2199 AD. Yamato tried to leave behind the Large Magellanic Cloud galaxy, after receiving a "Cosmo Reverse System" at its destination, Iscandar. However, suddenly, it encounters a mysterious group at the edge of the Large Magellanic Cloud. The crew finds out that the group is called the "Gatlantis," and that its leader is the Gutaba expeditionary force commander who calls himself "Goran Dagaamu of Thunder." The commander demands that Yamato be handed over to him. Yamato, wanting to hurry to Earth, escapes the fray. However, Yamato is attacked by a devastating beam weapon called the "Flame Direct Attack Cannon" that can transcend space.
Película compilatoria de la serie de televisión "Space Battleship Yamato 2199". El año es 2199. La raza humana ha sido aplastada en su guerra con los Gamilos, llevada a las ciudades subterráneas por el asalto del invasor. Los científicos estiman que les queda solo un año. Los jóvenes oficiales Susumu Kodai y Daisuke Shima reciben una misteriosa cápsula de un barco que realizó un aterrizaje de emergencia en Marte y regresó con él a la Tierra. Contiene la última esperanza de la humanidad: el planeta Iscandar, al otro lado de la Galaxia Magellan, tiene la tecnología para derrotar a los Gamilos y restaurar el planeta. El acorazado espacial Yamato está a cargo de esta tarea, pero solo tienen un año antes de que la humanidad termine
Original Music Composer
In the year 2220 A.D., the Earth Federation launches a plan to evacuate Earth when discovering that a travelling black hole capable of destroying anything in its path is on course towards the solar system. As the people on Earth prepare to relocate to planet Amare, whose ruler offers refuge, the tyrants known as the "S.U.S. Empire" attack the first Earth evacuation fleet. After learning that his wife Capt. Yuki Mori-Kodai disappeared in the battle and that legendary space battleship Yamato has been fully rebuilt, Susumu Kodai accepts command of the ship as he intends to not only help humanity once again, but also find Yuki in the hope of helping his relationship with his daughter Miyuki, who puts the blame on him for her mother's disappearance. But in order to fullfil the mission, the Yamato must go through battles against the SUS Empire, who intend to spoil humanity's hopes of finding a new place to live in and turn Earth into energy for their own selfish needs.
The story of Iwaki, a young brawler who becomes a professional criminal when he joins a Yakuza clan.
Original Music Composer
Es el año 2099, y el hombre es capaz de atravesar las vastas distancias del espacio. Se ha llegado hasta el cinturón de asteroides. Y ahora el Starlight, el crucero espacial más grande jamás construido, empieza su andadura espacial. Un viaje que no se podrá comparar con nada anterior. Todo empezó con una llamada desesperada. La Starlight acudió rápida y se rescató a un superviviente. Repentinamente, el crucero se vio arrojado hacia el interior de un agujero espacial y también hacia un gran misterio. Un misterio en el que reviven una vieja leyenda y una civilización olvidada. Lo próximo que acontecerá llevará a la Starlight y a su tripulación a lugares que ni siquiera han sido soñados. Pero el límite de su capacidad también se verá forzado al enfrentarse a peligros inimaginados. Todo por la búsqueda del planeta llamado Odín. ¿Llegará la Starlight a buen puerto?
Original Music Composer
The Galman Empire is destroyed but the planet Galmania is not, by a chance collision of galaxies. The Bolar Federation worlds including Planet Bolar are destroyed. The Yamato, back under the command of Captain Okita, encounters the planet Denguil too late to save its humanoid civilization from being flooded by the water planet Aquarius. The surviving Denguil, a warrior race who believe only the strong should survive, plan to use Aquarius to flood Earth and destroy humanity, in order to create a new home for their race.
The Black Nebula Empire attacks Earth and threatens to blow up the planet with a bomb they placed on Earth if counter attacked. Earths hopes rest on the Yamato crew as they go to the Black Nebula Planet and try to find a way to difuse the bomb before it's too late.
Original Music Composer
Time to ease up ... not! Although the Yamato's crew has witnessed the end of the long, hard-fought Comet Empire War, a peaceful future will have to wait. While Dessler gathers together the shattered remnants of his Gamilus Empire, new forces are at work in the universe that could augur in another conflict. Seems the Black Star Empire has invaded Dessler's homeworld and is decimating it, all the while gathering power for its war machine.
Original Music Composer
The Yamato and her crew face the onslaught of the Comet Empire, a civilization from the Andromeda Galaxy who seek to conquer Earth, led by Prince Zordar. They have harnessed a comet and is using its terrible power to unleash destruction upon its rivals and inferiors... which are in fact everyone. The Space Battleship Yamato heads back into action. But this time, it shall not return, and much of the Yamato crew have signed on for their last voyage.
Original Music Composer
Estamos situados en el año 2199, la Tierra fue bombardeada por el planeta Gamilus y contaminada por la radiactividad de sus ataques con asteroides, por lo que la humanidad está en peligro de extinción, la faz de la tierra se ha borrado, los océanos se han evaporado y la radiación ha llegado hasta gran parte del subsuelo. Lo que queda de la raza humana vive muy profundamente en las entrañas de la Tierra y sólo falta poco más de un año para que la contaminación alcance a los que quedan...
Original Music Composer
Japanese drama film.
The hero of Wansa-kun was Wansa, a husky puppy who is sold for a pittance, then escapes, and spends much time looking for his mother. During his adventures on the street he meets friends, enemies and his beloved girlfriend. This OVA reunites the complete series aired on TV.
Original Music Composer
The brief love story of an attentive young man and a beautiful woman who meet, fall in love and part during the course of a train ride.
The sixth "Japan's No. 1 Man" feature. Followed by "Japan’s No. 1 Disconnected Man".
A Toho comedy film staring the Crazy Cats.
The Crazy Cats, a Japanese musical-comedy group, were showcased a series of comic adventures throughout the 1960s. Las Vegas Free-For-All, one of their most popular movies, featured scenes filmed on location in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and Hawaii. Appearing with the seven Cats were the lovely Mie Hama and such Japanese musical artists as The Peanuts, The Johnnys, The Drifters, and Jackie Yoshikawa & the Blue Comets.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
College life starts off great for Michiko. She and her friend join the Italian Culture Research Club that performs canzone, a genre they are both in love with. The only problem is that the club doesn't have enough money to buy instruments for them to play. One day, the two come across a talent show called the "Mari Sono Look-Alike Contest" that promises the winner a cash prize. And Michiko looks a lot like the star.
Sangoro Oiwake runs out of money. He visits rice shop, eat and drink for free, and owners send him to prison. In prison Sangoro will have a new life