Barry L. Collier


Jack Frost
Executive Producer
Jack Frost é um perigoso assassino que morre após um acidente de estrada em que ele se choca com um caminhão carregando material genético. Seu corpo se mistura com a neve e ele se transforma num terrível mostro de neve, com dentes afiados e desejo de matar.
Night Eyes 4: Fatal Passion
Executive Producer
Successful psychologist, Dr. Angela Cross, puts in a new burglar alarm system into her home due to threats she received. Steve Caldwell and Will Griffith install her system and after Will gets shot during a burglary attempt. Jeff and Angela have a hot relationship going until another break-in at her house. Angela has some secrets from her past that could be exposed if the tapes stolen are viewed.
Executive Producer
In the near future Nassim, terrorist leader, storms computer company headquarters. His aim is deadly computer virus that could bring him world domination. Nick, company janitor and ex-cop, will get in his way.
Terminal Force - A Procura do Cristal Sagrado
Executive Producer
Diz a lenda que o cristal sagrado é a fonte de toda a vida e foi criado no início dos tempos. Kyla procurou o cristal para usar seus poderes para si mesmo e ele pega o cristal depois de esmagar os defensores do Planeta Sintaria. Mas há outro cristal idêntico na Terra e Ladera vai até lá para pegá-lo antes de Kyla. Ela descobre que Jed tirou o cristal de seu esconderijo, mas Victor e seus pistoleiros o querem pelo dinheiro que deram a Jed. Ladera lida facilmente com os terráqueos fracos e salva Jed, mas Kyla também está atrás do cristal. Jed e Ladera devem encontrar o cristal antes dos outros.
Executive Producer
Seventeen years after slaughtering all but one member of a family, a vicious serial killer known only as "The Sandman" awaits execution. But first, his jailers allow a minister to visit the killer to give him last rites, unaware that the minister is a voodoo priest and an ally of the condemned prisoner. The priest places a hex on the Sandman so that when he is executed, his soul migrates into a new body made of sand. To sever his ties with his former life and achieve absolute power, the sandman must find and kill a man named Griffin, the sole survivor of the last family murdered by the killer
Project: Metalbeast
Executive Producer
With the medical breakthrough of a metal-based synthetic skin called "bio-ferron" the prospect for pioneering surgeries for burn victims and cancer patients seems set to occur but for the warped head scientist in's a opportunist chance to reactivate a long forgotten classified project...that has been left frozen in a set of cryogenic chambers deep beneath the bowels of government laboratory. Convincing the other in the research team to start work on putting this living 'metal' skin on corpses, he now has the perfect test patients waiting on ice for them to work on. But there was a reason three of these stiffs in particular where left to chill. Due to an experiment gone bad these three only look human on the outside and none of them are as dead as everyone believes they are.
A Brilliant Disguise
Executive Producer
A beautiful and talented woman with highly contrasting multiple personalities draws a hotshot sportswriter into a web of murders.
Uma Chance em Um Milhão
Romantic comedy about an honest Mexican immigrant who struggles without a green card by selling oranges on a street corner. One day a limousine pulls up and he is handed a check for $1,000,000 with instructions that he is to give the check back in 30 days. Initially he uses the check to convince people to extend credit to him. In the meantime he also attracts a woman who is in a dead end relationship with a bossy businessman. At the end of the 30 days, he finds his life in turmoil, the things he got on credit are repossessed, and he is being evicted from his dwelling and being sent back to Mexico.
Uma Aposta Muito Louca
Julius Caesar MacGruder é líder de uma desconhecida banda de rock, a Hail Caesar. Ele é apaixonado pela fútil Buffer, filha do milionário fabricante de borracha Booker T. Bidwell, que é absolutamente contra o romance dos dois e lhe propõe uma aposta: se Julius conseguisse ganhar US$100 mil em seis meses poderia namorar Buffer. Para ficar de olho em Julius, Bidwell oferece a ele um emprego na fábrica. Só que o rapaz é muito mais esperto do que parece e, além de se sair bem, acaba descobrindo o mistério de projeto “Big Pink”, para desgraça do empresário.
Assassinatos Macabros
Executive Producer
Durante uma fortíssima tempestade em Houston, Texas, a polícia faz uma chocante descoberta: sete mãos humanas, cada uma com um número tatuado na palma, dentro de sacos plásticos. O público em pânico e a pressão política exigem solução imediata para o caso e, para auxiliar a polícia local, é designada a investigadora Audrey Macleah. Ela recebe a ajuda de um paciente de sanatório mudo, que tem um conhecimento impressionante dos crimes e pode ser a chave para desvendá-los.
Huck and the King of Hearts
Taking place in the 1990's, Huck and his card shark friend, Jim, travel from California to Nevada searching for Huck's long-lost grandpa. Along the way, a deceived card player chases the two across the states with his two, less intelligent, sidekicks.
A Flor Mortal
Executive Producer
Uma detetive investigando um caso de assassinato em série pede a ajuda de uma psicóloga da policia. Uma jovem amnésica pode saber algo sobre os assassinatos ou a identidade do assassino.
Bitter Harvest
Executive Producer
Travis has just buried his father, when Kelly, an attractive hitchhiker walks into his life. At the same time, another attractive blonde, Jolene, starts taking an interest in Travis. Both women are secretly after something.
Executive Producer
A vengeful widow worms her way into the home of the man she holds responsible for her husband's suicide.
Betrayal of the Dove
Executive Producer
A divorced mother fears for her life after a friend gets her a blind date with a doctor.
Invasion of Privacy
Executive Producer
When a mentally imbalanced prisoner gets out on parole, he tracks down the journalist who interviewed him while he was behind bars and persuades her to hire him as an assistant. But when she denies his advances, he aims for her adolescent daughter. The girl thinks she can stave off his disturbing desires -- at least for a while. But her naïveté is no match for his perversity.
Illicit Behavior
Executive Producer
Mike Yarnell is a burnt out cop, who is being investigated by internal affairs. When he begins taking out his frustration on his wife, she turns to the man handling her husband's case for protection. However, there's more to her than what meets the eye.
Night Eyes II
Executive Producer
Security expert Will Griffith has been hired to secure the mansion of South American expatriate Hector Mejenes...