Marco Pettenello

Nacimiento : 1973-08-30, Padova, Italy


What a Life!
Biasutti and Perbellini have the same name, Fausto, and they both hate life in the big city. They meet by chance during a trip for amateur photographers, become friends and begin to cultivate together the dream of going to live in the countryside, keeping with the fruit of their efforts. When Biasutti inherits his grandmother’s old house in Valvana, in the hills of the north east, the dream can finally become reality: the welcome in the village, however, proves less warm than expected.
Welcome Venice
Pietro and Alvise come from a long line of fishing families from Giudecca, Venice's most 'working-class' island. But they don't see eye to eye on the seemingly unstoppable transformation of the lives of the Venetians and the city's very identity. Indeed, the far-reaching impact of global tourism has changed the relationship between Venice and its residents, and the pandemic has only thrown this critical situation into relief. Pietro would just like to keep fishing the typical crabs found in the Lagoon, lonely as that lifestyle is, while Alvise believes their home on the Giudecca itself is the ticket to joining the elite managing the city's real estate assets, hence running Venice. This clash of views will involve the entire family, in an ensemble film about how our world is changing.
The Big Step
Ever since, at the age of six, Dario Cavalieri saw live images of the first moon landing, he has never stopped wanting to go there. Mario Cavalieri runs a neighborhood hardware store in Rome, until the day his existence is upset by the phone ring. His brother Dario is in prison. Mario finds himself being the only one who can take care of that brother he has seen only once in his life. The two brothers, as physically similar as they are different in character, will find themselves alone in the face of an impossible undertaking.
The Big Step
Ever since, at the age of six, Dario Cavalieri saw live images of the first moon landing, he has never stopped wanting to go there. Mario Cavalieri runs a neighborhood hardware store in Rome, until the day his existence is upset by the phone ring. His brother Dario is in prison. Mario finds himself being the only one who can take care of that brother he has seen only once in his life. The two brothers, as physically similar as they are different in character, will find themselves alone in the face of an impossible undertaking.
Si muore solo da vivi
Orlando is in his 40s and is "loser" until the 2012 earthquake makes him change his life.
Ciudadanos del mundo
Tres hombres italianos planean irse al este de Europa para sacar más partido a sus escasas pensiones.
Simple Women
An epileptic director trying to make a film about the life of famed Romanian actor Elina Löwensohn discovers that her real-life subject bears little resemblance to the star she idolized.
The Guest
Dumped by his girlfriend and finding himself stranded on different couches at friends’ places, Guido tries to transform his drift into an opportunity for a new beginning.
El orden de las cosas
Rinaldi, un veterano policía italiano de gran experiencia, es enviado por su gobierno a Libia para negociar el control de los migrantes en suelo africano. Allí, se enfrenta a la complejidad de las relaciones tribales libias y al poder de los traficantes que explotan la angustia de los refugiados.
El orden de las cosas
Rinaldi, un veterano policía italiano de gran experiencia, es enviado por su gobierno a Libia para negociar el control de los migrantes en suelo africano. Allí, se enfrenta a la complejidad de las relaciones tribales libias y al poder de los traficantes que explotan la angustia de los refugiados.
Short Skin
Ever since he was a child, the seventeen-years-old Edoardo has suffered from a malformation of the foreskin that stops him from masturbating and makes him insecure and ill at ease with girls. Shut up in his sexless microcosm, Edoardo reacts with irritation to the pressures of the outside world, which do nothing but exacerbate his insecurity. Forced against his will to emerge from the shadows in which he has hidden for years, Edoardo will initially try to solve his problem by clumsy stratagems before finding, at last, the courage to face his own fears.
La sedia della felicità
Dino craft practice tattoos, Bruna is a beautician; their studies are facing each other. They learn of a mysterious treasure hidden in a chair that belonged to a woman now dead.
Zoran, mi sobrino tonto
Paolo es un borrachín infeliz deseoso de recuperar a su esposa, que ahora está con otro. De repente irrumpe en su vida Zoran, de 15 años, pariente que proviene de una tía lejana eslovena. “Pero, ¿es tonto?”, pregunta Paolo al notario mirando al joven. La principal cualidad de Zoran es que es infalible con los dardos. Tras una prueba en un club de dardos esloveno, Paolo ve en ese talento una oportunidad de negocio que podría cambiar su vida. Este insoportable chaval medio autista del Este, que él sigue llamando Zagor, podría hacerle rico si ganase los 60.000 euros del premio principal del campeonato mundial de dardos de Glasgow. (FILMAFFINITY)
No One Is Ever To Blame
Piero Saggion is a teenager who lives in Marghera, Venice's industrial area known for its "Petrochemicals", plays rugby and spends much time with his friend Sergio. When Nestor, an Argentine worker in the small firm his father Antonio owns, remains badly burned at the end of a day's work with too much overtime, Piero's life takes an unexpected turn. The arrival of Maria, daughter of the Argentine Nestor, will make him discover the love and give him the strength to rebel against a world of lies and compromises.
El comandante y la cigüeña
Fábula sobre la Italia contemporánea, en la que historias muy diversas aparecen enmarcadas en el mezquino materialismo de nuestro tiempo. Los protagonistas son un fontanero, cuya esposa muerta se le aparece en bikini, y sus dos hijos adolescentes; una artista pobre y patética, el extravagante propietario de su piso, una especie de predicador urbano y un abogado que defiende a criminales y a políticos corruptos.
El comandante y la cigüeña
Fábula sobre la Italia contemporánea, en la que historias muy diversas aparecen enmarcadas en el mezquino materialismo de nuestro tiempo. Los protagonistas son un fontanero, cuya esposa muerta se le aparece en bikini, y sus dos hijos adolescentes; una artista pobre y patética, el extravagante propietario de su piso, una especie de predicador urbano y un abogado que defiende a criminales y a políticos corruptos.
Sei Venezia
What is the "feeling" of a city? Is it the roads, the light that illuminates them, the people that live there and their stories? It's all these things, but also something else, something requiring time and attention to be understood. The film goes in search of this feeling exploring the city of Venice and its lagoon, prying into its less-known corners and listening to the stories of six citizens: a hotel waitress, an old archaeologist, a pensioner from Mestre, a painter/fisherman, an apartment burglar and a young boy.
Sei Venezia
What is the "feeling" of a city? Is it the roads, the light that illuminates them, the people that live there and their stories? It's all these things, but also something else, something requiring time and attention to be understood. The film goes in search of this feeling exploring the city of Venice and its lagoon, prying into its less-known corners and listening to the stories of six citizens: a hotel waitress, an old archaeologist, a pensioner from Mestre, a painter/fisherman, an apartment burglar and a young boy.
La pequeña Venecia: Shun Li y el poeta
Shun Li ha viajado desde china hasta Roma para ganarse la vida de cualquier forma. La inmigrante ha conseguido un empleo en una fábrica textil situada a las afueras de la capital y ve más cerca su sueño: legalizar su situación y ahorrar para poder traerse a su hijo, de apenas ocho años, a Italia. Pronto, Shun Li es trasladada a Chioggia, un pueblo de Venecia, para trabajar como camarera en un club donde conocerá a Bepi, uno de los clientes más fieles del sitio. Bepi, apodado el poeta, se gana la vida como pescador, aunque lo que verdaderamente le apasiona son los caminos de la poesía –justificación a su sobrenombre- y la filosofía. Entre la camarera y el poeta surge pronto la amistad y ambos mantienen conversaciones bastante trascendentales que se convierten en una vía de escape a la soledad y la rutina diarias. Sin embargo, no todos los habitantes de esta comunidad pesquera verán esta amistad intercultural con buenos ojos.
La pasión
A un fracasado director de cine se le ofrece la oportunidad de montar la pasión de Cristo en un pueblo, con divertidas consecuencias.
La pasión
A un fracasado director de cine se le ofrece la oportunidad de montar la pasión de Cristo en un pueblo, con divertidas consecuencias.
La justa distancia
En el idílico escenario de un pueblecito a orillas del Po, surge el amor entre Hassan y Mara. Él es un mecánico tunecino que, tras años de duro trabajo, se ha ganado el respeto de sus vecinos. Ella es una joven a punto de partir a Brasil con una ONG. Giovanni, un chico que aspira a ser periodista, es testigo de esta historia de amor. La vida de los tres dará un giro tras una serie de inesperados y dolorosos sucesos.
Holy Tongue
Two deadbeat friends see the opportunity of turning their fortune around after they come into possession of a precious stolen relic, the tongue of St. Anthony of Padua.
Holy Tongue
Two deadbeat friends see the opportunity of turning their fortune around after they come into possession of a precious stolen relic, the tongue of St. Anthony of Padua.