Hélène Patarot


Her mother has just died. Her father is not what she had thought. Caught between an uncertain past, which she knows only through the photographs her mother has left behind, and the prospect of a marriage that she does not really want, Elisa sets out to discover the truth. But will she recognize it when she finds it?
La familia no se escoge
Mère supérieure
Alex y Kim desean adoptar a una niña tailandesa. El problema es que el gobierno de Tailandia no dejaría adoptar a una pareja homosexual como lo son ellas. Así que Alex recurre a su hermano, César, dueño de un concesionario a punto de la bancarrota, que acepta, gracias a una suculenta ayuda financiera, a hacerse pasar por el marido de Kim. Todo lo que haga será poco para aparentar un matrimonio perfecto y apto para adoptar.
Tengri: Blue Heavens
This is a love story set in the steppes of Central Asia of today. Temür a thirty year old Kazakh decides to start life again in his ancestral village in the Kyrghyz Mountains. He discovers soon after his arrival that he is a misfit in this settlement of old conservative Islamic men,some women and children. The only ray of hope for him is Amira a young married woman who waits in frustration for her absentee husband - a Mujahideen. Temur watches sorrowfully as the individual village stories unfold at the same as he tries to help the community out in any way he can. In this way he comes closer to Amira and Taib, her young brother-in-law. In a dead end situation the lovers decide to leave the settlement and travel to a place that would hold out with their dreams. Written by Mira Tanna-Händel
Tonight I'll Sleep at Yours
Alex and Laetitia appear to make the perfect couple. But, as much as he loves his gorgeous fun-loving sweetheart, Alex isn’t yet ready for her to move in with him. Laetitia has other ideas. She has already packed her bags and lets Alex know that she will be taking up residence in his apartment within a few hours. For Alex, this is his worst nightmare come true. In desperation, he persuades his best friend to simulate an attack of depression so that he can move in with him...
Ordo Tupikos, a french sailor with greek origins, discover that his first wife, Estelle, with whom he had remained married a few months only 16 years earlier, is now a famous movie star called Louise Sandoli. But, more than her name, everything about Louise seems to have changed. Ordo decides to meet Estelle again, after all these years, to know what it's all about...
Pulsión (The Sight: La visión)
Mrs. Fong
Michael Lewis es un joven arquitecto que ha empezado a tener visiones sobrecogedoras. Su confusion aumenta a medida que estas se repiten hasta llegar a su punto álgido cuando un dia atropella con su coche a una anciana. Esta antes de expirar su ultimo aliento de vida en sus brazos murmura su nombre. A partir de ese momento, el contacto con el otro mundo se hará mas intenso y la anciana se encargará de visitarle en forma de espiritu. La anciana será la guia que le ayudará en su nuevo trabajo,liberar a todas las almas que quedaron atrapadas cuando fueron asesinadas por un demente maniaco y capturar al asesino.
W.S.H.: The Myth of the Urban Myth
A folklorist researching an 'urban legend' becomes caught up in his task. The film tells its fictional story in documentary style, featuring interviews with real folklore scholars.
El amante
The Assistant Mistress
En la Vietnam colonial de 1929, una adolescente francesa, que vive con su madre y sus dos hermanas, conoce a un apuesto comerciante chino. A pesar de las tensiones que se viven en el sureste asiático y a la diferencia de edad entre ambos, pronto se convierten en amantes.
La vida es una novela
Thi Lan
En 1919, tres jóvenes pasan sus vacaciones en el castillo de un amigo. Los cuatro serán protagonistas de diversas historias que, inevitablemente, acabarán entrelazándose.