Mats Axby


Beck 40 - Beyond Reasonable Doubt
During a police intervention, a macabre discovery is made in the trunk of a car. Josef and Oskar find themselves in the line of fire of a seemingly cold-blooded killer. But things are not what they seem.
Beck 39 - Undercover
A young gang member is found dead, and the Beck group's investigation indicates that a drug network is behind it. Klas Fredén has been monitoring the network for a long time, and the Beck group - led by Alex Beijer - is most graciously allowed to work with the murder investigation in parallel. She will soon end up on a collision course with Fredén. Thus, Martin Beck, who is now head of department, is also involved in the case.
JerryMaja's Detective Agency - The First Mystery
Director of Photography
The duo from the popular detective series gets their first serious job. The Hammurabi Contest stands a chance of becoming a great event at the school in Valleby. The prize is an ancient book containing the rules of solving disputes. Short before the contest starts, the book disappears in mysterious circumstances. Without the book, the contest will not take place! All the effort and dedication of pupils would be for nothing, and the school would lose its prestige. Jerry and Maja are involved from the very beginning, trying to find the lost book. Will the kids find the underlying cause of the case? A white dove will help them solve the mystery...
Beck: The Last Day
Director of Photography
Two traffic officers on a quiet morning shift try to stop a car for speeding. When the car finally pulls over, the driver gets out and shoots at them, killing one of the officers in cold blood. A national alert is issued and an extensive search for the ruthless killer begins, with the Beck group at the lead. Neither the officer’s shocked and wounded colleague nor any of the witnesses have seen anything helpful to the police. Finally, they find the car registration number using a surveillance camera. But, when they enter the car owner’s apartment, they find him shot to death. The first day of summer is a long one for the Beck group, as the killer has more victims on his list.
Beck 33 - End of the Road
Director of Photography
Three brutal murders are committed in a house in a quiet suburb. The victims are a former police officer, his wife and their 10 year old son. The Beck group takes on the case and find that there is a hidden security room in the victims’ house, containing stolen weapons. They find fingerprints from a criminal who was involved in a robbery 4 years ago. After the robbery, he shot his accomplices and disappeared without a trace, along with their haul of 6.3 million. The question is how the former police officer ended up with the weapons and how is he connected to the thieves? The case wakes strong feelings at Police Headquarters and takes highest priority.
Los Andersson: Road Movie
Director of Photography
Rudolf se entera por casualidad de que una pintura del artista Bengt Johansson, que él y Karin consiguieron en su luna de miel, tiene un valor superior a 900.000 coronas. Sólo hay un problema: el artista no la firmó. Es por eso que Rudolf decide llevar por carretera a toda su familia de regreso a la aldea en la que encontraron la pintura, situada en el Sur del Tirol. Así, el artista podrá firmarla fácilmente y ¡se harán ricos!
Los crímenes de Fjällbacka: La maldición de Lucía
En mitad de una noche de invierno, una joven vestida de blanco por la festividad de Santa Lucía camina llorando por la superficie de un lago helado hasta que desaparece bajo el hielo. La investigación de Erica, paralela a la de su marido y la policía, le descubre una niña desaparecida, un amor secreto y un hombre en busca de venganza.
Los crímenes de Fjällbacka: El jinete de la costa
La guardacostas de Fjällbacka se encuentra con dos buceadores muertos tras una tormenta. Poco después, el presidente de una compañía aparece asesinado. Al iniciar la investigación todo apunta a que ambos sucesos están relacionados con el naufragio de un barco en 1820.
Crimes of Passion: Muerte de un ser querido
Director of Photography
Puck ha sido invitada por su tutor de la universidad para celebrar el solsticio de verano en su casa, aislada en una isla junto a un grupo de amigos, entre ellos Einar. Con quien tiene una relación secreta, y es la razón por la que dice que sí a la invitación. Las noches de verano son seductoramente hermosas y las tensiones eróticas entre los invitados están a la orden del día. Después de haber estado fuera en una juerga romántica con Einar, Puck encuentra a una de las invitadas asesinada. Llamando rápidamente a su amigo Christer Wijk, pero al llegar este, el cadáver ha desaparecido. Tras desaparecer el barco con el que han llegado a la isla, ahora se encuentran atrapados en la isla y alguien entre ellos es un asesino. (FILMAFFINITY)
Los Andersson en Grecia
Director of Photography
Como cada verano, la familia Andersson se va de vacaciones a Myggträsk, una pequeña isla cerca de donde viven en Suecia, a bordo de una caravana. Pero tanto Karin, la madre, como sus tres hijos, Sune, Håkan Bråkan y Anna, no soportan más las vacaciones en ese lugar. Un día, Rudolf, padre de la familia, asesor fiscal, recibe de su jefe la oportunidad de asistir a un congreso en Grecia. Animado por estas circunstancias, Rudolf decide llevarse a su familia de vacaciones a Grecia. Y con un "todo incluido". Pero un golpe de mala suerte echa para atrás los planes de Rudolf por agradar a su familia, que están expectantes con el nuevo viaje, porque es su jefe quien finalmente asistirá al congreso. Así pues, y para no decepcionar a su familia, Rudolf sigue adelante con el plan establecido y reúne el dinero suficiente para pagar el viaje. Una vez allí, la familia se embarcará en una aventura llena de sorpresas.
The Stig-Helmer Story
Director of Photography
The Stig-Helmer Story is a 2011 Swedish comedy film directed by Lasse Åberg. The film is the sixth in the series about Stig-Helmer Olsson.
The Pyramid
The film is set in the middle of winter in Ystad and the main character is the middle-aged policeman Kurt Wallander, who this time investigating a drug tangle. It starts with his own goddaughter Eva found dead after taking an overdose. It turns out that heroin is unusually strong and Kurt are now beginning their search for those behind the drugs. But he has a big problem. His boss will not let him look for the person who he suspects has sold the new heroin , but she wants them to look for another drug dealer named Yngve Holm. But Kurt defy the boss's orders and go again and again to Malmo to try to unravel the case. Eventually he gets a hold of the person he suspected. He'll take some photos of him and shows them for their guddotters friend Emma who were drug dealers. She takes Kurt to a friend who claims to have seen the man. The man in the photo is called Heinrich Pasila. Wallander thinks one recognizes Pasila from an earlier murder of guddotterns mother, where the offender is found.
God Save the King
Director of Photography
A story about a young girl who leaves her hometown to pursue her dream of becoming a famous punk artist.
Bit by Bit
Director of Photography
The story of J whose goal is to be world master at playing Nintendo. He struggles with his traditional Jewish family and non-Jewish girlfriend who demand that he grow up and get a job. Real problems arise when he awakes to discover that his right hand is missing.