Raúl Fuentes


Contar el amor
A filmic reflection on the way in which cinema taught us to live romantic love during the 20th century, building an impossible ideal within our personal relationships. Cinema taught viewers how they had to see it, worse, it showed directors how they had to film it. Based on quotations from early cinema films, Contar el amor discusses the role of sex and violence as central themes in our increasingly broad but, at the same time, less pluralistic audiovisual universe.
Una mujer misteriosa aparece en un departamento de la Ciudad de México. Afirma venir del futuro y estar en una misión para comprobar si aún existe bondad en las personas que habitan el año 2017. Los ejemplares humanos con los que se encuentra resultan ser una digna muestra del infierno... ¿y ella?
Una mujer misteriosa aparece en un departamento de la Ciudad de México. Afirma venir del futuro y estar en una misión para comprobar si aún existe bondad en las personas que habitan el año 2017. Los ejemplares humanos con los que se encuentra resultan ser una digna muestra del infierno... ¿y ella?
Todo el mundo tiene a alguien menos yo
"Everybody's Got Somebody... Not Me" - Alejandra is sick of her daily life and her past relationships that have not worked out. Then she meets María, an adolescent, with whom she has an affair. At first everything runs smoothly, however Alejandra´s personality and her emotional needs prove increasingly demanding; being around her becomes unbearable. At this point, they ask themselves whether they should continue the oppressive relationship, or go on with their ordinary lives.
Todo el mundo tiene a alguien menos yo
"Everybody's Got Somebody... Not Me" - Alejandra is sick of her daily life and her past relationships that have not worked out. Then she meets María, an adolescent, with whom she has an affair. At first everything runs smoothly, however Alejandra´s personality and her emotional needs prove increasingly demanding; being around her becomes unbearable. At this point, they ask themselves whether they should continue the oppressive relationship, or go on with their ordinary lives.
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