Marco Pettenello

Рождение : 1973-08-30, Padova, Italy


What a Life!
Biasutti and Perbellini have the same name, Fausto, and they both hate life in the big city. They meet by chance during a trip for amateur photographers, become friends and begin to cultivate together the dream of going to live in the countryside, keeping with the fruit of their efforts. When Biasutti inherits his grandmother’s old house in Valvana, in the hills of the north east, the dream can finally become reality: the welcome in the village, however, proves less warm than expected.
Welcome Venice
Pietro and Alvise come from a long line of fishing families from Giudecca, Venice's most 'working-class' island. But they don't see eye to eye on the seemingly unstoppable transformation of the lives of the Venetians and the city's very identity. Indeed, the far-reaching impact of global tourism has changed the relationship between Venice and its residents, and the pandemic has only thrown this critical situation into relief. Pietro would just like to keep fishing the typical crabs found in the Lagoon, lonely as that lifestyle is, while Alvise believes their home on the Giudecca itself is the ticket to joining the elite managing the city's real estate assets, hence running Venice. This clash of views will involve the entire family, in an ensemble film about how our world is changing.
Полет за мечтой
Дарио — одинокий чудак, который мечтает отправиться на Луну. Однажды, пытаясь запустить самодельную ракету, он устраивает пожар и попадает в тюрьму. Единственный человек, который может ему помочь, — брат по отцу, Марио, с которым тот виделся один раз в жизни. Спустя долгие годы они воссоединяются — и понимают, что у них одна цель.
Полет за мечтой
Дарио — одинокий чудак, который мечтает отправиться на Луну. Однажды, пытаясь запустить самодельную ракету, он устраивает пожар и попадает в тюрьму. Единственный человек, который может ему помочь, — брат по отцу, Марио, с которым тот виделся один раз в жизни. Спустя долгие годы они воссоединяются — и понимают, что у них одна цель.
Умирают только живые
После землетрясения, унёсшего жизнь брата и невестки, Орландо потерялся в жизни. Бывший солист группы "Открытое сердце", человек творческий, он пытался плыть по течению и перебиваться временными заработками. Родители очень переживали за него, ведь на его попечении осталась 11-летняя племянница. А он продолжал жить воспоминаниями о своей бывшей девушке и прошлой жизни. Пока в один прекрасный день его бывший музыкальный агент не навела его на мысль о воссоздании группы.
Citizens of the World
Three Italian retirees embark on a journey to find a new country to live in.
Simple Women
An epileptic director trying to make a film about the life of famed Romanian actor Elina Löwensohn discovers that her real-life subject bears little resemblance to the star she idolized.
Мирным зимним днем безмятежная жизнь Гвидо летит в тартарары из-за неожиданности в постели, которая ставит под вопрос его роман с Кьярой. Уже на пути в аптеку, когда он предлагает ей не принимать таблетку экстренной контрацепции, Кьяра признается, что не уверена в их отношениях. Это начало кризиса, и вот уже наш герой собирает чемоданы, чтобы переехать… куда?
The Order of Things
An immigration agent is torn between the job and his humanity.
The Order of Things
An immigration agent is torn between the job and his humanity.
Short Skin
Ever since he was a child, the seventeen-years-old Edoardo has suffered from a malformation of the foreskin that stops him from masturbating and makes him insecure and ill at ease with girls. Shut up in his sexless microcosm, Edoardo reacts with irritation to the pressures of the outside world, which do nothing but exacerbate his insecurity. Forced against his will to emerge from the shadows in which he has hidden for years, Edoardo will initially try to solve his problem by clumsy stratagems before finding, at last, the courage to face his own fears.
La sedia della felicità
Dino craft practice tattoos, Bruna is a beautician; their studies are facing each other. They learn of a mysterious treasure hidden in a chair that belonged to a woman now dead.
Zoran, My Nephew the Idiot
Paolo, 40 years old, lives in a small Friulian town close to the north-eastern border. Unreliable and with a passion for good wine, he spends his days at the local tavern and stubbornly stalks his ex-wife.
No One Is Ever To Blame
Piero Saggion is a teenager who lives in Marghera, Venice's industrial area known for its "Petrochemicals", plays rugby and spends much time with his friend Sergio. When Nestor, an Argentine worker in the small firm his father Antonio owns, remains badly burned at the end of a day's work with too much overtime, Piero's life takes an unexpected turn. The arrival of Maria, daughter of the Argentine Nestor, will make him discover the love and give him the strength to rebel against a world of lies and compromises.
Garibaldi's Lovers
A widowed working-class father falls in love with a struggling, poor artist.
Garibaldi's Lovers
A widowed working-class father falls in love with a struggling, poor artist.
Sei Venezia
What is the "feeling" of a city? Is it the roads, the light that illuminates them, the people that live there and their stories? It's all these things, but also something else, something requiring time and attention to be understood. The film goes in search of this feeling exploring the city of Venice and its lagoon, prying into its less-known corners and listening to the stories of six citizens: a hotel waitress, an old archaeologist, a pensioner from Mestre, a painter/fisherman, an apartment burglar and a young boy.
Sei Venezia
What is the "feeling" of a city? Is it the roads, the light that illuminates them, the people that live there and their stories? It's all these things, but also something else, something requiring time and attention to be understood. The film goes in search of this feeling exploring the city of Venice and its lagoon, prying into its less-known corners and listening to the stories of six citizens: a hotel waitress, an old archaeologist, a pensioner from Mestre, a painter/fisherman, an apartment burglar and a young boy.
Shun Li and the Poet
A study of the friendship between a Chinese woman and a fisherman who came to Italy from Yugoslavia many years ago, who live in a small city-island in the Veneto lagoon.
La Passione
To avoid being sued, a film director reluctantly agrees to set up and direct the Good Friday celebrations in a small Tuscan town.
La Passione
To avoid being sued, a film director reluctantly agrees to set up and direct the Good Friday celebrations in a small Tuscan town.
Держать дистанцию
Жизнь маленькой деревни на севере Италии идет своим чередом, и у нас есть возможность хорошо разглядеть каждого жителя. Пенсионеры коротают день за чашкой кофе. Местный нувориш журит свою жену-румынку, найденную через сайт знакомств, за туфли по 800 евро. Водитель автобуса мил и пунктуален. И конечно, вся деревня собирается на празднике по поводу улова гигантского тунца. Обо всем этом юный Джиованни пишет заметки в миланскую газету — он серьезно намерен стать журналистом, но пока что самое горячее происшествие, о котором удалось написать — ликвидация подпольного цеха. Но Джиованни еще выпадет шанс рассказать о событии там, где его никто не хотел увидеть. В деревню приехала новая учительница Мара, она сразу понравилась всем, а в особенности Хассану, мастеру авторемонта. Джиованни становится невольным свидетелем их отношений. Сможет ли он сохранить правильную дистанцию?
Holy Tongue
Two deadbeat friends see the opportunity of turning their fortune around after they come into possession of a precious stolen relic, the tongue of St. Anthony of Padua.
Holy Tongue
Two deadbeat friends see the opportunity of turning their fortune around after they come into possession of a precious stolen relic, the tongue of St. Anthony of Padua.