Richard Bedser

Richard Bedser


Richard Bedser
Richard Bedser


O Filho de Deus
Vindo de uma pescaria fracassada, Pedro (Darwin Shaw) encontra Jesus Cristo (Diogo Morgado), que o convence a segui-lo. Logo Cristo reunirá 12 apóstolos que têm por missão espalhar seus ideais pela Terra. Entretanto, por mais que pregue o amor ao próximo e a compaixão, sua crescente popularidade desperta a ira de pessoas importantes de Jerusalém, que não desejam que o status quo seja alterado. A traição de um de seus apóstolos, Judas (Joe Wredden), faz com que Cristo seja capturado e levado a julgamento.
O Filho de Deus
Vindo de uma pescaria fracassada, Pedro (Darwin Shaw) encontra Jesus Cristo (Diogo Morgado), que o convence a segui-lo. Logo Cristo reunirá 12 apóstolos que têm por missão espalhar seus ideais pela Terra. Entretanto, por mais que pregue o amor ao próximo e a compaixão, sua crescente popularidade desperta a ira de pessoas importantes de Jerusalém, que não desejam que o status quo seja alterado. A traição de um de seus apóstolos, Judas (Joe Wredden), faz com que Cristo seja capturado e levado a julgamento.
A Batalha de Gettysburg
Gettysburg é um documentário de 2011 dirigido por Adrian Moat, que foi exibido pela primeira vez em 30 de Maio de 2011 (Memorial Day) no canal History. Este documentário é narrado pelo ator Sam Rockwell, foi produzido em comemoração de 150º aniversário da Guerra Civil Americana. Gettysburg mostra o horror do pivot 1863 Batalha de Gettysburg, seguindo as histórias de oito homens, enquanto eles colocam suas vidas em risco para lutar por aquilo em que acreditavam..
Blood in the Water
This gripping drama brings to life the true rogue-shark story that inspired Jaws. In 1916, the New Jersey shore became a feeding ground as five people were attacked in 12 days, triggering a nationwide panic. It was the first multiple shark attack in American history, and the reason we fear sharks to this day.
Ocean of Fear
Ocean of Fear: Worst Shark Attack Ever is a Movie that launched the 20th anniversary of the Discovery Channel's Shark Week of 2007. It was based around the incident of the sinking of the USS Indianapolis. The movie initially aired on July 29, 2007, on the eve of the anniversary of the ship’s sinking in 1945. The movie investigated the shark attacks that occurred when the USS Indianapolis sank. Hundreds of crew that survived were stranded in the water for four days before rescue. In that time many of the survivors endured constant shark attacks. The Discovery Channel hired George H. Burgess, a renowned investigator in shark attacks, to determine, "why the sharks attacked the way they did," and to "investigate the survival strategies of the men in the water, including those who fought the sharks."
Ocean of Fear
Ocean of Fear: Worst Shark Attack Ever is a Movie that launched the 20th anniversary of the Discovery Channel's Shark Week of 2007. It was based around the incident of the sinking of the USS Indianapolis. The movie initially aired on July 29, 2007, on the eve of the anniversary of the ship’s sinking in 1945. The movie investigated the shark attacks that occurred when the USS Indianapolis sank. Hundreds of crew that survived were stranded in the water for four days before rescue. In that time many of the survivors endured constant shark attacks. The Discovery Channel hired George H. Burgess, a renowned investigator in shark attacks, to determine, "why the sharks attacked the way they did," and to "investigate the survival strategies of the men in the water, including those who fought the sharks."
Ocean of Fear
Ocean of Fear: Worst Shark Attack Ever is a Movie that launched the 20th anniversary of the Discovery Channel's Shark Week of 2007. It was based around the incident of the sinking of the USS Indianapolis. The movie initially aired on July 29, 2007, on the eve of the anniversary of the ship’s sinking in 1945. The movie investigated the shark attacks that occurred when the USS Indianapolis sank. Hundreds of crew that survived were stranded in the water for four days before rescue. In that time many of the survivors endured constant shark attacks. The Discovery Channel hired George H. Burgess, a renowned investigator in shark attacks, to determine, "why the sharks attacked the way they did," and to "investigate the survival strategies of the men in the water, including those who fought the sharks."
Holy Warriors - Richard the Lionheart and Saladin
The epic legend of King Richard the Lionhearted and his struggle to save Christendom's holiest city, Jerusalem, from its Muslim conqueror Saladin is explored in this drama-documentary using original Muslim and Christian sources, as well as interviews with experts from both the East and West. Filmed in the Middle East, it tells the story that defined religious conflict for centuries and transformed Richard and Saladin into legends.
Holy Warriors - Richard the Lionheart and Saladin
The epic legend of King Richard the Lionhearted and his struggle to save Christendom's holiest city, Jerusalem, from its Muslim conqueror Saladin is explored in this drama-documentary using original Muslim and Christian sources, as well as interviews with experts from both the East and West. Filmed in the Middle East, it tells the story that defined religious conflict for centuries and transformed Richard and Saladin into legends.