Gary Byung-seok Kam

Gary Byung-seok Kam


Gary Byung-seok Kam


The Red Herring
Is Korea a democratic republic or a prosecution republic? Can you be confident that the blade of the prosecution is not aiming at you? Their hunt has begun. Following the coordinates thrown by the prosecution, the media gathers, and rumors circulate. Prosecutors wield a sword before the angry public. Who is the one being chased over there? Are you confident that you are not the one?
Shadow Flowers
Ryun-hee Kim, a North Korean housewife, was forced to come to South Korea and became its citizen against her will. As her seven years of struggle to go back to her family in North Korea continues, the political absurdity hinders her journey back to her loved ones. The life of her family in the North goes on in emptiness, and she fears that she might become someone, like a shadow, who exists only in the fading memory of her family.​
Crossing Beyond
The film follows the 5 athletes who competed in Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. A female ice hockey player who was adopted to the United States, a skeleton player from Ghana, an Afghanistan skier, a British snowboarder and a ski jumper who overcame a knee injury. They all step into the world of sports by going beyond their personal and human limitations. The film emphasizes their steps and trails through the images of their continuous walks. At the same time the walks are connected to the division of the hosting country, Korea. Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games has overcome the conflict that could have led to another war, leading to participation of both South and North Koreas. Beyond the convention of celebrating only the winners, the film put significance in the whole path by looking at their stories behind the participation. Just like the title, the film depicts us beyond the border.
In the absence
Cuando el ferry de pasajeros MV Sewol se hundió frente a las costas de Corea del Sur en 2014, más de trescientas personas perdieron la vida, la mayoría de ellas escolares. Años más tarde, las familias de las víctimas y los supervivientes siguen exigiendo justicia a las autoridades nacionales.
Breathing Underwater
In Jeju Province, located off the southern coast of Korea, are the women of the sea, those who hold breath for life. These women still exist and they still dive the old way, without tanks. They go into the waters of 10- to 20-meter depth to harvest seaweed and shellfish to make a living. They make a living in the same sea, but each haenyeo’s sea of life is different. The community is divided into three tiers- Group A, B and C, based on skills and capabilities. One’s rank is determined by sum or breath. Sum, is pre-determined at birth. Therefore, sum is desired. However, the ocean is harsh. May you desire! But seek what is not yours, the ocean will devour you. Life, for these women of the sea, is about holding one’s breath, and containing and controlling one’s desire. The film is a six year record of the lives of the haenyeos in Udo, an islet in the province of Jeju, known to be the birthplace of haenyeo. It is a close look into the lives that stand on the boundary of life and death.
Planet of Snail
Young-Chan comes from planet of snail where deaf blind people live slow and quiet lives. When Young-Chan came to Earth, nobody understood his language and he was desperate. Then an angel walked into his life. Soon-Ho knows how it is to be lonely and soon becomes an inseparable part of his life. Young-Chan also discovers an amazing world under his fingers as he learned to read books with braille. Hopes began to grow and he dreams of writing a book. However, Soon-Ho cannot always be there for him because of her own problem of spine disability. The couple now should learn to survive alone. While Soon-Ho uneasily spends her first day waiting for his return, Young-Chan goes out for the biggest adventure of his life.