Born to a poor farming family in Brittany, Bécassine finds work as a nanny with the Marquise de Grand-Air who has recently adopted a lovely baby named Loulotte. A strong bond develops between Becassine and Loulotte, and life is sweet, until the Grand-Airs are threatened with financial ruin… Can Bécassine save the day? Naïve, funny, dreamy, optimistic, loving, Bécassine is also inventive, courageous and always ready to handle any situation in her own unique way – a superheroine like no other. César-winner Bruno Podalydès returns with a family movie adapted from the beloved French comic book Bécassine.
Jacqueline Échard
Primavera de 1958. La joven Rose Pamphyle vive con su padre, un viudo cascarrabias que dirige la tienda del pueblo. Comprometida con el hijo del mecánico local, parece destinada a la vida tranquila y monótona de un ama de casa. Pero no es eso lo que ella desea. Cuando viaja a Lisieaux, en Normandía, para una entrevista de trabajo en una agencia de seguros, el resultado es desastroso. Pero Rose tiene un don especial, puede mecanografiar a una velocidad endiablada.
Dental Office Secretary
Una exitosa mujer con suerte en el amor trata de romper la maldición de su familia: el primer matrimonio termina en divorcio; para evitarlo, decide buscar a alguien al azar con quien casarse y divorciarse, antes de casarse con su querido novio.
Thirty year old Alexander is a budding film-maker. One night he wakes and is stunned to find he is being filmed by the very same camera that enables us to see his every move. In bed beside him, his girl-friend, Emeline, appears blissfully unaware of what is happening to him. He begins to realise that he is trapped inside a film, a delusion that seems to embody his obsession with film-making. From now on, he battles, body and soul, to set himself free.
"Resumption of a play created in 1983. Two shipwrecked people on a makeshift raft in the middle of a social conflict, a mountaineering fight on Mount Paterhorn, improbable friction between two men and a woman in the Yvelines ... The places, the situations change, but each time there is a confrontation. The question is not so much who will win, but to take pleasure in the arguments provided by the opponents. Cunning, bad faith, all blows are allowed in what is primarily a fight of words. "