Her mother has just died. Her father is not what she had thought. Caught between an uncertain past, which she knows only through the photographs her mother has left behind, and the prospect of a marriage that she does not really want, Elisa sets out to discover the truth. But will she recognize it when she finds it?
Mère supérieure
Алекс хочет удочерить очаровательную 5 — летнюю малышку Майли, которая живет в Таиланде. Но по законам этой страны приёмные родители должны быть официально зарегистрированной супружеской парой. Алекс подбивает своего брата, Сезара Борньоли, разорившегося автомобильного дилера, на аферу: он должен поехать с супругой Алекс, Ким в Таиланд, изображая её супруга, что бы забрать оттуда девочку. Но трудно найти более непохожих людей, чем Ким и Сезар. А доктор Луиш, опекун девочки, начинает подозревать неладное…
This is a love story set in the steppes of Central Asia of today. Temür a thirty year old Kazakh decides to start life again in his ancestral village in the Kyrghyz Mountains. He discovers soon after his arrival that he is a misfit in this settlement of old conservative Islamic men,some women and children. The only ray of hope for him is Amira a young married woman who waits in frustration for her absentee husband - a Mujahideen. Temur watches sorrowfully as the individual village stories unfold at the same as he tries to help the community out in any way he can. In this way he comes closer to Amira and Taib, her young brother-in-law. In a dead end situation the lovers decide to leave the settlement and travel to a place that would hold out with their dreams. Written by Mira Tanna-Händel
Alex and Laetitia appear to make the perfect couple. But, as much as he loves his gorgeous fun-loving sweetheart, Alex isn’t yet ready for her to move in with him. Laetitia has other ideas. She has already packed her bags and lets Alex know that she will be taking up residence in his apartment within a few hours. For Alex, this is his worst nightmare come true. In desperation, he persuades his best friend to simulate an attack of depression so that he can move in with him...
Ordo Tupikos, a french sailor with greek origins, discover that his first wife, Estelle, with whom he had remained married a few months only 16 years earlier, is now a famous movie star called Louise Sandoli. But, more than her name, everything about Louise seems to have changed. Ordo decides to meet Estelle again, after all these years, to know what it's all about...
Mrs. Fong
The American successful architect Michael Lewis travels to London with his partner and friend, the builder Jake, to refurbish an old hotel. Michael is having successive nightmares, and once in London, he realizes that twenty-one spirits are trying to contact him to solve murders of a serial killer. Michael, with the support of Jake, Detective Pryce and the ghosts, try to avoid the ninth crime and find the serial-killer.
A folklorist researching an 'urban legend' becomes caught up in his task. The film tells its fictional story in documentary style, featuring interviews with real folklore scholars.
The Assistant Mistress
30-е годы. Колониальный Сайгон. Красивый, богатый, изысканный китаец знакомится с француженкой. Ей лет пятнадцать. Их любовь под родительским запретом. Но такую «империю чувств», пленительную и прочную, разрушить никому не дано.
Thi Lan
Граф Мишель Форбек, богатый чудак-эксцентрик, живущий на грани 19-го и 20-го веков, создает "храм счастья", в котором посетители возвращаются в состояние детства. Для создания ауры Утопии, гости графа испытывают только положительные ощущения - в воздухе звучат потоки волшебной музыки, повязки на глазах защищают от неприятных видов - а они тем временем лежат в больших детских кроватках. План графа терпит крах, когда Ливия, тайком не принимавшая предписанный напиток, обнаруживает, что одна из ее подруг случайно умирает по небрежности персонала. Тут начинается Первая мировая война, и храму счастья и мечтам графа приходит конец.