Xenia Kalogeropoulou

Xenia Kalogeropoulou

Nacimiento : 1936-09-12, Αθήνα


Xenia Kalogeropoulou
Xenia Kalogeropoulou


Aunt Fani
A 30-something failed businessman moves into his grandpa's house, the defunct WW2 veteran. His quest to live up to his legacy, will redefine both the family hero and himself.
Tassos, a man just over 50 years old, with a career in the marketing and commercial direction of large corporations, has been unemployed for three years now. Too old for a new beginning, but also too young to resign. His relationships with his close people are being tested, and his psychological state is marginal. His goal is one: to get out of the 'freezer'.
After Before
A documentary that takes a look at the production of BEFORE MIDNIGHT. As the film starts, Richard Linklater, Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke are sitting around as filming has just completed. From here we get some terrific stories as they talk about the characters as well as what they bring and take from them. We also get footage from the filming of the movie where we get to see how the actors and director work together to try and build up the scenes.
Antes del anochecer
Han pasado dos décadas desde que se encontraron por primera vez en un tren en Vienna ('Antes del amanecer' (1995)), y más tarde en París ('Antes del atardecer' (2004)). Ahora es el turno de Grecia, páis en el que Celine y Jesse se encuentran de visita. La tercera entrega de la trilogía, retomando las vidas delos protagonistas, nueve años después de su segundo encuentro romántico y el misterio sobre cómo concluyó.
In Exchange for Five Apartments and One Shop
"Gia pente diamerismata kai ena magazi" is a documentary about how the process of "exchange" transformed the neighborhoods of major cities of Greece, particularly Athens and Pireus.
Ο γλάρος
Ο γλάρος
Ο Άνθρωπος που Έσπαγε Πλάκα
Lambros Konstantaras performs a wealthy gossip that has never worked, and all he has to do is make fun and jokes to others. But when he suddenly finds himself in the street, he realizes that life is not just fun and is forced to look for a job. In the end, it turns out he had not lost his fortune as it was an idea his father had invented shortly before he died to be
Bedlam My Love
An old couple reviews their lives together, from the first time they met and got married since the present, through good and bad moments...
Hero Bunker
Following the torpedoing of the destroyer Elli on August 15, 1940 on Tinos by an Italian submarine, war was declared, and the Italians attacked the Albanian front on October 28. From an outpost on the Greek-Albanian border, a military truck unexpectedly comes under fire by Italian tanks. Petros, the only one who manages to escape death or captivity, saves a village girl, Maria. However, the Greeks manage to recapture the machine-gun nest, setting free the soldiers who had been pinned down. The platoon in question puts up a hard fight against the Italian invaders, while, at the same time, the Greek army is preparing for a counter-attack, which doesn't take long to happen. Right after, the Italians are forced to fall back; Northern Epirus is recaptured, and the army of the Badoglio is repulsed from the Adriatic.
The Brave Bunch
Two friends, a military and a journalist, after the collapse of the Albanian front, go to Macedonia to organize resistance against the Bulgarians.
Κάθε Κατεργάρης Στον Πάγκο Του
Nana Karkanorahaki
The Bluffer
John Halaris is neat antiques and incurable bluffer. After a successful bluff to three friends in Hydra, he returns to Athens. The carefree single life will change completely when they visit a young girl pretending to be his daughter. At first he thinks it is a bluff, but quickly convinced that Gianna is indeed daughter, by his first and only love of his life, Miranda ...
Ξύπνα καημένε Περικλή
Ο Άνθρωπος Της Καρπαζιάς
Anestis is a nice guy but he doesn't have the courage to react when others bother him. When one of his close friends brings him some "magic" pills that give Anestis the superpowers of his dreams, everything is going to change...
Ο Παραμυθάς
Eirini Petridou
Ο Πιο Καλός ο Μαθητής
Ο σατράπης
Varvara Varvaresou-Dourou
The Brightest Bouzouki
Sofoula Petrakaki
The Fanouris broccoli is a traveling salesman who happens to looks amazing with the famous actor George Kartali, which creates a lot of tangles.
Δημήτρη μου... Δημήτρη μου
Anamesa se dyo gynaikes
Maria Kandi
A young lady, Maria, is hired at Mrs Elsa's house to watch her mother-in-law. But she does not realize that her lady has thrown it into nights and gambling. She also understands from the narratives of the mother-in-law of Mrs Elsa and her mother, Demetris, who is the master and has with him on the voyage and his brother Manos, that the two brothers work for a sacred purpose: to raise money and to make money Jail their father. But when Dimitris returns with the intention of staying forever on the land, he finds that Elsa has squandered all their economies on paper. Bitter thought to divorce her but Mary, knowing that Elsa loves him, prevents such a development. Maria itself decides to live with her lawyer, Mr. Pantelis, who has long been in love with her.
Με Τη Λάμψη Στα Μάτια
During the German occupation, the Nazis plan to execute 30 men in retaliation for the death of a German soldier at the hands of the partisans. Among the men are three brothers (Giorgos Fountas, Anestis Vlachos and Giannis Fertis). The villagers ask the German officer (Zoras Tsapelis) to spare the life of one of the brothers. He accepts on the condition that their father (Lavrentis Dianellos) selects the one to remain alive.
The Girl Can't Stop
A shipbuilder is ruined. All he has left is a mortgaged house, a mortgaged yacht and a mortgaged wife. Precisely, there is a young vivacious, banker in his spare time, a little sadistic on the edges, ready to take the mortgage in question. Helped by his damned soul, a Turk, brother of his mistress, the builder throws his wife in the arms of the viveur. Which falls madly in love with Thassoula. The Turk kills Giorgian's uncle. Held by blackmail, he realizes that, decidedly, he has gone too far. Too late.
The Roundup
One of filmmaker and expatriate writer Adonis Kyrou's best-known quotes translates roughly as "I urge you: Learn to look at 'bad' films, they are so often sublime." The same could be said of Kyrou's own directorial work in Greece before the advent of the 1967 dictatorship forced him to flee to Paris. This confused mess, the first cinematic attempt at portraying the Greek resistance in WWII, caused quite a stink upon release, as much for its surprising style (recalling that of Bertolt Brecht) as for its subject matter. Reaction to its screening as part of the 1966 Cannes Film Festival's International Critic's Week was heated and divisive, proving Kyrou's later statement by rising above its own inherent silliness to achieve a sort of rarefied critical status. It's bad drama that nonetheless succeeds by dint of audacity more than quality (a comment which could apply equally to the work of many exploitation directors like Jean Rollin whom Kyrou later so lovingly profiled).
Συντρίμμια της ζωής
Γάμος αλά... Ελληνικά
Mina is dreaming of becoming a painter and Petros works in a company. They meet and fall in love during the carnival, but later lose contact. They meet again without recognizing each other and eventually get married. However they have no idea how hard marriage is.
Το κορίτσι της Κυριακής
Στη σκιά μιας άλλης
A Great Love
The Maro is in love with Alexis balm, in which the parents did not approve because known play-Boys. The peers aunt Lena undertakes to assist the other to the party that will organize to get to know the parents of Alexis Maro, Lena and Alex will feel a strange attraction. Lena, however, is married with a child and trying to control her emotions.
Gianna Dimadi
Brother Anna
Andreas, nephew of the abbot of the Monastery of Dionysios, who died eight years previously, arrives at Agion Oros (Mount Athos) with a team of smugglers of antiquities, with the intention of stealing a gold cross set with precious gems, known as the Cross of Alexander the Great. He earns the trust of the meek and hospitable monks. However, a Jewish girl, Anna - whom, while still a baby during the war, her father had entrusted to the care of the hermit Vasileios - continues to pretend she is a young monk. She manages gradually to discover the entire scheme and acts to foil their plot.
my father and i
Elsa Mavrogianni
A bankrupt cosmopolitan arrives with his daughter in Lagonisi, with the aim of finding a rich groom to guarantee financially.
Sucedió en Atenas
Christina Gratsos
En 1896 vuelven a celebrarse de nuevo los Juegos Olímpicos. Un joven pastor, Spiridon Loues, decide correr el maratón de 26 millas. Una vez en Atenas, se encuentra con Christina Gratsos, una joven de su ciudad, que trabaja como sirvienta personal de Elena Costa, la actriz más glamourosa de Grecia. A pesar de que llega con retraso, sus progresos como del atleta impresionan al entrenador del equipo estadounidense. La actriz anuncia a la prensa que se casará con el vencedor, que confía que será su amante, el teniente Vinardos.
Mrs. Midwife
Kaiti Bekou
The rivalry between a professional doctor and a midwife in a small Greek village.
Αγάπη και θύελλα
Anna Raisi
Στρατιώτες δίχως στολή
The Daywork of Happiness
Two young people are trying to make their common life although have to face the obstacle of an authoritarian mother. The young man, trying to overcome his financial difficulties, will be involved with a suspected man in a hypothetical big bay.
Καλημέρα Αθήνα
Λαός και Κολωνάκι
A milkman has his shop at the affluent Athenian neighborhood of Kolonaki and is in love with an aristocratic girl.
Ο Θησαυρός του μακαρίτη
2,000 Sailors and One Girl
Head over heels in love with a handsome seaman, a charming dancer plucks up the courage to sneak into the naval base after her beloved is given twenty days' confinement. But, what's a girl doing amid two thousand sailors?
Η Λίζα Το 'Σκασε
Lisa Papadea
Lisa (Xenia Kalogeropoulou) runs away from her father at the Athens airport because she does not want to marry a rich man from Paris whom her father has chosen for her. She hitchhikes to the city, where she meets Giorgos (Kostas Kakkavas) a handsome driver. Then, she runs away from him as well and tries to find her mother’s brother (Iordanis), whom she has never seen before. Her father publishes her photo in the newspapers and offers a reward of one hundred thousand drachmas to anyone who finds her. Lisa is now afraid that everyone can identify her, and so, in order to hide, she mingles with a group of tourists. However, she is unaware that her uncle is their guide. Giorgos has followed her in order to find out the reason she left him so suddenly, takes her in his car one more time, and they spend the night together.
Marriage Adventures
Elena Bisbiki
Helena (Xenia Kalogeropoulou) returns to Greece after studying in Paris and on the ship home she meets Dinos (Dinos Iliopoulos). An attraction develops between them and after a while Dinos asks for her hand in marriage. Helena though cannot accept his proposal because she is pregnant.