Executive Producer
Un asesino en serie muere y su alma se reencarna en un muñeco de nieve, que obviamente reinicia sus matanzas.
Executive Producer
Una psicóloga con éxito, la Dra. Angela de la Cruz, pone un sistema de alarma nuevo en su casa debido a las amenazas que recibió. Steve Caldwell y Griffith instalan su sistema y después Will recibe un disparo durante un intento de robo. Sufren un nuevo robo en la casa. Angela tiene algunos secretos de su pasado que pudieran estar expuestos si las cintas robadas son vistas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Executive Producer
In the near future Nassim, terrorist leader, storms computer company headquarters. His aim is deadly computer virus that could bring him world domination. Nick, company janitor and ex-cop, will get in his way.
Executive Producer
El cruel Kyla invade un remoto planeta con la intención de apoderarse de un cristal mágico. Con este objeto, fuente de poder ilimitado, Kyla se adueñaría del universo, por lo que los defensores del planeta deciden ocultarlo en el planeta Tierra.
Executive Producer
Diecisiete años después de la matanza todos menos uno miembro de una familia, un asesino en serie vicioso conocido como "The Sandman" espera su ejecución. Pero primero, sus carceleros permiten a un ministro visitar al asesino para darle los últimos sacramentos, sin saber que el ministro es un sacerdote vudú y un aliado del condenado a prisión.
Executive Producer
With the medical breakthrough of a metal-based synthetic skin called "bio-ferron" the prospect for pioneering surgeries for burn victims and cancer patients seems set to occur but for the warped head scientist in charge...it's a opportunist chance to reactivate a long forgotten classified project...that has been left frozen in a set of cryogenic chambers deep beneath the bowels of government laboratory. Convincing the other in the research team to start work on putting this living 'metal' skin on corpses, he now has the perfect test patients waiting on ice for them to work on. But there was a reason three of these stiffs in particular where left to chill. Due to an experiment gone bad these three only look human on the outside and none of them are as dead as everyone believes they are.
Executive Producer
A beautiful and talented woman with highly contrasting multiple personalities draws a hotshot sportswriter into a web of murders.
Romantic comedy about an honest Mexican immigrant who struggles without a green card by selling oranges on a street corner. One day a limousine pulls up and he is handed a check for $1,000,000 with instructions that he is to give the check back in 30 days. Initially he uses the check to convince people to extend credit to him. In the meantime he also attracts a woman who is in a dead end relationship with a bossy businessman. At the end of the 30 days, he finds his life in turmoil, the things he got on credit are repossessed, and he is being evicted from his dwelling and being sent back to Mexico.
Caesar is having a hard time dividing his time between his band and his rich girlfriend, Buffer. Buffer's dad doesn't like Ceasar, so he makes Caesar a bet. If Caesar can make a hundred thousand dollars within six months, he can stay with Buffer... but if he fails, their relationship is over forever. How can Ceasar win the bet if he only knows how jam with his band?
Executive Producer
En Houston, Texas, se descubre una bolsa llena de manos humanas, cada una con un número diferente tatuado en la palma. La policía sospecha de un serial killer, así que llaman a Audrey Macleah, una agente especial experta en perfiles psicológicos de asesinos en serie. Aparentemente se trata de un presunto psicópata que selecciona a chicas jóvenes, una vez al año en una fecha determinada, las mata y les corta las manos. Un chico internado en un hospital psiquiátrico y encerrado en sí mismo parece poder tener alguna conexión con los crímenes por medio de poderes telepáticos...
Taking place in the 1990's, Huck and his card shark friend, Jim, travel from California to Nevada searching for Huck's long-lost grandpa. Along the way, a deceived card player chases the two across the states with his two, less intelligent, sidekicks.
Executive Producer
Los Ángeles. Dos hombres son asesinados de forma idéntica mientras practican sexo con una prostituta. La sargento Peg Peckham es trasladada de antivicio a homicidios para encargarse del caso. Peg está decidida a atrapar a la culpable y le pide a su novio David, psicólogo de la policía, que intente trazar un perfil de la asesina. Mientras, David empieza a sentirse atraído hacia una nueva y misteriosa paciente, Felicity, una chica amnésica que sufre pesadillas recurrentes en las que mata a sus amantes durante el coito. Aunque la conexión con el caso de Peg parece obvia, Felicity no cuadra con el perfil psicológico de la asesina, y su exuberante belleza altera el buen juicio de David.
Executive Producer
Travis has just buried his father, when Kelly, an attractive hitchhiker walks into his life. At the same time, another attractive blonde, Jolene, starts taking an interest in Travis. Both women are secretly after something.
Executive Producer
Un hombre está tan desesperado por promocionarse que ofrece su mujer a su jefe. A pesar de este sacrificio, otro hombre consigue el ascenso. Entonces decide suicidarse y su mujer promete vengarse de todos los implicados. (FILMAFFINITY)
Executive Producer
Ellie es una mujer separada, que vive junto a su hija. Durante la noche oye unos ruidos provenientes del jardín que la atemorizan, pero nunca encuentra nada fuera de lo común. A causa de una operación a la que tiene que someterse, surgen unos extraños problemas y uno de sus amigos descubre que alguien quiere asesinarla. (FILMAFFINITY)
Executive Producer
When a mentally imbalanced prisoner gets out on parole, he tracks down the journalist who interviewed him while he was behind bars and persuades her to hire him as an assistant. But when she denies his advances, he aims for her adolescent daughter. The girl thinks she can stave off his disturbing desires -- at least for a while. But her naïveté is no match for his perversity.
Executive Producer
Mike Yarnell is a burnt out cop, who is being investigated by internal affairs. When he begins taking out his frustration on his wife, she turns to the man handling her husband's case for protection. However, there's more to her than what meets the eye.
Executive Producer
El experto en seguridad Will Griffith ha sido contratado para asegurar la mansión de América del Sur del expatriado Héctor Mejenes, por insistencia de su esposa estadounidense, Marilyn. Ahora la descuidada esposa se siente atraída por el guardia de seguridad, y viceversa.