Beck 33 - End of the Road (2016)
Género : Suspense, Drama, Misterio, Crimen
Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 30M
Director : Jörgen Bergmark
Three brutal murders are committed in a house in a quiet suburb. The victims are a former police officer, his wife and their 10 year old son. The Beck group takes on the case and find that there is a hidden security room in the victims’ house, containing stolen weapons. They find fingerprints from a criminal who was involved in a robbery 4 years ago. After the robbery, he shot his accomplices and disappeared without a trace, along with their haul of 6.3 million. The question is how the former police officer ended up with the weapons and how is he connected to the thieves? The case wakes strong feelings at Police Headquarters and takes highest priority.
Cindy y Mike se embarcan en un viaje por carretera y planean pasar una temporada en un campamento de remolques antes de dejar a su problemática hija Kinsey en un internado. Pero el viaje se ve interrumpido por la llegada de tres psicópatas enmascarados que atacan y matan sin piedad.
Jennifer Hills (Sarah Butler) sigue atormentada por el brutal ataque sexual que tuvo que soportar años atrás. Ha cambiado de identidad y se va a otra ciudad, donde se une a un grupo de apoyo para reconstruir su nueva vida. Pero cuando el asesino de una amiga queda libre, Jennifer decide perseguir a los responsables de las atroces violaciones, y hará lo que el sistema judicial no hace. Ahora es ella quien lleva a cabo las torturas más horribles que nadie pudiera imaginar.
Un mundo utópico regido por una poderosa ética del bienestar social en el que la nanotecnología aplicada en el campo de la medicina está a la orden del día. Sin embargo, no todo es tan perfecto como parece, y tres chicas se rebelan contra esa bondad totalitaria y esas modernas técnicas médicas cometiendo un suicidio colectivo por inanición, pero fracasan en el intento. Una de ellas, Tuan Kirie, se convierte en un miembro de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. A medida que una crisis amenaza la armonía de este nuevo mundo, Tuan se reencuentra con otra de los miembros del suicidio colectivo, y juntas deberán intentar salvar el mundo.
Lillian (Julia Stiles) es una joven que regresa a su pueblo natal en el boscoso y agreste paisaje del Pacífico noroeste, pero nada más llegar se ve acosada por Blackway, un violento ex policía de nombre que parece operar con total inmunidad en la comunidad. Cuando denuncia su caso ante el sheriff, éste no parece darle importancia e incluso invita a Lillian a abandonar el lugar para evitar males mayores. Todos los vecinos parecen darle la espalda a la joven excepto Lester (Anthony Hopkins), un hombre de avanzada edad con un oscuro pasado que consigue armarse de valor para enfrentarse al temido psicópata.
En un futuro distópico en el que la sobrepoblación y la hambruna han obligado al gobierno a implantar una política de un único hijo, siete hermanas, cada una con el nombre de un día de la semana, luchan por sobrevivir y pasar inadvertidas haciéndose pasar por una sola persona cuando salen a la calle: Karen Settman. Pero un día una de ella, Lunes, desaparece sin dejar rastro. Las otras hermanas intentarán encontrarla.
No hay lugar más peligroso que un tranquilo barrio americano en una blanca noche navideña. Si no, que se lo pregunten a Ashley, la niñera del hijo de los Lerner, que deberá defender al pequeño de unos desconocidos que han irrumpido en la casa. Pronto, la chica descubrirá que no se trata de un asalto al uso.
En un futuro post-apocalíptico donde el control de la población está dictado por una prueba de aptitud de la escuela secundaria, dos estudiantes descubren que la prueba es el humo y los espejos ocultando una conspiración más grande.
Dos francotiradores estadounidenses quedan atrapados en una zona solitaria del desierto de Irak durante una misión. Cuando son atacados intentan ponerse en contacto con sus compañeros, pero al otro lado del teléfono solo se oye a un tirador iraquí que les deja claro que quiere jugar al gato y al ratón. Su única protección es un pequeño muro de ladrillos que separa al atacante de sus víctimas.
Un abogado transforma su cuerpo y hace un voto de silencio, que no será roto hasta que encuentre a los asesinos de su mujer e hija y lleve a cabo su venganza.
Tras una tragedia familiar, el joven Toby Burns (Miller) es inscrito a regañadientes en una terapida en la que debe pasar tres días y tres noches en una remota isla desierta. Toby pronto descubre que la isla "deshabitada" no está tan desierta cuando conoce a una misteriosa chica llamada Madeleine (Froseth). Y descubre que en ese lugar ninguno de los dos está seguro: alguien o algo acecha en la jungla, sediento de sangre, y juntos deberán encontrar una manera de salir de la isla antes de que se conviertan en su presa.
Bradley es un exboxeador con un matrimonio a punto de romperse que pierde su empleo como mecánico de coches. Debido a esta sensación pesimista, acaba decidiendo que su mejor opción es trabajar para un viejo amigo como traficante de drogas. Esta decisión mejorará su vida hasta que se ve envuelto en un tiroteo entre la policía y sus aliados; situación que le acaba llevando a la cárcel...
Joe, ex marine y antiguo veterano de guerra, es un tipo solitario que dedica su tiempo a intentar salvar a mujeres que son explotadas sexualmente. No se permite ni amigos ni amantes y se gana la vida rescatando jóvenes de las garras de los tratantes de blancas. Un día recibe la llamada de un político porque su hija ha sido secuestrada.
En 1969, los cuatro hermanos Jack, Billy, Jane y Sam llegan a Marrowbone junto a su madre después de haber escapado de Inglaterra. En la nueva casa intentan empezar una nueva vida lejos de su padre, un hombre violento y con un pasado criminal. Poco después de su llegada, su madre fallece repentinamente y los chicos deciden esconder el asunto para que no los separen. Se esconderán en su granja, donde serán acechados por una siniestra presencia.
Una joven agente del FBI se alía con un veterano rastreador local para investigar el asesinato de una joven ocurrido en una reserva de nativos americanos...
Durante su trayecto habitual de vuelta a casa en tren, un hombre de negocios felizmente casado comienza a hablar con una misteriosa pasajera. Pronto el hombre se verá envuelto en una conspiración criminal que amenaza con poner en peligro tanto su vida como la de sus seres más cercanos.
En los márgenes del río Baztán, en el valle de Navarra, aparece el cuerpo desnudo de una adolescente en una circunstancia que lo relaciona con un asesinato ocurrido un mes atrás... La inspectora Amaia Salazar dirige la investigación que la llevará de vuelta al pueblo de Elizondo, donde ella creció y del que ha tratado de huir toda su vida. Enfrentada con las complicadas derivaciones del caso y sus propios fantasmas, la investigación de Amaia es una carrera contrarreloj para dar con un implacable asesino, en una tierra fértil en supersticiones y brujería...
Cuando un niño aparece muerto en un tranquilo pueblo de Pensilvania, Donald, conductor de un camión de saneamiento local, interpreta a un detective y se embarca en una investigación precaria y obsesiva para demostrar que el niño fue asesinado.
Una pareja que se va de fin de semana a las montañas se ve acosada por una banda. Solos en las montañas, tendrán que hacer todo lo posible para defenderse.
Seis universitarios que comparten coche a través del país, se les revienta un neumático en medio de un paraje solitario de una carretera secundaria. Al salir del coche para cambiar la rueda, se dan cuenta de que no ha sido un accidente. Un tiro ha causado el reventón. Con el coche inmovilizado, un peligroso asaltante les acecha mientras ellos intentan huir desesperadamente.
Two traffic officers on a quiet morning shift try to stop a car for speeding. When the car finally pulls over, the driver gets out and shoots at them, killing one of the officers in cold blood. A national alert is issued and an extensive search for the ruthless killer begins, with the Beck group at the lead. Neither the officer’s shocked and wounded colleague nor any of the witnesses have seen anything helpful to the police. Finally, they find the car registration number using a surveillance camera. But, when they enter the car owner’s apartment, they find him shot to death. The first day of summer is a long one for the Beck group, as the killer has more victims on his list.
An unidentified body is found in the remains left after a fire in a trailer at a run-down caravan park. The owner of the trailer, a young drug-addicted woman, is missing, but is she really the victim? And what role has the so-called neighbourhood watch from the nearby community played? The case is difficult to solve, with everyone involved guarding their secrets, regardless of social class. Furthermore, police supervisor Klas Fredén decides to go over Martin Beck’s head and recruit charismatic, Norwegian homicide investigator, Steinar Hovland. The newly-structured Beck group faces the blight of a power struggle. And Martin struggles to find his way back to his old self.
A man is beaten to death in the Middle East. In Stockholm, a young woman disappears on her way home from work. These two events will prove to be related. Since Martin Beck has quit, Steinar Hovland leads the search for the missing girl. But Martin is drawn into the case when he decides to help the national Security Police investigate a suspected terrorist. They soon realize that they are in a race against time to stop a catastrophe.
A homosexual police officer's double life is paid by Becks archenemy, Gavling. A man who runs Stockholm's underworld. In return have the homosexual police, been serving Gavling with secret information from the archive of the police authorities. Written
The murder of a prominent attorney is connected to one of his recent cases, in which a company was being sued for serious environmental damage. Martin Beck and Lena Klingström find evidence which brings new light to the investigation - but who's pulling the strings?
Mother of an autistic boy is found murdered in her home. The boy holds the murder weapon, covered in blood..
It's a dark night in Stockholm. A chef is murdered in his own kitchen and Martin Beck gets on the case.
A paparazzi photographer gets brutally murdered in Stockholm. His apartment is searched and the computer together with photo equipment is missing.
In this film Beck and his team are trying to find a serial killer, whose victims are spread all over Sweden. An obvious connection is that all the victims are women, and they were all in the same class, and Beck thinks that a scandal back in the past has something to do with the murders. But no one wants to talk about the past and it becomes a struggle to find the perpetrator before the final murder - only one woman is still alive.
Simon Lindström, the popular coach of a suburban junior hockey team is found stabbed to death. Does the murder have something to do with his side project: teaching unaccompanied refugee children to ice skate? This undertaking has certainly not been appreciated by everyone in their small, sheltered community. Martin Beck, who has returned in a more senior position, struggles to find a replacement for the temporary head of the group, Steinar Hovland. But the Norwegian is becoming more and more interested in keeping his new role. The question is whether Martin can trust him?
A teenage girl is found by her parents brutally raped and murdered in the woods. It's now up to Beck and his team to catch the criminal.
Two young girls are killed on railway by a passing train. It does not seem to fit the profile of a normal suicide. So if this is a double homicide who would do this and why? Martin Beck and his team start following the step backwards in order to figure out what has happened. With good and intensive police work they find man side trails from the main path.
Swedish politician John Veden vanishes without a trace. There's no hint he's dead yet but Beck's team gets the case due to Police Chief Oberg's friendship with the man whom she dined with him the evening before he vanished. When they find out Veden was a gambler with heavy debts battling his addiction the case leads Martin Beck, Gunvald Larsson and freshly returned Lena Klingström into Sweden's illegal gambling scene. And Veden was planning to expose his own addiction and his party's huge financial profits from gambling in a confessional book - which his political allies got wind of via illegal data theft. With several people having an interest that Veden stays missing the team tries to find the politician and the true perpetrator while Beck is grappling privately with his ambivalent feelings about working with ex Lena again....
After a woman buys a Japanese shunga painting from an auction and later is found murdered in a hotel in Stockholm, the police gets dragged into a murder investigation where they meet the dark side of the art world.
Two patrolling cops stumble on to three criminals who have just stolen large amounts of explosives, and are killed in cold blood. Martin Beck and his team must now work day and night to find out who the killers are and what they are planning to do with the explosives before it's too late. Meanwhile, Gunvald Larsson who was a close friend of one of the murdered cops is ignoring all rules in his quest for revenge.
A man is found dead, stabbed to death with a knife. The chocking thing is that his face has been removed. After questioning his wife who described the marriage as happy also told that a mysterious foreign man knocked on their door the day before the murder. Beck and his men are given the case.
A small girl is found dead in a deserted underground cellar. She has been dead for some time but there is fresh food for her. Who is she?
An Asian woman is found dead in the water of Stockholm's archipelago. She has been murdered and everything indicates that she was a prostitute. Meanwhile a series of break-ins has occurred on an island outside of Stockholm. Suddenly a retired old man is also found dead in his own yard. Now Beck has two cases to solve and they both point in the same direction.
A bomb threat is called in to a police station in Stockholm. The police bomb squad blows the briefcase to pieces and it looks like false alarm, until a baby is found inside. Soon, e-mails are sent out to every newspaper about the nasty situation that the police had tried to keep secret. Will the police ever overcome the "Monster"?
A series of grisly murders where the victims faces have been removed by acid starts to turn up around Stockholm. Detective Martin Beck and Gunvald Larsson are once again drawn into the darkness.