year-old director's graduation project from the Japan Academy of the Moving Image. (Midnight Eye)