Alberto Sorrentino

Alberto Sorrentino

Nacimiento : 1916-02-16, La Spezia, Italy

Muerte : 1994-02-01


Alberto Sorrentino


Taste of Life
amico di Battistini
Elvio Battistini works as a ticket taker in the local cinema of the small town where he lives. He has a prosthesis in one leg, the result of an accident, but he tells anyone who will listen it is a war injury. Giuseppe Mondardini, is also an older man living alone in what was the splendid family home. When Elvio and Giuseppe meet, they hit it off immediately. A trip to a cooler area is in order, so Mordardini unveils his ancient automobile.
Bruno is an idealistic hero who questions the meaning of life in this confusing and sometimes hallucinatory erotic drama. After a night in jail, he is gang-raped by punk rockers in a garbage dump. He later saves an old man who believes he is Garibaldi and a woman he believes is Ophelia. Bruno watches helplessly as she later jumps from a window.
Occhio Alla Vedova!
Concetta Li Cause, deprived of her husband Oreste by the Mafia, is coveted by Bologna Marcello and Charles postman. Besides the two, there are other suitors because the widow is rich; but Cosa Nostra deploys its resources to prevent the woman from finding a new partner.
Il lumacone
Italian comedy.
Torso: Violencia carnal
Witness at Crime Scene (uncredited)
Un grupo de chicas estudiantes son acechadas por un psicópata sexual, del que sólo se sabe que estrangula a sus víctimas con un pañuelo rojo y negro. Mientras, Jane, una estudiante de intercambio americana, decide pasar unos días en una casa de campo junto con sus amigas. El asesino las seguirá.
The Cat from Brooklyn Wants to Be a Detective
Lazzaro De Li Mortazzi
Il Santo Patrono
La pícara y ardiente Ubalda
Notaio Adone Bellezza
Comedia erótica italiana. Un torpe caballero medieval regresa de la guerra, y en su casa lo espera su sensual mujer, quien pese a atraer a muchos admiradores masculinos durante su ausencia, ha mantenido su fidelidad gracias al uso de un cinturón de castidad. No obstante, por los próximos quince días ha jurado mantener su voto de castidad. (FILMAFFINITY)
Derecho de pernada
The friar
Estamos en la Edad Media. Los habitantes de un pueblo viven desde hace mucho tiempo sin la presencia en el castillo del "señor", por lo tanto felices sin obligaciones de tributos. Pero un buen día llega, seguido de un pelotón de mercenarios, el nuevo señor Aribeto. Los tributos vuelven a implantarse y, si ingeniosas son las estratagemas de los vasallos para no pagarlos, todavía más diabólicos son los trucos que Aribeto utiliza para descubrirlos.
Armiamoci e partite!
passeggero B
Franco and Ciccio work as waiters in an inn in France. The day Ciccio officially takes French citizenship, the First World War breaks out between Germany and France and all citizens are forced to enlist.
La duquesa del diablo
Uno zingaro
Una familia de nobles es asaltada en su castillo por una banda de forajidos, protegidos por el rey. Desde su escondrijo, una niña, hija de los nobles, ve abusar y asesinar a sus padres. Esta niña es salvada por una familia de gitanos. A partir de ese momento, su objetivo es solo la venganza, y se prepara para ello tomando clases de esgrima, aprendiendo a montar a caballo y a tirar con el arco, hasta conseguir desenmascarar a los verdaderos asesinos.
Las cálidas noches de Poppea
La procaz y celebérrima Poppea (Olga Schoberová, alias Olinka Berova) se dedica a seducir a los patricios romanos para tenerlos en su poder. Por desgracia, se enamora de los dos personajes que ya no se soportan y de carácter difícil, Nerón y el joven tribuno Claudio Valerio (Brad Harris), quienes se la disputarán implacablemente... (FILMAFFINITY)
I due pompieri
The firefighter student Francesco Perricone and his cousin the brigadier Barrese fall in love both of the beautiful brunette Caramella and the barracks of Rome are transferred to the village of Sicily where the girl lives.
Chicas, golpes y la mili
Hairdresser's assistant
En Roma, tres amigos se pasan el día inventando cualquier truco para no ESTUDIAR y divertirse. Conocen a tres chicas, lo pasan en grande pero.....reciben una citación de la mili...
The Mona Lisa Has Been Stolen
le domestique et chauffeur de Vincent
A thief (George Chakiris) falls in love with a maid (Marina Vlady) and goes on the run after stealing Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa."
Gli onorevoli
Comedia coral a la italiana que narra las andanzas de varios candidatos a diputados y senadores de unas inminentes elecciones. (FILMAFFINITY)
Vino, whisky e acqua salata
The Seventh Sword
In this costume adventure, a dashing swordsman helps protect Philip III of Spain from the traitors trying to overthrow him.
Boccaccio '70
Worker (segment "Le tentazioni del dottor Antonio") (uncredited)
Comedia satírica en la que cuatro de los directores italianos más brillantes de todos los tiempos hacen una adaptación cinematográfica de algunos cuentos de Boccaccio. En "Renzo y Luciana", Monicelli narra la historia de un hombre y una mujer que se ven obligados a casarse en secreto para no perder su trabajo. En "Le tentazioni del dottor Antonio", dirigida por Fellini, un hombre se siente muy escandalizado por un cartel publicitario. En "Il lavoro" Visconti cuenta la historia de un conde involucrado en un escándalo. De Sica relata una historia ambientada en Nápoles: "La riffa".
Cronache del '22
Los gigantes de la Tessaglia
Esta aventura épica cuenta la historia de cómo el rey Jasón junto con los Argonautas van en busca del Vellocino de oro. Mientras tanto, en su reino, el regente está conspirando para hacerse con el poder y también con la reina. (FILMAFFINITY)
A qualcuna piace calvo
Two girls (a secretary and a musician) disguise themselves as men in order to work for a famous bald actor.
The Sheriff
Brutto Tempo - the native American
A gang of outlaws terrorizes Rio Ciuccio. When they kill the sheriff his wife, an old neapolitan lady, takes his place.
Simpatico mascalzone
Non perdiamo la testa
Pensando que se trata de un enfermo con los días contados, al inocentón de Tony lo ingresa en una villa una ricachona snob, con su grupo de amigas dedicadas a la benificencia. Él no sabe por qué está allí, pero está encantado, pues le tienen como a un rey, además se enamora de la criada... Pero el hermano de la rica es un descerebrado que quiere su cráneo y los sirvientes están imprimiendo billetes falsos...
Prepotenti più di prima
Returning from his honeymoon, Marcella finds out she is pregnant. The to-be grandparents fight on where the baby will be born and on his name. The parents of the baby, tired of those fights, run away to Milan.
Here comes the gang
Love is born between Anna, daughter of Alfonso, a wealthy farmer, and Luigi, a drum player in a musical band, who live in two different villages-Square on the Piano and Casalieta. This feeling is thwarted by her father, who would like to give her in marriage to Nicolino, a law student and son of a landowner, who has seen the girl only once and was struck by her beauty. Ahead of a party, her father prevents Anna from going out into the square where the band is scheduled to perform; the girl then comes up with the idea of delivering a note to Rosetta, the innkeeper's sister and a great friend of hers, finding mediation from Marcellino.
The Third
Tres mujeres muy distintas entre sí comparten la misma ambición: casarse. Tras muchas vicisitudes, lograrán su propósito.
L'amore nasce a Roma
I dritti
Pirate of the Half Moon
corsaro col turbante bianco
Gianna Maria Canale as the Duchess who is offered a banquet and requests for a hard-boiled egg. The stingy Spanish lord, who used his last gunpowder to fire a salute to the noble lady and thus has no more when a bunch of pirates, led by Nadir, launches an attack against his castle. Nadir is the dashing fiery hero.
It Happened at the Police Station
Comic actor
Everyday all kind of people pass through a Police Station, especially if it is downtown. Today, however, the chief of police has bought his first car and he has decided to test it with his wife going to Ostia. But first a theatrical company sent out of the theatre, last Alfredo Todini arrested while walking wearing a gown and in the mean a series of human cases, ranging from the pathetic to the funny one, get in the way of his wish.
Mother's Heart
Baron De Pasquale
An unworthy nephew, with the help of a girl who seduces the young guardian, robs the aunt of the family jewels. He also manages to put the blame for the theft on the caretaker, engaged to a young woman who is actually the woman's natural daughter. The thief also tries to blackmail his aunt by threatening to reveal the truth after so many years, but a commissioner manages to prove the innocence of the suspect and the guilt of his nephew.
Bertoldo, Bertoldino and Cacasenno
A poor farmer is invited to the King's court and tries to prevent the princess' marriage to a villanious knight.
La prigioniera di Amalfi
An Italian historical drama.
La tua donna
During WWII, Sandro Ademari (Massimo Girotti), head of a group of Italian partisans, to escape from a Nazi catch, hides himself by a farm. Here he knows Luisa (Lea Padovani) and soon the two married and have a baby. After the war, Sandro, now a solicitor, succeeded also to be elected in Rome's parliament. Here he starts an extramarital affair with Germana (Patricia Neal). Sandro, now deep involved with Germana, tries all the way to leave Luisa (divorce wasn't legal during the '50s in Italy). But Luisa is determined to save her marriage and arrives in Rome to discuss with the two. The tragedy is behind the corner.
Trieste cantico d'amore
After WWII, "Jack Grandi" falls in love with a young girl only to find that there is an historical enmity between his family and her's. Can their love survive the accusations of treason and betrayal?
Easy Years
A Sicilian professor who moves to Rome gets lost in the maze of Roman ministries and gives in to corruption.
Funniest Show on Earth
A clown named Tottons of the Togni circus, obliged to never take off his clown makeup or reveal his identity, is continually persecuted by the jealousy of three women and even by a policeman.
Fermi tutti... arrivo io!
A private detective and a girl obsessed with thriller novels investigate the murder of a rich entrepreneur.
Una donna prega
Gianna, a young radio singer, marries Giulio, director of a travel agency. Soon after, they welcome a child. The tranquility of their family life is deeply disturbed by the arrival in Rome of a French tourist, Giselle, who falls madly in love with Giulio. He reciprocates her feelings and becomes her lover. Gianna separates from her husband and devotes her attention to the child, while Giulio begins to live with Giselle. But the thought of his family leads Giulio to ponder severing ties with his lover. Unexpectedly, Giselle's lifeless body is found in Giulio's apartment. Evidence points to Giulio's guilt, so he attempts to escape abroad. Giulio is involved in a car accident close to the border, nearly killing him. In the hospital, it is revealed that Giselle was killed by her former Parisian lover. Healed of his serious wounds, Giulio returns to the affection of his wife and little daughter.
Jolanda, the Daughter of the Black Corsair
Collected at the age of two, under extreme conditions, by a company of Gypsies, Jolly grew up among them, together with the man who accompanied her.
I tre corsari
The castle of the counts of Ventimiglia is conquered by the spanish Van Gould, who kills the count and sends his three sons in the Antilles. The ship is attacked by pirates and the three brothers are liberated. They decide to join the pirates to have revenge on Van Gould, who has also moved to the Antilles on the command of the viceroy.
The Lucky Five
padre ansioso
Four poor fellows win a luxurious car in a lottery but they have not the money to keep it. Therefore they decide to have it a day each and sell it afterwards. Everyone will spend his own day with the car and get some gratification. Some will get it, others will not. And the fifth poor fellow?
È arrivato l'accordatore
Signor Narducci
Achille Scorzella, a poor, unemployed and hungry devil, having been mistaken for a piano tuner, happens in the home of some new riches.
Processo contro ignoti
L'autista romano della Mobilgas
Three crooks scheme to swindle a wealthy widow out of her fortune, but their plans are thwarted by the sudden return of her husband who is far from dead.
Vendetta... sarda
Narciso Bellezza
A cook from Sardinia who had emigrated to Milan goes back to his native island thinking he has inherited some money with his uncles death. He finds out he has to avenge his death instead.
Venditore ambulante
Tizio, Caio, Sempronio
Sentinella idiota
A satirical story set during the early years of the Roman Empire.
Stasera sciopero
Sor Augusto es un rico hombre de pan de jengibre, generalmente respetado, a pesar de su gran avaricia. Es viudo y se opone obstinadamente al matrimonio de su hija Jole con su amado Sergio, a quien considera una incómoda pareja. Sor Augusto está locamente enamorado de la signora Gemma, esposa de un hombre muy complaciente. Una noche, mientras regresa a casa después de haber festejado con la signora Gemma; Sor Augusto es atacado por un hombre armado. Los dos pelean: durante la pelea, el atacante es herido de muerte por un disparo de su propio revólver. Era un pobre tonto, conocido por su prodigalidad incurable. En la clínica, donde es transportado Sor Augusto, magullado e inconsciente, el director, al enterarse de que el hijo pródigo ha fallecido en la lucha con el avaro, decide intentar una operación atrevida: mete el cerebro en el cráneo de Sor Augusto. del hijo pródigo. El resultado de la operación es sorprendente ...
My Heart Sings
Two two-bit singers become thieves to make ends meet. One day during a theft in the house of a music impresario they hear Marco an electrician gifted with a beautiful voice and give him some money to help for his debut as a singer.
Il padrone del vapore
Il disegnatore
Un rico estadounidense llega a un pequeño pueblo italiano de las montañas porque quiere promocionar una bebida que produce. En el pueblo hay también dos ciudadanos de Roma que han entrado en conflicto con los lugareños. La llegada del estadounidense complica la situación.
Beauties in Capri
The love story between Don Camillo's protégé and Don Violante's niece adds fuel to the rivalry between the two priests.
Sette ore di guai
Totò is a tailor but not a great tailor. He is married and his son is to be baptized and Totò hopes that his grand-mother will be moved by the baptism, so moved to help him. Unfortunately his wet nurse Maria loses his son in the garden. Totò doesn't lose heart and rents Rita's daughter and leaves looking for his son. Many adventures are awaiting for him.
Toto the Third Man
In a small village two twin brothers are of opposite characters. One is mayor of the town, gruff and precise. The other is totally different from his brother and loves the good life and beautiful women.
Damn the Taxes!!
Count Borraccilo lives in luxury but does not pay taxes and for this he is targeted by the tax agent Gaetano Pellecchia, who asks his friend Mario for help.
Milano miliardaria
Oscar, il fotografo
The Milanese Luigi Pizzigoni, photographer, and the Neapolitan barber Peppino Avallone, resident in Milan, are opponents in the sports field. The first is a proud Inter supporter, while the second is from Napoli.
Ours are coming
A ruthless businessman wants to bring a penniless nobleman financially on his knees because he wants to marry the man's daughter. It is the family chauffeur who puts things right.
Io sono il capataz
Confunden a un joven con un peligroso revolucionario y es enviado de inmediato a Parazuela, donde se pone al frente de las tropas rebeldes.
I cadetti di Guascogna
Il comico
Two fellow soldiers fight for the love of the same girl, are constantly picked on by the older soldiers about to be discharged and are involved in the staging of a show in the military barracks.
The Last Wagon
Un passante che vuole salire sulla carrozzella
Toto (Aldo Fabrizi), a Roman coachman with an old fashioned horse-drawn carriage who objects to the competition from motorised taxis, doesn't want his daughter Nannarella to go out with Roberto, a young taxi driver. But it is Roberto who helps him when he gets into trouble with a former client, Mary Dunchetti (Anna Magnani), an arrogant singer.
Se vincessi cento milioni