amico di Battistini
Два пожилых мужичка Мондардини и Баттистини, случайно познакомившиеся друг с другом однажды вечером, решают на время забыть про надоевшие будни и про свой провинциальный городок в Эмилии. И утром они бросают нехитрые пожитки в автомобиль, чтобы поехать на побережье, где живет старый приятель Мондардини. Путешественникам не удается застать того в живых (они приезжают как раз в канун похорон), а следовательно рушатся их планы погостить у ровесника. И они пытаются договориться, куда ехать дальше: одному хочется в Портофино, другому - в Сен-Тропе. Судьба посылает им попутчицу Камиллу, благодаря которой старички оказываются во Франции...
Молодой, пышущий здоровьем, безработный киноактер получает заманчивое предложение сниматься в порнофильмах. Вся съемочная группа во главе с продюсером буквально ошеломлены способностью парня добиваться эрекции «на счет 5»! На площадке герой знакомится со своей предполагаемой партнершей, мечтающей о роли Офелии. Плюнув на карьеру порнозвезд, парочка отправляется в головокружительную одиссею, наполненную самыми невероятными персонажами и происшествиями…
Concetta Li Cause, deprived of her husband Oreste by the Mafia, is coveted by Bologna Marcello and Charles postman. Besides the two, there are other suitors because the widow is rich; but Cosa Nostra deploys its resources to prevent the woman from finding a new partner.
Italian comedy.
Witness at Crime Scene (uncredited)
Знаменитый джалло-триллер Серджио Мартино. Картина оказала значительное влияние на последущие фильмы этого жанра и стала предвестником нового жанра - слэшэр … В Риме происходит ряд убийств молодых девушек. По характерным следам, оставленным на трупе, становится понятно, что маньяк имел в детстве психологические проблемы сексуального плана. Четыре молодые американки, поехавшие отдохнуть на загородную виллу, становятся объектом преследования маньяка… Сцена смерти Кэрол (Кончита Айрольди) в заболоченном лесу признана самой эффектной в триллерах 70-х годов.
Lazzaro De Li Mortazzi
Notaio Adone Bellezza
Во времена Средневековья, нескладный рыцарь возвращается домой, к ожидающей его жене. Чувственная и прекрасная, она успела обзавестись несколькими воздыхателями за время его отсутствия. Однако, сберечь верность ей помог пояс целомудрия, ключ от которого она теперь пытается выманить у своего мужа.
У тучного соседа рыцаря те же проблемы с его эффектно выглядящей женой. Более того, оба соседа имеют виды на жен друг друга, что заставляет их изобретать все более изощренные средства, которые смогут помешать покушению на их собственность.
The friar
passeggero B
Franco and Ciccio work as waiters in an inn in France. The day Ciccio officially takes French citizenship, the First World War breaks out between Germany and France and all citizens are forced to enlist.
Uno zingaro
An Alsacian Baron massacres the family of a French Duke, and takes his lands and his title. Isabella, the Duke's baby child, escapes the massacre, is raised by gypsies, and comes back twenty years later to exact revenge.
Poppea's Hot Nights (Italian: Le calde notti di Poppea) is a 1969 Italian comedy film set in Ancient Rome. It was written and directed by Guido Malatesta and stars Olga Schoberová (credited as Olinka Berova) and Brad Harris in the main roles.
The firefighter student Francesco Perricone and his cousin the brigadier Barrese fall in love both of the beautiful brunette Caramella and the barracks of Rome are transferred to the village of Sicily where the girl lives.
Hairdresser's assistant
Tony and some friends put together a rock band to do some concerts and earn some money. Unfortunately the military service is incumbent, but fortunately the boys will find themselves in the same barracks.
le domestique et chauffeur de Vincent
Париж, 1911 год. Известный и неуловимый вор «Ромео», однажны утром увидев в окне прекрасную незнакомку, похожую на творение Леонардо да Винчи, решает похитить из Лувра «Джоконду», в знак доказательсва своей внезапно пришедшей любви. Глупая и бездарная полиция идет по пятам злодея…
Some political candidates are determined to win the electors' preference during an election campaign in Italy.
Испания, конец XVI века. Три года провоевав с Францией в армии Филиппа III, граф Карлос де Базан возвращается в родовой замок. Там он узнает, что отец его умер, а имущество передано его кузену, герцогу де Сааведре, который обещает все ему возместить. Дону Карлосу становится известно о заговоре против Филиппа III. Уцелев после нескольких покушений и смертной казни (по несправедливому обвинению в убийстве первого министра), Базан тратит все силы на борьбу с заговорщиками, во главе которых стоит герцог де Сааведра. Те же планируют заманить в замок Базана короля, который способен позабыть обо всем при виде симпатичной мордашки. Филипп III не на шутку увлечен прекрасной Изабеллой, на которой дону Карлосу пришлось жениться в тюрьме...
Worker (segment "Le tentazioni del dottor Antonio") (uncredited)
Четыре новеллы об Эросе, достойные Декамерона 70-x - сатира морализма и пуританизма.
In order to placate the angry gods, who have allowed Thessaly to be overrun with barbarian invaders and beset with natural disasters, King Jason takes his Argonauts on a search for the fabled Golden Fleece. Meanwhile, back at home, his scheming regent is plotting to get his hands on the kingdom--and the queen.
Two girls (a secretary and a musician) disguise themselves as men in order to work for a famous bald actor.
Brutto Tempo - the native American
A gang of outlaws terrorizes Rio Ciuccio. When they kill the sheriff his wife, an old neapolitan lady, takes his place.
A mad scientist pursues a man hoping to study his brain.
Returning from his honeymoon, Marcella finds out she is pregnant. The to-be grandparents fight on where the baby will be born and on his name. The parents of the baby, tired of those fights, run away to Milan.
Love is born between Anna, daughter of Alfonso, a wealthy farmer, and Luigi, a drum player in a musical band, who live in two different villages-Square on the Piano and Casalieta. This feeling is thwarted by her father, who would like to give her in marriage to Nicolino, a law student and son of a landowner, who has seen the girl only once and was struck by her beauty. Ahead of a party, her father prevents Anna from going out into the square where the band is scheduled to perform; the girl then comes up with the idea of delivering a note to Rosetta, the innkeeper's sister and a great friend of hers, finding mediation from Marcellino.
A clothing merchant Ofelia, a naïve housewife Rina, and the outspoken nurse Edna meet at a police station and discover that they share a failed sentimental life.
corsaro col turbante bianco
Gianna Maria Canale as the Duchess who is offered a banquet and requests for a hard-boiled egg. The stingy Spanish lord, who used his last gunpowder to fire a salute to the noble lady and thus has no more when a bunch of pirates, led by Nadir, launches an attack against his castle. Nadir is the dashing fiery hero.
Comic actor
Один день из жизни полицейского комиссара, занимающегося различными случаями в бурной жизни итальянского квартала.
Baron De Pasquale
An unworthy nephew, with the help of a girl who seduces the young guardian, robs the aunt of the family jewels. He also manages to put the blame for the theft on the caretaker, engaged to a young woman who is actually the woman's natural daughter. The thief also tries to blackmail his aunt by threatening to reveal the truth after so many years, but a commissioner manages to prove the innocence of the suspect and the guilt of his nephew.
A poor farmer is invited to the King's court and tries to prevent the princess' marriage to a villanious knight.
An Italian historical drama.
During WWII, Sandro Ademari (Massimo Girotti), head of a group of Italian partisans, to escape from a Nazi catch, hides himself by a farm. Here he knows Luisa (Lea Padovani) and soon the two married and have a baby. After the war, Sandro, now a solicitor, succeeded also to be elected in Rome's parliament. Here he starts an extramarital affair with Germana (Patricia Neal). Sandro, now deep involved with Germana, tries all the way to leave Luisa (divorce wasn't legal during the '50s in Italy). But Luisa is determined to save her marriage and arrives in Rome to discuss with the two. The tragedy is behind the corner.
After WWII, "Jack Grandi" falls in love with a young girl only to find that there is an historical enmity between his family and her's. Can their love survive the accusations of treason and betrayal?
A Sicilian professor who moves to Rome gets lost in the maze of Roman ministries and gives in to corruption.
A clown named Tottons of the Togni circus, obliged to never take off his clown makeup or reveal his identity, is continually persecuted by the jealousy of three women and even by a policeman.
A private detective and a girl obsessed with thriller novels investigate the murder of a rich entrepreneur.
Gianna, a young radio singer, marries Giulio, director of a travel agency. Soon after, they welcome a child. The tranquility of their family life is deeply disturbed by the arrival in Rome of a French tourist, Giselle, who falls madly in love with Giulio. He reciprocates her feelings and becomes her lover. Gianna separates from her husband and devotes her attention to the child, while Giulio begins to live with Giselle. But the thought of his family leads Giulio to ponder severing ties with his lover. Unexpectedly, Giselle's lifeless body is found in Giulio's apartment. Evidence points to Giulio's guilt, so he attempts to escape abroad. Giulio is involved in a car accident close to the border, nearly killing him. In the hospital, it is revealed that Giselle was killed by her former Parisian lover. Healed of his serious wounds, Giulio returns to the affection of his wife and little daughter.
Collected at the age of two, under extreme conditions, by a company of Gypsies, Jolly grew up among them, together with the man who accompanied her.
The castle of the counts of Ventimiglia is conquered by the spanish Van Gould, who kills the count and sends his three sons in the Antilles. The ship is attacked by pirates and the three brothers are liberated. They decide to join the pirates to have revenge on Van Gould, who has also moved to the Antilles on the command of the viceroy.
padre ansioso
Four poor fellows win a luxurious car in a lottery but they have not the money to keep it. Therefore they decide to have it a day each and sell it afterwards. Everyone will spend his own day with the car and get some gratification. Some will get it, others will not. And the fifth poor fellow?
Signor Narducci
Achille Scorzella, a poor, unemployed and hungry devil, having been mistaken for a piano tuner, happens in the home of some new riches.
L'autista romano della Mobilgas
Three crooks scheme to swindle a wealthy widow out of her fortune, but their plans are thwarted by the sudden return of her husband who is far from dead.
Narciso Bellezza
A cook from Sardinia who had emigrated to Milan goes back to his native island thinking he has inherited some money with his uncles death. He finds out he has to avenge his death instead.
Venditore ambulante
Sentinella idiota
A satirical story set during the early years of the Roman Empire.
A scientist combines two brains during an operation to create one perfect mind.
Two two-bit singers become thieves to make ends meet. One day during a theft in the house of a music impresario they hear Marco an electrician gifted with a beautiful voice and give him some money to help for his debut as a singer.
Il disegnatore
A rich American arrives in a little village in the mountains because he wants to advertise a drink he produces. In the village there are also two men from Rome who are at logger-heads with the locals. The coming of the American complicates matters.
The love story between Don Camillo's protégé and Don Violante's niece adds fuel to the rivalry between the two priests.
Totò is a tailor but not a great tailor. He is married and his son is to be baptized and Totò hopes that his grand-mother will be moved by the baptism, so moved to help him. Unfortunately his wet nurse Maria loses his son in the garden. Totò doesn't lose heart and rents Rita's daughter and leaves looking for his son. Many adventures are awaiting for him.
In a small village two twin brothers are of opposite characters. One is mayor of the town, gruff and precise. The other is totally different from his brother and loves the good life and beautiful women.
Count Borraccilo lives in luxury but does not pay taxes and for this he is targeted by the tax agent Gaetano Pellecchia, who asks his friend Mario for help.
Oscar, il fotografo
The Milanese Luigi Pizzigoni, photographer, and the Neapolitan barber Peppino Avallone, resident in Milan, are opponents in the sports field. The first is a proud Inter supporter, while the second is from Napoli.
A ruthless businessman wants to bring a penniless nobleman financially on his knees because he wants to marry the man's daughter. It is the family chauffeur who puts things right.
The young Uguccione is mistaken for Rascelito Villa called "C6", a dangerous revolutionary, and then immediately sent to Parazuela where he leads the insurrectionist troops.
Il comico
Two fellow soldiers fight for the love of the same girl, are constantly picked on by the older soldiers about to be discharged and are involved in the staging of a show in the military barracks.
Un passante che vuole salire sulla carrozzella
Римский извозчик Тото не хочет, чтобы его древнюю работу вытеснили автомобили и чтобы его дочь Наннарелла встречалась с таксистом Роберто. Но именно Роберто его спасает, когда Тото попадает в беду...