Shin'ya Ohwada
出生 : 1947-10-25, Tsuruga, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Sugai works as a driver at a chauffeur service company at night. On the night of a full moon weekend, he is told to pair up with a newcomer Kariya. Kariya is a mysterious young guy who gives a silly quiz to Sugai while they work. Sometime later, a drag queen comes to the office and asks for Sugai, saying that someone is trying to kill him. Sugai actually has a past that he could never forget. His colleague tells him that on the night of a full moon weekend something bad would happen...
ルポライターの浅見光彦(岩田剛典)は、取材先で様々な事件を引き寄せる不思議な能力の持ち主。今回訪れた軽井沢の浅間山で1枚の写真を拾うが、これも新たな事件の始まりだった――。 光彦は財界の重鎮で大原物産会長・大原賀一郎の別荘を訪問。伝手を頼って元伯爵家令嬢の妻・亜矢子に軽井沢の話を聞けることになったのだ。ところが大原家に警察が。事故死した男性の所持品に亜矢子のものらしきスケッチブックがあったという。亜矢子は明らかに動揺している様子で…。 警察庁刑事局のトップの光彦の兄・陽一郎曰く、男性はベンチャー企業の社員・平山宏一。何者かに追われ事故にあったとされている。また大原物産と仕事で関わりがある人物で、死の間際、婚約者・野本美貴に「ホトケのオデコ」という謎の言葉を残していた。
At a movie studio in 1988, rookie director Hanako Hayashi is making her directorial debut, the erotic As Far as Love Will Take Us. She's under pressure from her producer and crew. When she is about to shoot the climax of the film, numerous problems arise. To make matters worse, the set is visited by a censor from the Film Certification Committee, and the key scenes end up being cut out to avoid an R rating. Can Hanako realise her dream?
Tadayoshi Toyokawa
The story of a rich family torn apart by the murder of their patriarch, and their heiress being accused of the crime, becomes a play and is acted out by a troupe of actors in Osaka.
Shigeru Saito
Tamotsu Urasawa
Maverick pediatric surgeon Mikoto Saijo agrees to work under his mentor, but only if he's allowed to care for a teenager with a risky pregnancy.
Several years later after movie “Mr. Max Man”. Hideo is the younger brother of Masayoshi and he works at the same broadcasting station as a rookie AD. Hideo likes Rina who works as a announcer there. Meanwhile, Hideo becomes a righteous hero and fights for justice.
Set in 2036, famous photographer Fujii goes to a museum near Lake Biwa. He remembers a time twenty years earlier where he had believed that there was a dinosaur, Biwasshi, living in the lake and he had tried to convince people of this.
Ryumei Tome
In the past, Kurumi Usushima (Yuto Nakajima) wanted to become a ballerino, but he is now a detective. Kurumi Usushima and his senior detective, Takao Washio (Masahiro Takashima), solve a case by using the hypnosis technique past life regression.
Takeshi Kaito
Masayoshi is a young announcer who has worked at a broadcasting station for 3 years. He is the secondary presenter for a morning information program, but he always makes mistakes. Masayoshi also has a crush on co-worker Yuko, whom he has known since he was a child, but he can't seem to get any closer to her. Masayoshi then puts on a pair of glasses that he finds at work. He realizes the glasses gives him superhuman powers. Masayoshi decides to become a righteous hero.
Jintaro Kuroiwa
ぎっくり腰になったひろしは、美人の誘いに乗せられて、マッサージを兼ねたエステの無料体験を受けることに。すっきりして家に帰ったひろしだったが、どうもみさえやしんのすけの反応がおかしい。鏡に映った姿を見ると、なんとひろしはロボットになっていた! やがて野原一家は、これが立場の弱くなった日本の父親たちの復権をたくらむ秘密結社「父よ、勇気で立ち上がれ同盟」、略称“父ゆれ同盟”による陰謀だと知る。
Takeshi Azumi
2012年12月、湾岸署が管轄内で行われている国際環境エネルギーサミットの警護で慌ただしい中、その会場内で誘拐事件が発生、数時間後に被害者は射殺体で発見された。捜査会議が開かれるが、使用された拳銃が警察が押収した物の一つだと発覚したことから、その隠蔽のため、全ての捜査情報を鳥飼に文書として報告し、所轄には極秘状態という異例の捜査体制となる。 やがて捜査本部はある一人の男性に注目。本庁に類が及ばないよう、現場を知る所轄を信頼しているからと言葉巧みに湾岸署刑事課強行犯係を誘導して、この男を任意同行させ、捜査本部による自白強要によって被疑者に仕立てて事態収束を図るが、青島はそんな上層部達の不審な動きに気付いていく。そんな中、第二の殺人事件が発生、被害者が当時交渉課課長時代の真下も関わった6年前の誘拐殺人事件の被告で無罪判決を受けていたことが判明する。一方、独自に動いていた青島は鳥飼の策により、先だって捜査本部が逮捕した被疑者に対する「誤認逮捕」「自白強要」という冤罪を着せられて辞職勧告にまで追いやられ上層部に警察手帳を奪われる。一方で室井も事件の捜査本部長の任に就いた後に青島の責任を取る形での辞職が決定されてしまう。 そして真下の息子が誘拐される第三の事件が発生。警察手帳を取り上げられてしまった青島だったが、誘拐事件の発生を知り室井に報告し共闘を進言。室井はこれを受け入れて青島に捜査への参加を命令する。青島は室井からの命令を受けて人質救出・犯人逮捕に奔走。一方、捜査本部を率いる室井は本庁・所轄問わずに集められた情報から事件の真相へと近づいていく。
Owada's Father
Genki Ogasawara enrolls in an all boys high school. He then sets out to become popular with girls and looks for a club to join at school. Genki then comes across a performance of "Romeo and Juliet" performed by the school's drama club. Genki falls for the lead playing Juliet and decides to join the drama club. Genki isn't aware that the drama club is about to be shut down and that the person playing Juliet is actually a senior male student in drag.
Gouda Hidehisa
Set in 1932, amid the rise of militarism after the establishment of the Manchukuo colony in Northeast China, the story centers on a trio of karateka. Studying under their aging master in a small dojo in the woods of central Kyushu, Choei, Taikan and Giryu face a company of kempeitai military police come to requisition their dojo for use as a military base.
Toshio Hiroyasu
Yoshio Sato
荒川区の超高層マンションで、一家4人の惨殺事件が起きる。その容疑者として石田(勝野洋)が指名手配されるが、捜査が進む内に惨殺された一家4人全員が 赤の他人同士だったことが判明し、事件は思わぬ展開をみせる。
SDF L:t. Gen. Katsumasa Mikumo
Kiyomasa Agata
Takeshi Azumi
1998年11月4日 、湾岸署と勝どき署の中間の河川で水死体が発見される。司法解剖の結果水死体の胃の中から熊のぬいぐるみが発見され、事件は思わぬ方向に……。一方、警視庁副総監が自宅前で拉致される事件が起こり、湾岸署に捜査本部が置かれるが、所轄の刑事は一切捜査をさせないという方針に、激怒する青島。だが同時に、なんと湾岸署内で窃盗事件が起こる。
A detective film by Nobuhiko Ōbayashi. Made for TV.
Following the lives of three college rugby players drafted to serve in the military during WWII. Though they believe their service will help to benefit their loved ones back home, they are unprepared for the hardships of war. Through their shared trials and sacrifices, they grow closer as friends, and hope to return together to better days. This movie was released in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the end of WWII.
Ooka Echizen
A woman calling herself Princess Oryu enters the woman's prison. She is Kasumi, the daughter of the famous magistrate, Ooka Echizen, who slowly after hearing each of the prisoner's stories begins to realize the mystery that lies behind what it could be a big conspiracy.
Eriko's father
Onogi (as Shin'ya Ôwada)
国際連盟を脱退し国際的に孤立していた日本は、国内でも政治不安、恐慌や経済不況が蔓延し国民の不満が高まっていた。 こうした状況を憂い憤っていた一部の帝国陸軍青年将校達はひそかに企てていた現政権を取り巻く元老、重臣を粛清し天皇陛下中心の国政を実現すべく昭和維新を実現すべく昭和8年2月21日ついにそれぞれの部隊を巻き込んで決起するが、国民を正義に導くはずの彼らの行動は次第にその思惑とはかけ離れた方向に陥っていく。
Fireman B
Hideyuki Mitamura, a student at a private school near Osaka, is kidnapped on his way home from school.
Story of three people, a barber, a Christian and a graduate of the Tokyo Military Academy during the 2nd World War.
Atsumi Kakunoshin
One of Japan’s most popular historical characters, former Vice-Shogun Tokugawa Mitsukuni, whose travels around the nation are legendary has made it to the silver screen in a dynamic and exciting tale featuring megastar Toshiro Mifune as an expert swordsman drawn into the action to fight injustice. The Elder Lord travels about disguised as a retired merchant with his two trusty bodyguards Sukesaburo and Kakunoshin by his side and secret agent Yashichi close by. After a chance meeting with a dying man and young woman who had been brutally attacked, they set out for Kaga Province to wreak vengeance on the responsible parties. Don’t miss this exciting journey into Japanese history!
Lawyer Shiratori
Masao is falsely accused and jailed for the murder of a loanshark to whom he owed a lot of money. His sister Kiriko makes the long trip to Tokyo, specifically to accost Otsuka, Japan's top criminal defence lawyer, and plead with him to take her brother's case. They live in Kitakyushu which, though a city, she contends that the local lawyers are not up to the job. Otsuka contemptuously brushes her off. A year passes. Masao has suicided in jail, his appeal having failed due to the lack of interest and competence of the local defence lawyer. Kiriko returns to Tokyo, planning revenge on Otsuka for refusing the case and causing her brother's death.
Ryuji Kano
西村寿行の同名小説を原作としたサスペンスアクション作品。 検事の杜丘冬人は新宿の雑踏で見知らぬ女から「金品を盗まれ強姦された」と告発され緊急逮捕されてしまう。他の男も「カメラを盗まれた」と供述、逮捕に必要な証拠も揃っていた。自分にかけられた罠を取り除くため、現場検証の場から逃走を図る冬人。女の正体をつかみ彼女の郷里へ向かうが、すでに女は殺されており、冬人は殺人犯として追われることに。日高山中に逃げ延びた冬人は、自分をはめた真犯人が政界の黒幕である長岡了介ではないかと思い始める。
Shuichi Murakami
About a girl who marries in the middle of the Pacific War, is widowed at 18, and her unflagging struggle to survive during and after the war with her son.