Louis de Funès

Louis de Funès

Nacimiento : 1914-07-31, Courbevoie, Hauts-de-Seine, France

Muerte : 1983-01-27


Louis de Funès, born Louis Germain David de Funès de Galarza, was a popular French actor of Spanish origin and one of the giants of French comedy alongside André Bourvil and Fernandel.


Louis de Funès
Louis de Funès
Louis de Funès


Louis de Funès, le rire éternel
On the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the death of Louis de Funès, this documentary by Jacques Pessis pays tribute to the cult actor by retracing his career through excerpts of his greatest successes in the cinema and in the music hall, never-before-seen archives, as well as testimonies from personalities and relatives.
Fernandel, Jacques Tati, Bourvil, Louis de Funès - Les rois de la comédie
Lui-même (archives)
Fantômas: A Thoroughly Modern Villain
Self (archive footage)
The story of Fantômas, the first villain of modernity, from his birth in 1911 as a novel character to his contemporary vicissitudes, passing through Louis Feuillade, André Hunebelle, surrealism and Moscow.
La TV des 70's : Quand Giscard était président
Self (archive footage)
In May 1974, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing became President of the Republic and wanted to bring about a new era of modernity. One of his first decisions was to break up the ORTF with the creation of three new television channels: TF1, Antenne 2 and FR3. Three new public channels but autonomous and competing. It is a race for the audience which is engaged then, and from now on the channels will make the war! This competition will give birth to a real golden age for television programs, with variety shows in the forefront. The stars of the song are going to invade the living rooms of the French for their biggest pleasure. This unedited documentary tells the story of the metamorphosis of this television of the early 1970s, between freedom of tone, scandals, political intrigues and programs that have become mythical.
Louis de Funès, Créature/Créateur
The comic art of Louis de Funès (1914-1983), like that of Totò and a few others, ultimately transcends the limits of the films in which he appeared, thanks to the dynamic expressivity of his persona. Drawing on contributions from critics, scholars and the actor’s colleagues, this documentary deciphers the keys to the de Funès phenomenon, intelligently analysing the peculiar characters of his facial and corporeal mimicry, the plasticity of his gestures, and the doubling of character and creator (in the sense that, once he became successful, ‘Fufu’ effectively became the author of the majority of his films, often limiting the director’s role).
La Folle Aventure de Louis de Funès
Self (archive footage)
Breakpoint: A Counter History of Progress
Self (archive footage)
An account of the last two centuries of the Anthropocene, the Age of Man. How human beings have progressed so much in such a short time through war and the selfish interests of a few, belligerent politicians and captains of industry, damaging the welfare of the majority of mankind, impoverishing the weakest, greedily devouring the limited resources of the Earth.
De Gaulle, the Last King of France
Self (archive footage)
Charles de Gaulle, the first president (1958-1969) of the Vth Republic, France’s current system of government, left his mark on the country . He was statesman of action and has been compared to a monarch. This film depicts the general’s personality through the great events of his presidential term, at a time when the world was undergoing considerable changes.
Bourvil, un homme vrai
Le Tournage du Corniaud… Tout sauf un long fleuve tranquille
Self (archive footage)
Louis de Funès Forever
Himself (archive footage)
A moving and very funny portrait of the personal and professional life of the magnificent French comedian Louis de Funès (1914-83), as well as a detailed analysis of his masterful acting technique.
Il était une fois... Louis de Funès
Louis de Funès Intime
Self - Archive
The life and career of actor Louis de Funès with interviews from his family, friends and collaborators.
Louis de Funès ou le pouvoir de faire rire
Self (archive footage)
A documentary on Louis de Funès based on unseen archives and film extracts, interviews from close friends and comedy specialists.
El loco, loco mundo del gendarme
Ludovic Cruchot
La comisaría de Cruchot se traslada a un nuevo edificio con un equipamiento de última generación y además con cuatro miembros nuevos, que no son otros que cuatro mujeres policías. Todos se pelean para entrenar a las nuevas reclutas. Pero las cosas se complican cuando una tras otra las policías van siendo secuestradas.
Mi amigo el extraterrestre
Le Glaude y Le Bombé, dos granjeros cascarrabias, son vecinos en una zona rural. Una noche bajo las estrellas, se tiran un pedo, y un extraterrestre lo recibe como una llamada y les baja a visitar. Con el tiempo volverá, ya que se hace amigo de Le Glaude, pero sobre todo porque le encanta la sopa de col.
Mi amigo el extraterrestre
Claude Ratinier (Le Glaude)
Le Glaude y Le Bombé, dos granjeros cascarrabias, son vecinos en una zona rural. Una noche bajo las estrellas, se tiran un pedo, y un extraterrestre lo recibe como una llamada y les baja a visitar. Con el tiempo volverá, ya que se hace amigo de Le Glaude, pero sobre todo porque le encanta la sopa de col.
El avaro
Harpagon, avaro e irascible, es víctima de su amor desmesurado por su cofrecito de luises de oro. Para conservarlo sólo para él, debe aceptar que su hijo se case con una mujer sin dinero y su hija con su mayordomo.
El avaro
Harpagon, avaro e irascible, es víctima de su amor desmesurado por su cofrecito de luises de oro. Para conservarlo sólo para él, debe aceptar que su hijo se case con una mujer sin dinero y su hija con su mayordomo.
El avaro
Harpagon, avaro e irascible, es víctima de su amor desmesurado por su cofrecito de luises de oro. Para conservarlo sólo para él, debe aceptar que su hijo se case con una mujer sin dinero y su hija con su mayordomo.
El gendarme y los extraterrestres
Ludovic Cruchot
El gendarme Beaupied afirma que ha visto un platillo volante y todos le toman por loco hasta que el brigada Cruchot, también ve un OVNI. Los extraterrestres se metamorfosean en gendarmes, lo que provoca el enfrentamiento entre éstos y los gendarmes reales.
El gendarme y los extraterrestres
El gendarme Beaupied afirma que ha visto un platillo volante y todos le toman por loco hasta que el brigada Cruchot, también ve un OVNI. Los extraterrestres se metamorfosean en gendarmes, lo que provoca el enfrentamiento entre éstos y los gendarmes reales.
Votad al señor alcalde
Guillaume Daubray-Lacaze
Gillaume Daubray-Lacaze es el alcalde una pequeña ciudad. Pero además, ejerce de inventor, y un grupo de japoneses le han pedido tres mil unidades de su último invento, una máquina que elimina la contaminación atmosférica. Como no puede expandir su fábrica, tiene que desarrollar la producción en la propia casa, lo que le causará más de un problema con su mujer...
Muslo o pechuga
Charles Duchemin
Louis de Funes interpreta a un prestigioso crítico gastronómico que edita la guía "Duchemin", y donde valora la calidad de los restaurantes... a los cuales acude disfrazado.
Las locas aventuras de Rabbi Jacob
Victor Pivert
Un rabino de Nueva York se verá envuelto en un tremendo lío entre terroristas árabes y otros neuróticos personajes
Delirios de grandeza
Don Salluste de Bazan
Siglo XVIII. Narra las aventuras y desventuras de un recaudador de impuestos que intenta estafar al rey, pero, al ser descubierto, será objeto de las burlas de los contribuyentes.
Jo, un cadáver revoltoso
Antoine Brisebard
Comedia de intriga que gira en torno al plan que ha tramado un escritor para cometer el crimen perfecto. Pronto descubrirá que, si bien existe, los detalles son lo más importante para que todo salga bien.
Caídos sobre un árbol
Henri Roubier
Volviendo de Italia, Henri Roubier recoge a una elegante autoestopista, y también a un joven. Tras un brusco giro, el coche y sus pasajeros acaban sobre la copa de un pino que hay en un acantilado. Atrapados entre el mar y el cielo, su situación es incómoda cuanto menos...
Seis gendarmes en fuga
Ludovic Cruchot
Un grupo de cadetes jóvenes se incorporan a la gendarmería, cosa que provoca una inminente retirada del grupo de gendarmes liderado por Cruchot. Éste es reticente a abandonar su puesto, pero el cambio le condena a una jubilación forzosa. Cruchot no puede acostumbrarse a esta nueva vida de inactividad. Pero cuando Fougasse, uno de sus hombres, es internado por un problema de amnesia, Cruchot ve una oportunidad para volver con su brigada y demostrar que su experiencia es mejor que los nuevos métodos.
El hombre orquesta
Evan Evans
Evans Evans, es director de danza, con su grupo de bailarinas es muy estricto en cuanto al nivel profesional o a su peso, pero sobre todo respecto a los hombres, no los permite cerca ni que ninguna tenga relaciones sentimentales. Cuando una decide casarse, la despide. Y no dudará en utilizar todas sus artimañas cuando otra planea casarse.. Pero el gran problema llegará cuando la gira llegue a Roma, donde una de las chicas tuvo un bebé, al que dejó al cuidado de un ama, pero ésta se tiene que ir y la chica ha de buscarle una nueva.
El abuelo congelado
Hubert de Tartas
Huber de Tartas, industrial y especialista en el campo del embalaje, vive tranquilamente con su esposa Edmeé y su hijo Didier, estudiante de medicina que está a las puertas de un matrimonio muy prometedor. Pero la aparición de un hombre, después de 65 años de hibernación en los glaciares del polo, viene a cuestionarlo todo, ya que se trata del abuelo de Edmeé.
El gendarme se casa
Ludovic Cruchot
El gendarme Cruchot trabaja en una operación para castigar a automovilistas imprudentes. Un buen día se enamora perdidamente de Josefa, la viuda de un coronel de gendarmes. Cruchot y Josefa empezarán a verse a escondidas y esto no le sentará muy bien a Nicole, la hija de Cruchot. Poco a poco las relaciones entre las dos mujeres se irán estabilizando pero Cruchot parecerá más preocupado por el ascenso que se debate entre Gerber y él.
El tatuado
Félicien Mézeray
Un marchante de arte especializado en la compra y venta de cuadros siempre está al acecho de alguna obra rara. Y finalmente la encuentra en el lugar que menos se hubiera podido imaginar. Se trata de un autorretrato de Modigliani que adorna la espalda de un antiguo legionario.
Sálvese quien pueda
Louis-Philippe Fourchaume
El propietario de una empresa de diseño y venta de yates decide echar a su diseñador más famoso. En seguida se da cuenta de que ha tomado la decisión de manera precipitada pues comprende que lo necesita para cerrar un importante trato con unos italianos. No le queda más remedio que tragarse su orgullo e ir en su busca, para lo que tendrá que dirigirse a un pueblo de la Francia profunda, donde las cosas no harán más que empeorar.
Grandes vacaciones
Charles Bosquier
Charles Bosquier es el estricto director de una prestigiosa escuela. Cuando su hijo suspende inglés, quiere mandarlo a Inglaterra de intercambio, pero el joven ya tenía planes para el verano. Así que decide mandar a un compañero en su lugar.
Oscar: una maleta, dos maletas, tres maletas
Bertrand Barnier
Bertrand Barnier es un rico empresario para el que la vida transcurre tranquilamente junto a su mujer y a su hija Colette. Para mantener su forma física hace ejercicio regularmente bajo la dirección de un joven atleta, cuya inteligencia está lejos de igualar su fuerza física. El servicio de la casa está perfectamente atendido por Bernadette, la joven criada, y Oscar, el chofer. Sin embargo, esta confortable situación va a verse perturbada, cuando su empleado, Christian Martin, irrumpe en la casa a primera hora de la mañana para exigir a este un aumento de sueldo, con la intención de pedirle la mano al padre de su novia. El caos se desata en casa de Bernier cuando este descubre que es su propia hija con la que Christian desea casarse.
Fantomas contra Scotland Yard
Commissaire Juve
Fantomas vuelve a actuar extorsionando a millonarios escoceses, a los que amenaza de muerte si no le pagan. Cuando el comisario Juve se entera, se traslada a Escocia a investigar el caso. Se aloja en un castillo medieval para proteger a su rico propietario y tratar de capturar a Fantomas. Sin embargo, los problemas y la confusión que reina en el castillo no facilitan el trabajo del comisario.
La gran juerga
Stanislas Lefort, orchestra conductor
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Parodia de la ocupación de Francia por los alemanes. Terry-Thomas es un piloto inglés que se encuentra perdido en la Francia ocupada, mientras que Bourvil y Louis de Funès son dos parisinos que, casi involuntariamente, ayudan a la resistencia contra los nazis. Un film que en Francia obtuvo un enorme éxito de taquilla.
El gran restaurante
El Sr. Septime dirige su lujoso restaurante con una disciplina casi militar. La visita de un Jefe de Estado sudamericano hará que el hotel se movilice en su honor, y deciden preparan un plato especial para él: la "Pirámide al Septime". En el momento de la aparición del plato, el Presidente Novalés desaparece. Septime se encuentra entonces en una situación delicada: el comisario sospecha de él, y es acosado por el secretario del presidente.
El gran restaurante
Monsieur Septime
El Sr. Septime dirige su lujoso restaurante con una disciplina casi militar. La visita de un Jefe de Estado sudamericano hará que el hotel se movilice en su honor, y deciden preparan un plato especial para él: la "Pirámide al Septime". En el momento de la aparición del plato, el Presidente Novalés desaparece. Septime se encuentra entonces en una situación delicada: el comisario sospecha de él, y es acosado por el secretario del presidente.
Fantomas vuelve
Commissaire Juve
Cuando el profesor Marchand, un célebre científico, desaparece misteriosamente, el comisario Juve sospecha inmediatamente de Fantomas. Mientras tanto, el periodista Fandon se hace pasar por Lefèbvre, el ayudante de Marchand, y es capturado por Fantomas. Pero también Juve cae en la trampa que el criminal, disfrazado de Lefèvre, le ha tendido. Fantomas se propone acabar con sus prisioneros durante un congreso científico que se celebra en Roma.
How to Keep the Red Lamp Burning
Léon Haudepin
The film consists of three novels. The film begins with the fact that the Bernard Blier hero removes a lantern from the entrance to a brothel. The second part is about how the lantern and jewelery were stolen from a young baroness. And in the third part the hero of Louis de Funes hangs a lantern at the entrance to his house.
El gendarme en Nueva York
Ludovic Cruchot
El Congreso Internacional de Agentes de Policía se va a celebrar en Nueva York, y el gendarme Cruchot será el encargado de representar a Francia en el mismo. Las cosas parecen ir bien para el agente hasta que aparece su hija Nicole, que ha viajado como polizón hasta Manhattan para reunirse con su padre. La situación ilegal de Nicole en Norteamérica desata los nervios del gendarme, que se empeñará en devolver a su hija a Francia.
El hombre del cadillac
Léopold Saroyan
Antoine Marechal sufre un accidente con su coche justo cuando se iba a pasar las vacaciones a Italia, el culpable, el empresario Leopold Saroyan le promete reemplazarle el coche para que no pierda sus vacaciones, y así aprovechar al pobre Antoine para que haga de "mula" conduciendo un cadillac hasta Italia para pasar por la frontera un cargamento de heroína, oro y diamantes, sin que éste lo sepa...
Commissaire Juve
El malvado criminal Fantomas, hombre de mil caras, capaz de transformarse en cualquier persona, descubre que un periodista, Fandón, ha publicado una entrevista falsa con él. Decidido a tomar cumplida venganza, Fantomas adopta los rasgos físicos del periodista y comete un sensacional crimen haciéndose pasar por él. Fandon da con sus huesos en la cárcel y nadie cree en su inocencia. Sin embargo, el famoso comisario Juve cree reconocer el sello del autor de Fantomas y está convencido de que éste se encuentra detrás de todo el asunto.
El gendarme de Saint-Tropez
Ludovic Cruchot
El Gendarme Cruchot y su hija comienzan una nueva vida en St. Tropez. Allí, el policía se toma muy en serio su trabajo mientras observa cómo Nicole va haciendo amigos en el lugar. La chica les dice a sus nuevos compañeros que pertenece a una familia de millonarios y se mete en un gran lío con una banda de ladrones... Jean Girault dirigió las seis películas centradas en las aventuras del Gendarme Cruchot, desde 1964 a 1982. Durante casi 20 años, Louis de Funès encarnó a este alocado Sargento.
Un ratón entre los hombres
Dos hombres honrados durante el día, por la noche se transforman en ladrones expertos. Sin embargo, serán sorprendidos por la jovencita Lucila, y estarán obligados a admitirla en la banda. Ella les propondrá robar en casa de su tía rica. (FILMAFFINITY)
Dandelions by the Roots
Jockey Jack
Pommes-Chips acaba de salir de la cárcel y se encuentra con que Jack está saliendo y viviendo con su novia. Pommes-Chips le persigue hasta en el teatro, y mientras el primo de Jack está en plena obra, Jack mata accidentalmente al gángster. Lo que da lugar a una sucesión de enredos, y más aun, cuando se conoce que el cadáver llevaba en su bolsillo un boleto de las carreras de hípica con una importante suma de premio.
El gran golpe
Victor Garnier
Siguiendo los erróneos consejos de su banquero, el señor Garnier ha hecho unas inversiones que lo han dejado en la ruina. Ni corto ni perezoso decide excavar un túnel, junto con la ayuda de su familia, que llegue hasta el banco para robar el dinero que ha perdido.
Le Café Liégeois
le monsieur en habit
Léonard Monestier
Léonard Monestier owns a large fortune, alas his wife Cynthia made a bad investment in a worthless oil concession. Far from letting this get him down, Léonard decides to find a sucker to buy this concession from him. Right on cue appears Antoine Brévin, a befuddled billionaire who is very interested in Léonard's beautiful daughter Patricia and would do anything to win her hand...
Norbert Charolais
El duro jefe de una empresa está a punto de retirarse. Siente que ha llegado el momento de pasarle el testigo a otro. Cuando se conoce la noticia, algunos de los empleados comienzan a hacer méritos para convertirse en los elegidos. Pero una nueva legislación laboral condiciona la marcha del antiguo jefe y la elección del nuevo. (FILMAFFINITY)
People in Luck
Antoine Beaurepaire (« Le Gros Lot »)
A light French comedy of 5 segments.
We Will Go to Deauville
Ludovic Lamberjacques
Comical adventures of two pairs of friends during their stay in Deauville, Normandy.
Los grandes señores
Gaspard Ripeux
Gracias a sus contactos y su gran personalidad, Richard, un militar retirado, arruinado y aficionado a las carreras de caballos, trata de ganarse la vida vendiendo información sobre éstas para las apuestas en el hipódromo de Epsom. Un día, la casualidad le vuelve a reunir con Maud, la mujer a la que amó y abandonó años atrás en el mismo hipódromo. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Devil and the Ten Commandments
Antoine Vaillant, l'escroc
The film consists of seven roughly 15 minute episodes, each showing what will happen if one or more of the Ten Commandments will be broken: Jérome Chambard is warned that he will lose his job if he continues to swear; Françoise Beaufort enamored of a stripper calls on her only to find her married to a janitor who doesn't know what kind of dancing his wife performs; Denis, a Jesuit novice, leaves the order to avenge his sister's suicide, which was provoked by Garigny, who seduced her into prostitution and drug addiction; Philip buys a necklace for Micheline though he is bored with her; a young man find out that his real mother is not Madeleine, but actress Clarisse Ardant; Didier Marin, cashier of a bank, was fired by his boss; the Devil appears as a serpent for Jérome Chambard and the bishop are eating.
El crimen se paga
Film de sketches que giran en torno al mensaje del título.
The Vendetta
Dans l'eau... qui fait des bulles!...
Paul Ernzer
Paul Ernzer, enólogo en quiebra, descubre el cadáver del hombre que le ha arruinado y que era el blanco de varias personas; la viuda del "ahogado", la mujer de Ernzer, algunos traficantes... (FILMAFFINITY)
La bella americana
Le secretaire du commissariat / le chef du personnel
Marcel trabaja en una fábrica y es un tío bastante normal. Una viuda lo lía para que le compre un moderno coche americano. Al principio no quiere, pero finalmente acaba aceptando. Desde que se hace con el coche todo son problemas y gastos. No sólo tendrá que lidiar con el automóvil sino también con su mujer que está que se sube por las paredes. (FILMAFFINITY)
El capitán Fracassa
Siglo XVII, Viéndose arruinado, el noble Philippe de Sigognac decide unirse a una compañía de teatro. A continuación se enamora de una mujer, por cuya causa se verá obligado a batirse en duelo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Small Local Trains
Émile Durand
Émile Durand, an insecticide manufacturer, is appalled to learn that his son Gérard has fallen in love with Suzy, the daughter of a travelling theatre company. Realising his father will never favour the union, Gérard joins the company on their next tour. In an attempt to heal the rift, Durand’s wife goes after Gérard and ends up performing in their next play…
Candide ou l'optimisme au XXe siècle
Officier de la Gestapo
Las aventuras de Cándido, un soldado francés, en 1940. Separado de su novia, le sucederán numerosas aventuras. (FILMAFFINITY)
Some Like It... Cold
Ange Galopin, le créancier qui veut récupérer l'argent
The old Valmorin died 200 years ago. The notary tells the family about the inheritance: the one who is terminally ill will receive the money. They all try their luck with getting ill before the other so one family member pretends to be deaf, another pretends to have a terrible back ache and so on...
My Pal the Gypsy
M. Védrines, éditeur
Los defraudadores
El dueño de un negocio intenta eludir los impuestos de hacienda, pero un recaudador del gobierno está al acecho.
La culpa fue de Eva
Professor Montiel
Un delincuente apodado el "marqués" acaba de salir de la cárcel y decide volver a las andadas, con ayuda de su bella compinche, que se hará pasar por su esposa. Ahora se trata de estafar y para ello pide a un copista (Totò) que plagie un cuadro de Goya, para convertirlo en la tercera "maja": "La maja con el camisón". Más tarde, un experto (Louis de Funès) creerá que se trata de la obra original, ya que está subyugado por la esposa del "marqués"... (FILMAFFINITY)
Taxi, Trailer and Bullfight
Maurice Berger
A chaotic family go on holiday to Spain and get mixed up with a gang of diamond thieves
Life Together
Maître Stéphane
The writer Pierre Carot became rich and famous with his book "Life as a Couple", which was based on the loving relationships of four couples. Now he's setting up his will and wants to leave his wealth to the couples among the four, which are still as deeply in love - if any: else, his companions get the money. He sends them out to visit the couples and test their love.
Visto y no visto
Montpaillard presume de ser la localidad más tranquila de Francia, como reza el cartel en la entrada del pueblo. La única amenaza a su paz es Blaireau, un furtivo que tiene en jaque al ayuntamiento, y al guardabosques, al cual deja en ridículo cada vez que éste le quiere atrapar. Por otra parte, la hija de los Chaville ha llegado al pueblo y su profesor de piano, el joven y tímido Fléchard, está enamorado de ella, pero para su desgracia, a Arabella le gustan los hombres de acción y en el pueblo sólo hay mojigatos.
Comme un cheveu sur la soupe
Pierre Cousin
Pierre Cousin está decidido a acabar con su vida, pero no consigue llegar a la acción. Salva un intento de otro suicida y se convierte en héroe. Feliz desde entonces, debe huir de unos mafiosos a los que había contratado para que lo mataran. (FILMAFFINITY)
La travesía de París
Jambier, grocer
Durante la ocupación nazi de París, un torpe e ingenuo estraperlista se ve obligado a pedir ayuda a un extraño individuo que dice ser pintor para poder transportar en varias maletas un cerdo troceado. Juntos tendrán que cruzar la ciudad en plena noche. (FILMAFFINITY)
Courte tête
Le père Graziani, faux religieux ; Prosper le faux garçon d'écurie ; le faux colonel Luc de La Frapinière
Un estafador que se hace pasar por entrenador de jockeys se busca la ayuda de un joven hambriento para que se haga pasar por jockey, y así intentará aprovecharse de la ingenuidad de un provinciano para sacarle los cuartos. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Flea in the Ear
Auguste Ferraillon
Babies Galore
Célestin Ratier
Daddy's Gang
l'inspecteur principal Victor Eugène Merlerin
Shy, timorous bank clerk, Fernand Jérôme, prevents -unwillingly of course - a gang led by "Le Grand J" from robbing the "Crédit Populaire", where he works. Having become a hero out of the blue, this new status allows him to woo Renée, the daughter of chief inspector Merlerin. What Merlerin does not know is that the man he has been trying to arrest for years, "Le Grand J" is in fact Joseph Jérôme, Fernand's father, who has disappeared for years...
Law of the Streets
"Paulo les chiens"
El propietario de un bar de poca monta acoge bajo su protección a un joven delincuente.
Hello Smile!
A small European Kingdom wants to make a frowning Princess smile for the upcoming Royal photo to be done. A mischievous Prime Minister goes to Paris to kidnap three famous comics to force them to do an act to make the Princess smile. However, the King is not aware of this scheme... especially that this evil minister has to face a "fasting strike" by the prisoners and force them to surrender by telling a recipe of "Coq au Vin" by the radio...
If Paris Were Told to Us
Antoine Allègre
Ambiciosa producción sobre la historia de París que narra con sentido del humor las peripecias de personajes como María Antonieta, Beaumarchais, Victor Hugo, el cardenal Richelieu o Luis XVI. El polifacético Sacha Guitry la dirigió, escribió el guión y se reservó el papel de Luis XI.
Mädchen ohne Grenzen
Helga, a stewardess, meet a passenger, Eric, during a flight to Athens. They fall in love, but he is married. Later Helga is involved in a flight crash. One of the severely injured passengers is Eric's wife Maria.
Les Hussards
le bedeau Luigi
Papa, Mama, My Wife and Me
Monsieur Calomel
Robert Langlois is now married to Catherine, the former housemaid. And they would live happily ever after if the housing crisis did not force them to live together with Gabrielle and Fernand, Robert's parents. For, despite the good will on either side, tension soon arises. What else to expect when there is too little space in their Montmartre apartment for four people (then for six then eight, the couple having... two pairs of twins!) ; the continued presence there of Fernand (who loves peace and quiet) after he is driven to retirement ; the difficult beginnings of Robert as a lawyer in a room of the apartment, etc... Other troubles follow and the harried family is on the verge of implosion...
The Impossible Mr. Pipelet
l'oncle Robert
A story about a simple old man with a lot of love for his only daughter. She falls in love with a doctor's son and he don't understand why...
le colonel Cousinet-Duval
Con la ayuda de cuatro protectores, uan joven parisina se convierte en una famosa cantante de cabaret. Ella se casa con un príncipe ruso, pero luego tiene otros amores hasta que un pintor suicida le da una hija.
The Babes Make the Law
Jeannot la Bonne Affaire, le barman du "Lotus
When Nathalie, a shoe seller, is abducted, her mother Flora wastes no time taking matters into her own hands. Reluctant to call in the police, she galvanizes her three other daughters into action.
Soldier Laurent Passementier (uncredited)
Talleyrand, el gran político francés de finales del siglo XVIII y primer cuarto del XIX, rememora en una reunión de amigos, la vida del Emperador de los franceses, desde su nacimiento en Córcega, pasando por sus gestas militares, hasta su muerte en el destierro. La cinta es una pequeña lección de la historia de Francia.
Ingrid - The Story of a Fashion Model
D'Arrigio - Modeschöpfer
No Exit
le garçon d'étage
The scene is a tawdry hotel room in Limbo, where several damned souls are gathered. At first, the group fails to comprehend where they are or why they're there. When the horrible truth dawns upon them, they carp and snipe at one another, blaming everyone but themselves for their dismal fate.
Papa, Maman, la Bonne et moi
Monsieur Calomel
inspecteur Leboeuf
A small-town policeman is informed that "naked women" are dancing in a revue at a local variety theater. Being the guardian of public morals that he is, he decides to stroll on down there and check it out for himself.
The Sheep Has Five Legs
A publicity-minded French mayor reunites quintuplets and their earthy father, all six played by Fernandel.
Marriage Episodes
M. Boulingrin
Three old friends meet again. They compare their marriages and tell each other stories which illustrate why they complain about their wives.
Service Entrance
Cesare Grimaldi, le père, artiste italien
Walking alone and looking desperate, young Marie-Lou is taken in hand by Léo, a street photographer and his squatter friends. They all want to know what happened to her, so to satisfy their curiosity, Marie-Lou starts recounting her unfortunate experiences as a housemaid. On account of adverse circumstances, she tells them, she lost all of the jobs she had in five different families. To crown it all, the young man she has fallen in love with, a brilliant artist, is in prison...
April Fools' Day
Le garde-champêtre
Emile is a good mechanic whose clientele is very loyal. A bit naive, he is bamboozled by a seller who manages to sell him the full trappings of the perfect fisherman. No sooner did he regret that he bought, frightened by his wife's reaction to such expenditure. But he plans to try it ...
Men Think Only of That
Célosso - le mari espagnol de la comtesse russe
Alfred is in love, but shy. Desperate not to have the audacity to express his passion to the woman of his dreams, Nicole, a young dairyman, he enthusiastically accepts the proposal of Don Juan to make his sentimental education.
Les corsaires du bois de Boulogne
Le commissaire de police qui ne dit mot
Tres cantantes callejeros sin éxito deciden, para atraer la atención, convertirse en náufragos. A bordo de una balsa, zarpan de Saint-Tropez y naufragan en la playa vecina. Vuelven a París en olor de multitudes...
Faites-moi confiance
The Secret of Helene Marimon
Eddy Gorlier
Mademoiselle Nitouche
A housekeeper
Celestin works as an organist at a girl's school. By day, Celestin is the meek and mild target of the girls' incessant practical jokes. By night, however, he is the celebrated composer of popular operas -- and the romantic vis-à-vis of a celebrated stage star. When schoolgirl Denise stumbles onto Celestin's secret, she threatens to tell all -- but only if Celestin refuses to escort her to the opening night of his latest opera. As a result, Denise falls in love with a handsome young soldier, while Celestin is accidentally shipped off to an army camp. A series of silly coincidences brings happiness to all concerned by fade-out time.
La Belle au bois dormant
Un astrologue
Les impures
Le chef de train
When Mario, a bad boy, is released from prison, he plans to live honestly with his wife Geneviève. But the latter has not waited for him and Mario, out of spite, accepts to work as a tout for Mr. Charlie, the boss of a white slave trade gang. His first assignment consists in seducing Michèle, a Montmartre nightclub singer and hostess, into signing a contract for Tangier. The young woman, however, who does this job only to support her young sister Danièle, falls for him and he for her. From then on Mario, without betraying himself, does his utmost to save Michèle -and Danièle for that matter - from the clutches of the gang...
The Scheming Women
Mr Marcange, l'auteur de la pièce
The renowned theatre manager, Paul Rémy, is accused by his general secretary Andrieux of having killed his partner. On the advice of his wife Mona, Paul goes into hiding in a psychiatric hospital to escape from the police. But Andrieux seduces Mona who then turns against her husband.
The Game of Love
le projectionniste ambulant
Based on the novel by Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette. Friends since infancy, Philippe and Vinea have always regarded themselves as brother and sister. But as adolescence segues into puberty, the two youngsters fall in love.
Strange Desire of Mr. Bard
M. Chanteau
A terminally ill Mr. Bard, a casino bus driver forced to quit his job, miraculously wins a fortune playing roulette. Instantly becoming a millionaire, he wants to fulfill his life's dream: to become a father. This plan is opposed by his greedy relatives who would go any low to take this money away from him. They are being led by a small-time crook. Mr. Bard's natural shyness and good heart lead him to the journey of self-exploration and finding his true love.
The Knight of the Night
Adrien Verduret
My Brother from Senegal
Le docteur (as De Funes)
Jules Pinson, photographer in a small provincial village is in love with Annette, the daughter of the grocer. She 's dreaming only heros of adventure movies, so Jules invents a twin brother, Caesar, hunter of lions in Senegal ...
Légère et court vêtue
Paul Duvernois
Un celebre abogado recibe la visita de un desconocido que dice ser el amante de su mujer. Contrata entonces una especie de detective para vigilarla... (FLMAFFINITY)
Inside a Girls' Dormitory
Le photographe Triboudot
In a little town with a renowned college a female student is found after she was hogtied and strangled to death. Inspector Marco is assigned to catch the murderer.
Captain Slipper
Mr Rachoux, le directeur de la banque
A bank clerk is bored to death with his nine-to-five work under his boss ' watchful eye. His missus is a pain in the neck and his in-laws are not better.
Les Compagnes de la nuit
Un Client qui joue aux cartes
Three events that seemingly nothing related, namely the murder of a truck driver, the discovery of the corpse of a vitriolic young woman, and the death of another who was crushed, will launch the Inspector Maréchal on the trail of a prostitution network. The girl-mother Olga, a friend of the trucker, confesses her the underwear of the women's exploitation.
Innocents in Paris
Célestin, le chauffeur de taxi
Romantic comedy about a group of Britons flying to Paris for the weekend.
To Hell with Virtue
Mr. Lorette
The Sparrows of Paris
Le docteur
An American manager and his daughter want to hire "the little singers with the wooden cross" for a tour of the United States,but Jeannot,a young member of the choir recognize his grandma's locket round the girl's neck .
La tournée des grands ducs
le directeur de l'hôtel
Les dents longues
l'employé du laboratoire photo
El joven periodista Louis Commandeur multiplica las intrigas y las traiciones con tal de lograr sus propósitos.
The Virtuous Scoundrel
Emile, le valet de chambre
La Vie d'un honnête homme English: The Virtuous Scoundrel, is a French comedy drama film from 1953, directed by Sacha Guitry, written by Sacha Guitry, starring Michel Simon and Louis de Funès.
The Fighting Drummer
The rivalry between Albert Gambier, head of the municipal brass band, and the jazz band, led by Jacques Hélian, provokes many comic adventures in this small provincial town. Everything will end in songs, thanks to the love uniting Jimmy, the band's composer, and Nicole, Gambier's daughter.
L'art et la manière de rire
I Was It Three Times
L'interprète-secrétaire du sultan de Hammanlif (uncredited)
A husband who had divorced twice because he had been betrayed by his former wives, takes his precautions to prevent the deed from happening a third time. And yet it does.
She and Me
le garçon de café qui embrasse Juliette
You never can tell. Jean had always been one of the most confirmed bachelors that kept swearing to anyone that would listen he would never put a ring on a female finger. But that was before he met Juliette, a capricious but irresistibly lovely young woman. Well, what else can you do when you fall dead in love with a creature of the kind? And too bad if their honeymoon proved catastrophic. To say nothing of their housing problems : what to do when neither husband nor wife has any money? How to build one's love nest when the housing crisis rages? How to get by when your wife has luxury tastes?
Run Away Mr. Perle
Le fou qui pêche dans un lavabo
Modest fifty-something, Mr. Perle, is a baker in a small provincial town. He lives there with an authoritarian woman and her cousin, a parasite who poisons his existence. A Parisian notary writes to the hero to ask him to come and take possession of an inheritance. In Paris, Perle meets a pretty adventuress.
The Crazy Jungle
The misadventures of Roger Dupont, who passes with great ease from one continent to another, from white men to Africans. Himself in front, depending on the circumstances, to appear white or black.
The Respectful Prostitute
un client du night-club
Fred, the nephew of a senator,has murdered a Black man on a train. The two only witnesses are Lizzie McKay, a prostitute from New York, and Sidney, a colored man. Fred decides to seduce Lizzie in order to make her give false evidence according to which Sidney has attempted to rape her. The uncle also puts pressure on the young woman. After much hesitation, Lizzie finally accepts but Sidney, who has nearly got lynched, takes refuge at her home...
Mister Taxi
le peintre de la place du Tertre
An honest taxi driver gets into trouble by looking for a customer who left her purse full of cash in her vehicle.
Judgement of God
L'homme qui se fait arracher une dent (uncredited)
Bavaria, 1433. Reason of state rules that Prince Albert is to marry Princess Bertha of Wurtemberg. But the fine-looking young man is loath to become the husband of a woman with pimples,flat feet and no breast. Nevertheless, he has to obey his authoritarian father, Duke Ernest, and accompanied by faithful Count Törring, he mounts his steed and sets out for Würtemberg. Stopping in Augsburg, he falls in love with the daughter of a local barber-surgeon, pure and beautiful Agnès Bernauer. The couple is soon secretly married and both take refuge at the castle of Margravine Josepha, Albert's aunt, waiting for Ernest's consent. Unluckily Albert's father will not accept his son's union with a commoner and Albert, supported by Josepha and an army of common people, declares war on the Duke. They seem about to be victorious when Brother Enrique, a monk formerly in the Holy Inquisition, finds a way to reverse the situation: accusing Agnès of witchcraft...
Love Is Not a Sin
Mr Cottin, l'homme au chien, membre de l'U.R.A.F
A building, a landing, two tenants: he, Jacques Loursier, is president of the U.R.A.F (Union and Resistance Anti-Woman); she, Eliane Cahuzac, is president of the Association for the Triumph and Independence of Women. Unaware of each other until then, a cold war begins between the two parties. An attempt at conciliation fails then, after many adventures, love triumphs.
Matrimonial Agency
Mr. Charles
Noël is a bachelor who inherits a matrimonial agency. After contemplating selling it, he chooses to manage it.
Mr. Leguignon Lampiste
Un habitant du quartier
A railway worker, Leguignon, and his wife are forced to move into a house located in a shaggy part of town. What Leguignon doesn't know is that a group of children have discovered a treasure and keeps it stored in the house. Trouble ensues when he discovers the cache and tries to claim it as his own.
The Seven Deadly Sins
Martin Gaston, the Frenchman (segment "Sloth")
A French/Italian motion picture drama covering the seven deadly sins in seven separate sections.
Wolves Hunt at Night
Le Barman
A secret agent is summoned by the head of a counter espionage organization, to Trieste where he is to unmask a potential enemy operating in Venice.
They Were Five
Albert, le régisseur
Now that the world conflict is over, five inseparable wartime buddies swear eternal friendship now to each other. But there's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip. Jean becomes a postman, Marcel a boxer, Roger an actor, André a student and Philippe remains what he has always been, a young man of good social standing. Roger, who can't find any role, is introduced through his singer sister Valérie, to Frédo, a shady nightclub owner.Roger soon becomes one of Frédo's henchmen. To make matters worse, he swipes Jean's fiancée, Simone. Marcel, who loses fight after fight, ends up joining Fredo's gang as well. André, who wanted to redeem the faults of his father during the Occupation, gets killed in the Indochina war. Marcel is shot down while taking part in a robbery. In her turn, Valérie is bumped off by an accomplice of Fredo and Roger is sent to jail.
My Wife Is Formidable
Le skieur qui cherche une chambre d'hôtel
Raymond Corbier, a sculptor, has a wonderful wife, Sylvia, whom he adores. To save a passionate admirer who simulates suicide because she does not respond to her advances, Sylvia, an irreproachable wife, is forced to lie for the first time to Raymond.
Paul Braconnier and his wife Blandine only have one thing in mind: to find a way to kill each other without risk. After listening to a radio show, Paul decides to go to Paris to meet a famous lawyer in the acquittal of the murderers. He tells the lawyer that he killed his wife. The lawyer asks Paul to reconstruct the circumstances of the drama. Without knowing it, he explains, in spite of himself, the way for Paul to murder his wife by putting the odds on his side to avoid death penalty or even be released...
The Turkey
Le gérant
Paris at the Belle Epoque. Monsieur de Pontagnac, a perfect honest man, loves pretty women too much and that plays him many tricks. What need does he have to follow the pretty Lucienne Vatelin, home, to find himself in the presence of the husband, the notary Vatelin, who is part of his circle? From there, many characters will meet, avoid each other, find each other. Adultery, domestic scenes and reconciliation will be their lot.
No Vacation for Mr. Mayor
The counselor
Annie, the ward of Monsieur Joachim, a nightclub manager, has fallen in love with Philippe Lebon, a singer who could easily re-float her guardian's failing business. The trouble is that Joachim has already - and hurriedly - betrothed Annie to his business partner. To make matters worse the young lady suspects Philippe of being unfaithful. In order to thwart the wedding of Annie and his rival, Philippe hires two of his friends, the resourceful Beaudubec and Tracassin.
Trip to America
l'employé d'Air France
As part of the fascination in post World War II France with American culture, a young French couple here travel to the US to see for themselves the prosperity they have heard about.
Life Is a Game
Evanella, who writes the “Horoscope” section of a major newspaper, and her brother Méristo, create with the help of a young journalist, Jean Lassère and the capital of their uncle Amédée, a “Bureau des Prédictions”. Success being expected, they manage to obtain revelations about a gang of gangsters which they publish as predictions. It is success and fortune. Jean marries the newspaper director's daughter and Evanella the director himself.
The Passerby
The lock keeper
A woman who has a terrible secret to conceal takes refuge on a barge.
Bibi Fricotin
Le Pêcheur
To find the heritage of his friend Catherine's ancestors, the leaping Bibi Fricotin, helped by the seer Fatma, goes through a thousand funny or comical adventures, thanks to multiple means of transport, ranging from the bicycle to the helicopter. Despite the pitfalls sown in her path by the young girl's uncle and aunt, the Tartazans, the inheritance will be found with a museum curator.
The Sleepwalker
Anatole, le mari soupçonneux
Victor Boniface's life is not exactly a rest cure. Just imagine: Victor is both a store detective and a ... shoplifter (only when he walks in his sleep, mind you)! And falling in love while sleepwalking is no bed of roses either, as the good-natured man simply forgets everything after waking up. Fortunately love wins the game in the end. Does that mean that life will become as easy as pie ? Certainly not: the little Bonifaces will be sleepwalkers just like their daddy!
Dr. Knock
Le malade qui a perdu 100 grammes (uncredited)
Saint-Maurice, an ordinary peaceful village, lived healthily so much so that the local doctor's practice was scant. But that was before Dr. Parpalaid retired and was replaced by a charlatan by the name of Knock. A real genius this one, for he soon managed to persuade everyone that they were ill. And not only didn't they resent him but they even loved their physician, who made a fortune and brought prosperity to the village by turning it into a big hospital.
The Red Rose
Le poète qui mange les verres
The Jacques Brothers, their temporary replacements, Yves Gérard and his troupe, as well as a famous movie star looking for a new partner, Evelyne Dorsey, are causing disruption at the "La Rose rouge" cabaret, the most famous cellar in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, to the delight of regulars.
Without Leaving an Address
Le futur papa qui lit le journal
A woman in Paris hires a taxi driver to locate her ex-lover, father to her newborn child, who left her without leaving an address.
The Straw Lover
Bruno, the psychiatrist
The wife of gunsmith Gaston Sarazin cheats on him with his salesman. The husband, informed, wants revenge. The culprits try to divert suspicion on the dashing Stanislas. The husband forces the straw lover to live with him. Stanislas then brings the spouses together and makes the business of the gunsmith prosper.
Champions Juniors
Le père autoritaire
Even back in 1951, boys knew more about cars than their dads.
The Gamblers
Piotr Petrovitch Shvokhnev
Adaptation of classical Russian Nikolai Gogol's comedy.
Lawless Street
The eccentric characters of a street from the comic designs of Andre Dubout are brought to life with human performers instead of drawings.
The Strollers
Mr. Vincent, le quincaillier (uncredited)
Jean-Louis forgets to use the pedestrian crossing;Who could have believed then where it would lead the unfortunate guy to?
Fugitive from Montreal
Pierre Chambrac, a French industrialist, and Canadian Paul Laforêt, two former brothers in arms, meet again by chance in Paris five years after the end of World War II. Pierre is engaged to a beautiful foreign young lady by the name of Helen Bering. He introduces her to his friend, which seems to trouble him. To his amazement, Helen and Paul disappear without notice. Pierre, who was beginning to feel jealous, sees his suspicion confirmed. He decides to fly to Montreal where he thinks the couple has taken refuge. Once there, he learns that his dear Helen is actually a criminal and that Paul is a policeman whose duty was to arrest her.
The King of the Bla Bla Bla
Prosper Bourrache, who has the gift of the gab, is natural born street vendor. Due to a mistake he gets involved in the burglary of a shady banker's house. In fact, the whole operation is a setup. But Prosper will finally get away with it, have the crooked financier arrested and pinch his girlfriend away from him.
Twelve Hours to Live
Adémaï at the border post
Soldier (uncredited)
The peasant Adémaï, returning home, gets lost in the forest and knocks down a border post. In his haste to replant it, he installs it upside down.
Bed for Two
The waiter
Robert Bobin has been an assistant accountant for twenty years now and, although meek and obedient, is getting weary of his monotonous, limited life. He tries marriage but, unfortunately, Blanche, the nurse he marries, proves to be a shrew. One day, a miracle happens : Michèle, a young orphan and fellow-worker gradually develops tender feelings for him. But will Robert be able to overcome his mediocrity and grasp this unexpected opportunity to find happiness?
A Certain Mister
Thomas Boudeboeuf, journaliste à L'Avenir Sauveterrois
Documents relevant to National Defence have been concealed in a certain vase by a dangerous gang of robbers. To neutralize the criminals, a seasoned police commissioner and his clumsy assistant, young inspector César, join forces with a colorful trio of thieves nicknamed Le Pouce (Thumb), L'Index (Index Finger) and Le Majeur (Middle Finger)...
My Friend Sainfoin
The honeymoon in Italy of Guillaume and Eugénie de Puycharmois escorted by friend Sainfoin, a second-hand driver. Sainfoin's humor displeases Eugenie. Guillaume takes the wheel in such a way that it is necessary to hire a "driver", Yolande. Jealous, Eugenie asks Sainfoin to conquer Yolande. In the working car, two happy couples drive through the Italian landscapes.
Not Any Weekend for Our Love
Constantin, domestique du baron
The announcement of the future marriage of Franck Reno, the star singer, causes considerable excitement around the world.
Farewell Mister Grock
Un spectateur
The life of Adrien Wettach, famous in the annals of the circus under the name of Grock, world famous Swiss clown. A series of images from Épinal, retracing the career of a European artist, within the framework of world history. Lots of children, wars, an eccentric Russian countess, Countess Barinoff, who grows old admiring the clown, and a very long quibble about a party wall, all serve to highlight the star's final number.
Millionaires for One Day
L'avocat de Philippe
A typographer makes a mistake by printing the winning number of the national lottery. Many people believe they have won the jackpot. Pursued by his newspaper editor, the worker appears in court where all mystified people are invited to testify.
Just Out
Satire of publishing circles, featuring a ferocious boss, Moscat, a successful but handsome author, Maréchal, another successful but bitter author, Bourgine, a writer plagued with ambition, Brégaillon and the hero, Marc Fournier Zola Prize winner. Naive, the latter quickly becomes formidable, especially since his wife's infidelities have provided him with the material for a new novel.
I Love Only You
Le chef d'orchestre
Ronaldo, a singer with the growing reputation dedicating himself body and soul to his art, sacrificing his marriage.
Mission in Tangier
Le général espagnol au cabaret
During the Second World War, Georges Masse undergoes a dangerous mission by taking secret documents from Tangiers to London.
Du Guesclin
A chronicle of the life of Bertrand du Guesclin, grand officer of the French army in the 14th century.
Cruise for the Unknown One
The cook (uncredited)
Kohlman, the attorney for the Fournil bank, diverts money from the institution. To hide his malpractices, he imagines to remove the director, the young and overconfident Clement Fournil, during a cruise at sea on the yacht Emile Frechisse.
Se escapó la suerte
Émile le garçon épicier et un invité à la noce
Antoine y Antoinette Moulin (Roger Pigaut y Claire Mafféi), una humilde pareja francesa, ha perdido un billete ganador de la lotería y con ello la oportunidad de cambiar sus vidas. Ganadora del premio al mejor filme psicológico y de amor en el Festival de cine de Cannes de 1947, el cineasta galo Jacques Becker ('La evasión') nos ofrece una alegre fábula sobre el afecto, la suerte y el azar
Last Refuge
The Driver
Philippe and Sylvie have to do with Alvarez, a dangerous gang leader. They break up with him and commit robbery and murder. Sylvie suggests that Philippe take refuge in his quiet family. His younger sister Antoinette attracts and charms Philippe and excites the jealousy of Sylvie who informs Alvarez. The police get involved and Philippe is killed during a merciless fight.
Last Chance Castle
Le client du bar qui reçoit Yolande dans ses bras ("scène avec N. Nattier et J. Marchat")
Rather than commit suicide, it is better to stay at the clinic of Professor Patureau-Duparc. This practitioner experiments on his clients with a serum that modifies their personality. Thus Yolande and Albert become new Romeo and Juliet. They end up marrying each other after having regained their primitive selves. Their married life is then a hell and they welcome with joy the proposal of a new injection of serum.
Six Hours to Lose
Le chauffeur de son excellence
A traveller is stuck in an unknown town because his connecting train will only arrive in six hours. He decides to kill time by taking a stroll. He is not prepared to get confused with somebody else. In fact the citizens are eagerly awaiting the visit of a famous man and the clueless traveller is his doppelgänger. Soon he experiences what that means.
The Temptation of Barbizon
le portier du cabaret "Le Paradis"
Daniel Gelin and Juliette Faber star as a blissfully happy honeymooning couple. They are so happy that they arouse the jealous attentions of Satan. The Dark Prince sends an emissary to beak up the romance, but his advocate is promptly challenged by a representative from "up above."
Paso al noroeste
'Hunk' Marriner (VFF voice)
Un joven que aspira a convertirse en pintor acaba alistándose en un regimiento del ejército. El mayor Rogers, al mando de la unidad, trata de encontrar un paso que cruce desde el continente americano al noroeste.
Louis de Funès, 100 ans de Rire