El actor portugués Diogo Morgalo, que ya protagonizó la adaptación televisiva “La Biblia” para History Channel, vuelve a encarnar a Jesucristo en esta biografía que cuenta la historia de Jesús de Nazaret desde su nacimiento hasta su resurrección.
El actor portugués Diogo Morgalo, que ya protagonizó la adaptación televisiva “La Biblia” para History Channel, vuelve a encarnar a Jesucristo en esta biografía que cuenta la historia de Jesús de Nazaret desde su nacimiento hasta su resurrección.
An examination of the Battle of Gettysberg on both the personal and strategic level.
This gripping drama brings to life the true rogue-shark story that inspired Jaws. In 1916, the New Jersey shore became a feeding ground as five people were attacked in 12 days, triggering a nationwide panic. It was the first multiple shark attack in American history, and the reason we fear sharks to this day.
Ocean of Fear: Worst Shark Attack Ever is a Movie that launched the 20th anniversary of the Discovery Channel's Shark Week of 2007. It was based around the incident of the sinking of the USS Indianapolis. The movie initially aired on July 29, 2007, on the eve of the anniversary of the ship’s sinking in 1945. The movie investigated the shark attacks that occurred when the USS Indianapolis sank. Hundreds of crew that survived were stranded in the water for four days before rescue. In that time many of the survivors endured constant shark attacks. The Discovery Channel hired George H. Burgess, a renowned investigator in shark attacks, to determine, "why the sharks attacked the way they did," and to "investigate the survival strategies of the men in the water, including those who fought the sharks."
Ocean of Fear: Worst Shark Attack Ever is a Movie that launched the 20th anniversary of the Discovery Channel's Shark Week of 2007. It was based around the incident of the sinking of the USS Indianapolis. The movie initially aired on July 29, 2007, on the eve of the anniversary of the ship’s sinking in 1945. The movie investigated the shark attacks that occurred when the USS Indianapolis sank. Hundreds of crew that survived were stranded in the water for four days before rescue. In that time many of the survivors endured constant shark attacks. The Discovery Channel hired George H. Burgess, a renowned investigator in shark attacks, to determine, "why the sharks attacked the way they did," and to "investigate the survival strategies of the men in the water, including those who fought the sharks."
Ocean of Fear: Worst Shark Attack Ever is a Movie that launched the 20th anniversary of the Discovery Channel's Shark Week of 2007. It was based around the incident of the sinking of the USS Indianapolis. The movie initially aired on July 29, 2007, on the eve of the anniversary of the ship’s sinking in 1945. The movie investigated the shark attacks that occurred when the USS Indianapolis sank. Hundreds of crew that survived were stranded in the water for four days before rescue. In that time many of the survivors endured constant shark attacks. The Discovery Channel hired George H. Burgess, a renowned investigator in shark attacks, to determine, "why the sharks attacked the way they did," and to "investigate the survival strategies of the men in the water, including those who fought the sharks."
En el siglo XII el Rey de Inglaterra y Aquitania, Ricardo III Plantagenet, llamado Corazón de León, luchó contra el líder (de origen kurdo) del mundo árabe, Saladino en la Tercera Cruzada. Su lucha vendría a simbolizar la pugna entre los imperios del islam y del cristianismo, entre Oriente y Occidente. En esta serie, Las Cruzadas nos cuenta la historia de la guerra santa entre Saladino y Ricardo y su obsesión por Jerusalén. Las batallas de Acre, Jaffa y la lucha por Jerusalén cobran vida de nuevo en este documental. Las Cruzadas reconstruye de forma dramática las sangrientas batallas, las muertes tortuosas y el fervor religioso de la época.
En el siglo XII el Rey de Inglaterra y Aquitania, Ricardo III Plantagenet, llamado Corazón de León, luchó contra el líder (de origen kurdo) del mundo árabe, Saladino en la Tercera Cruzada. Su lucha vendría a simbolizar la pugna entre los imperios del islam y del cristianismo, entre Oriente y Occidente. En esta serie, Las Cruzadas nos cuenta la historia de la guerra santa entre Saladino y Ricardo y su obsesión por Jerusalén. Las batallas de Acre, Jaffa y la lucha por Jerusalén cobran vida de nuevo en este documental. Las Cruzadas reconstruye de forma dramática las sangrientas batallas, las muertes tortuosas y el fervor religioso de la época.