Shin'ya Ohwada

Shin'ya Ohwada

Nacimiento : 1947-10-25, Tsuruga, Fukui Prefecture, Japan


Shin'ya Ohwada


Hazard Lights
Sugai works as a driver at a chauffeur service company at night. On the night of a full moon weekend, he is told to pair up with a newcomer Kariya. Kariya is a mysterious young guy who gives a silly quiz to Sugai while they work. Sometime later, a drag queen comes to the office and asks for Sugai, saying that someone is trying to kill him. Sugai actually has a past that he could never forget. His colleague tells him that on the night of a full moon weekend something bad would happen...
浅見光彦 軽井沢殺人事件
Shrieking in the Rain
At a movie studio in 1988, rookie director Hanako Hayashi is making her directorial debut, the erotic As Far as Love Will Take Us. She's under pressure from her producer and crew. When she is about to shoot the climax of the film, numerous problems arise. To make matters worse, the set is visited by a censor from the Film Certification Committee, and the key scenes end up being cut out to avoid an R rating. Can Hanako realise her dream?
Food Luck!
Tadayoshi Toyokawa
Yoshito grew up with his mother Yasue after his father passed away. His mother ran a yakiniku (grilled meat) restaurant that his father had left behind. Yoshito enjoyed eating his mother's cooking and their restaurant was loved by many people. Things changed after popular food critic Furuyama Tatsuya published false statements about their yakiniku restaurant. Due to that, their restaurant saw a sharp drop in customers. Yasue worked hard to recover business for the restaurant. Due to Yoshito's behavior in wanting attention from his mom, Yasue decided to shut down the restaurant. 18 years later, Yoshito lives alone and he works as a freelance writer. One day, he takes work for a new online foodie website. He works with editor Takenaka Shizuka. Their first assignment involves yakiniku. Around that time, Yoshito hears that his estranged mother Yasue has collapsed.
The Tragedy of W
The story of a rich family torn apart by the murder of their patriarch, and their heiress being accused of the crime, becomes a play and is acted out by a troupe of actors in Osaka.
50 First Kisses
Daisuke Yuge works as a tour guide in Oahu, Hawaii and also studies astronomy. He meets Rui Fujishima at a cafe and falls in love with her at first sight, but Rui Fujishima suffers from memory loss due to a past accident.
Shigeru Saito
Takaraishi Miki es una oficinista de 24 años. Se graduó como la mejor estudiante de la Universidad de Tokio y también ganó el título de Miss Campus, lo que la hizo aparecer como la chica "perfecta" con inteligencia y apariencia. Sin embargo, su mayor defecto es su fea personalidad de la que no se da cuenta. Un día, su novio, que aspira a convertirse en político, la abandona, lo que lleva a Miki a convertirse en política para vengarse de él.
The Best Skilled Surgeon 2017
Tamotsu Urasawa
Maverick pediatric surgeon Mikoto Saijo agrees to work under his mentor, but only if he's allowed to care for a teenager with a risky pregnancy.
Bros. Maxman
Several years later after movie “Mr. Max Man”. Hideo is the younger brother of Masayoshi and he works at the same broadcasting station as a rookie AD. Hideo likes Rina who works as a announcer there. Meanwhile, Hideo becomes a righteous hero and fights for justice.
Tax Inspector Madogiwa Taro: Case File 31
Mother Lake
Set in 2036, famous photographer Fujii goes to a museum near Lake Biwa. He remembers a time twenty years earlier where he had believed that there was a dinosaur, Biwasshi, living in the lake and he had tried to convince people of this.
Evergreen Love
Ryumei Tome
Sayaka trabaja en una oficina. No es muy buena en su trabajo y tiene una vida solitaria y monótona. Una noche, un joven llamado Itsuki aparece agotado frente a su casa. Sayaka le deja entrar y a partir de ese momento comienzan a vivir juntos. Itsuki le prepara la comida y van juntos a recoger hierbas silvestres. Él, a pesar de que se ve como una persona alegre, esconde un secreto.
Detective Ballerino
In the past, Kurumi Usushima (Yuto Nakajima) wanted to become a ballerino, but he is now a detective. Kurumi Usushima and his senior detective, Takao Washio (Masahiro Takashima), solve a case by using the hypnosis technique past life regression.
Mr. Max Man
Takeshi Kaito
Masayoshi is a young announcer who has worked at a broadcasting station for 3 years. He is the secondary presenter for a morning information program, but he always makes mistakes. Masayoshi also has a crush on co-worker Yuko, whom he has known since he was a child, but he can't seem to get any closer to her. Masayoshi then puts on a pair of glasses that he finds at work. He realizes the glasses gives him superhuman powers. Masayoshi decides to become a righteous hero.
April Fools
Ayumi, una limpiadora del hospital, llama de pronto al joven doctor genio para decirle que está embarazada de él. Él, un impenitente mujeriego, se toma la noticia a broma dado que es el Día de los Inocentes, lo que acarreará consecuencias insospechadas. Mientras, un chico intenta por todos los medios contactar con un ovni que lo devuelva a donde pertenece, que desde luego no puede ser el instituto donde lo acosan. Por otra parte, un matrimonio mayor recorre aristocráticamente la ciudad, una niña es secuestrada, un policía detiene a una vidente... Una película coral donde todas las historias acaban relacionándose de forma sorprendente, y que transcurre enteramente en un muy loco y divertido Día de los Inocentes.
Shin Chan: Papá robot
Jintaro Kuroiwa
Hiroshi se hace daño en la espalda al intentar jugar a los robots con Shin Chan. Misae le regaña por hacer el bruto en lugar de ocuparse de las cosas de la casa. Molesto y dolorido, Hiroshi decide ir al médico, pero se lo encuentra cerrado. A la vuelta, se encuentra con una misteriosa mujer que le ofrece un masaje gratis en un nuevo centro de estética. Hiroshi acepta, pero cuando el masaje termina y vuelve a casa, descubre que se ha convertido en un robot. Misae no se cree que sea el verdadero Hiroshi: no le deja entrar en casa e incluso avisa a la policía. Pero cuando estos investigan, el centro de estética donde le dieron el masaje a Hiroshi se ha desvanecido en el aire. Después de que Hiroshi-robot salve a Shin Chan y a sus amigos de un terrible accidente, Misae le acepta como al verdadero Hiroshi y parece que todos vuelven a vivir felices hasta que la misteriosa mujer vuelve a aparecer ante Shin Chan y le entrega un bigote que cambiará por completo la personalidad de Hiroshi-rob.
Bayside Shakedown The Final: The New Hope
Takeshi Azumi
Set 2 years after prior film "Bayside Shakedown 3: Set the Guys Loose," a major case occurs that has the potential to take down the entire police organization. For the next 3 days, Shunsaku Aoshima and his colleagues struggle to unravel the case...
Go! Boys' School Drama Club
Owada's Father
Genki Ogasawara enrolls in an all boys high school. He then sets out to become popular with girls and looks for a club to join at school. Genki then comes across a performance of "Romeo and Juliet" performed by the school's drama club. Genki falls for the lead playing Juliet and decides to join the drama club. Genki isn't aware that the drama club is about to be shut down and that the person playing Juliet is actually a senior male student in drag.
Cinturón negro (Black Belt)
Gouda Hidehisa
Ambientada en Japón, durante los primeros años de la Era Showa (1932). Un trío de karatekas de un pequeño dojo, ubicado en los bosques del centro de Kyushu, están bajo la tutela del anciano maestro llamado Eiken Shibahara. Entre ellos se debaten el Kuroi Obi, que designará al sucesor del dojo. Choei, Taiken y Giryu se enfrentan a una compañía de la policía militar Kenpeitai, que ha llegado a requisar su dojo para usarlo como una base militar.
I Just Didn't Do It
Toshio Hiroyasu
Kaneko Teppei es un joven japonés normal y corriente. Trabaja a tiempo parcial, hace vida en Tokyo e intenta descubrir qué le espera en la vida. Finalmente, tras armarse de valor para ir a su primera entrevista de trabajo, es acusado por una joven colegiala de haberla manoseado en el metro. Él proclama su inocencia desesperadamente, pero a la policía sólo le interesa forzarle a hacer una confesión falsa, pagar una multa y cerrar rápidamente el caso. Antes de que se dé cuenta de lo que está pasando, su persistencia en afirmar su inocencia le sumirá en una odisea kafkiana de burocracia judicial.
The Motive
Yoshio Sato
Four people are discovered brutally murdered in an up-scale high-rise apartment. All the victims appear to be family, but as the investigation deepens it is discovered that one of the victims isn't related to the family.
Godzilla, Mothra y King Ghidorah: Monstruos gigantescos ataque total
SDF L:t. Gen. Katsumasa Mikumo
En los años 50, la capital de Japón fue atacada y casi destruida por Godzilla. Desde entonces, Japón ha disfrutado de un gran periodo de paz, pero esa paz se ve alterada cuando un submarino del ejército japonés detecta una extraña silueta en el fondo del mar que recuerda a Godzilla. Nadie acepta tal posibilidad, excepto el Comandante Tachibana quien, en su niñez, fue testigo del ataque de Godzilla, por lo que no descarta el regreso del monstruo atómico.
Between Calmness and Passion
Kiyomasa Agata
An appassionato art student and a dispassionate college girl make a vow, saying they would meet each other again in the Florence Cathedral after 10 years.
Bayside Shakedown
Takeshi Azumi
Aoshima, a police detective working in the Bayside Precinct, is continually frustrated by the hierarchy and red tape that plague the system. His friend Muroi is climbing the ladder of the police bureaucracy. Muroi has made a pact with Aoshima that while Aoshima looks after the streets, Muroi would make life easier for the cops on the beat. One day in Bayside, a series of events turns the small station upside down.
Investigative Notes of a Taxi Driver: Murder of the Killer
Tom Cat Holmes' Deduction
A detective film by Nobuhiko Ōbayashi. Made for TV.
Last Friends
Following the lives of three college rugby players drafted to serve in the military during WWII. Though they believe their service will help to benefit their loved ones back home, they are unprepared for the hardships of war. Through their shared trials and sacrifices, they grow closer as friends, and hope to return together to better days. This movie was released in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the end of WWII.
Musume Bugyo On-na Ro Hisho
Ooka Echizen
A woman calling herself Princess Oryu enters the woman's prison. She is Kasumi, the daughter of the famous magistrate, Ooka Echizen, who slowly after hearing each of the prisoner's stories begins to realize the mystery that lies behind what it could be a big conspiracy.
A Class to Remember
Eriko's father
A cantankerous but loveable high school teacher teaches a night school in a poor neighborhood for adult students on the fringes of Japanese society.
Godzilla contra Mothra
Unos cazatesoros descubren una enorme bola blanca que resulta ser un huevo de Mothra, el dios guardián del Cosmos. Los investigadores deciden llevar el huevo a Japón, pero Godzilla, que ha despertado de su letargo debido al impacto de un meteorito gigante que cayó en la fosa del Pacífico donde dormía, sale a su encuentro... ¿Podrán los humanos sobrevivir a esta terrorífica lucha entre monstruos?...
Four Days of Snow and Blood
Onogi (as Shin'ya Ôwada)
Based on the "2.26 Incident", an attempted coup d'état in Japan 1936, launched by radical ultra-nationalist parts of the military. Several leading politicians were killed and the center of Tokyo was briefly held by the insurgents before the coup was suppressed.
White Snake Enchantment
Fireman B
Uta married a priest who saved her when she tried to commit suicide at a waterfall. The love triangle between a lustful priest, his second wife and his son Masao.
To Trap a Kidnapper
Hideyuki Mitamura, a student at a private school near Osaka, is kidnapped on his way home from school.
The Imperial Japanese Empire
Story of three people, a barber, a Christian and a graduate of the Tokyo Military Academy during the 2nd World War.
Lord Mito
Atsumi Kakunoshin
One of Japan’s most popular historical characters, former Vice-Shogun Tokugawa Mitsukuni, whose travels around the nation are legendary has made it to the silver screen in a dynamic and exciting tale featuring megastar Toshiro Mifune as an expert swordsman drawn into the action to fight injustice. The Elder Lord travels about disguised as a retired merchant with his two trusty bodyguards Sukesaburo and Kakunoshin by his side and secret agent Yashichi close by. After a chance meeting with a dying man and young woman who had been brutally attacked, they set out for Kaga Province to wreak vengeance on the responsible parties. Don’t miss this exciting journey into Japanese history!
Sweet Revenge
Lawyer Shiratori
Masao is falsely accused and jailed for the murder of a loanshark to whom he owed a lot of money. His sister Kiriko makes the long trip to Tokyo, specifically to accost Otsuka, Japan's top criminal defence lawyer, and plead with him to take her brother's case. They live in Kitakyushu which, though a city, she contends that the local lawyers are not up to the job. Otsuka contemptuously brushes her off. A year passes. Masao has suicided in jail, his appeal having failed due to the lack of interest and competence of the local defence lawyer. Kiriko returns to Tokyo, planning revenge on Otsuka for refusing the case and causing her brother's death.
Ryuji Kano
In a rural village with a poorly understood but long standing curse from the Dog God, outsiders from a major Tokyo mining corporation scouting for uranium destroy a small shrine and crush a dog under their jeep wheels. After one of the mining company employees marries the daughter of a prominent member of the village, the Dog God’s wrath boils over and people start to die. The village girl and mining company employee start a new life in Tokyo, but the Dog God possesses her and she is deemed mentally ill. The couple returns to the village to perform an exorcism, but it is unsuccessful. As the body count accumulates, the cause of and remedy for the curse becomes more opaque.
A tough prosecutor is falsely accused of theft and goes on the run to clear his name. He is assisted by the beautiful daughter of a rich man.
The Last Song
Junkichi is the son of a rich landlord, while Koyuki is the daughter of a poor lumber worker. The mismatched pair soon finds love, and against his father's wishes, Junkichi decides to run away with Koyuki to start a new life. But when Junkichi is called off to war, they make a pledge to sing the song of engagement everyday until they are able to reunite
Deeper Than Blue
Shuichi Murakami
About a girl who marries in the middle of the Pacific War, is widowed at 18, and her unflagging struggle to survive during and after the war with her son.