Executive Producer
Hank Cavanaugh es un padre de familia que contrata a Linda Dupree, una atractiva mujer, para que cuide de su esposa enferma. La llegada de Linda al rancho familiar no es vista con buenos ojos por parte de las hijas del matrimonio, que no han oído hablar muy bien de ella y no aceptan su provocativa forma de vestir. Sus temores se confirman cuando, tras la muerte de su mujer, Linda seduce a Hank y acaba casándose con él. [sincroguia.tv]
Executive Producer
Como terapeuta de parejas, Danielle Montet conoce el impacto de la infidelidad sobre el matrimonio. Aún así, olvida los métodos que emplea con sus pacientes y empieza a engañar a su marido. Por otra parte, tendrá que afrontar el pasado de su familia para descubrir quién es y hallar la paz que tanto anhela. (FILMAFFINITY)
Executive Producer
Antes de morir, la madre de Amy Myers, aunque ésta tenía sólo siete años, ya había planeado la vida de su hija, incluso el hecho de Amy se casaría con su séptimo novio. Cuando Amy tiene su sexto novio, se verá enfrentada a un dilema, ya que todos los consejos y vaticinios de su madre hasta ese momento siempre se habían cumplido. (FILMAFFINITY)
Executive Producer
Un alumno de un instituto se siente progresivamente atraído por su profesora de química quien, al advertir los sentimientos del joven, trata de mantenerle a raya. Pero cuando esto sucede, el chico persiste en su empeño, lo que empeora la situación de ambos en el colegio. Cuando la profesora denuncia el creciente acoso al que se siente sometida, el muchacho reacciona asegurando que la víctima es él.
Co-Executive Producer
A firefighter pilot blames himself for the death of his previous colleagues and gets a new assignment with a raging forest fire in Portland, Oregon, that has the whole city in jeopardy.
Executive Producer
Kathryn Lyons tiene una vida familiar perfecta, un amante marido, una hija adolescente y una preciosa casa. Toda su vida cambiará para siempre desde el momento que recibe una llamada en mitad de la noche. Comenzará una frenética investigación para descubrir grandes secretos.
Executive Producer
An ex-con Henry (Rick Schroder) returns to town after being released from prison and contacts his old college frat members about a murder that they committed years earlier. They have to return to move the body to a new location before it is uncovered by recent digging in the area. Now a lot older and bitter about going to prison Henry has planned revenge on his old friends.
Executive Producer
A college student (Rinna) typing a manuscript for a novelist (Estes) begins to realize he's planning to carry out the murder mystery in real life.
Grover es un adolescente de 12 años cuya vida transcurre apaciblemente en un pueblecito de Ohio. Sin embargo, su mundo se rompe en mil pedazos cuando sus padres le anuncian que van a divorciarse. Incapaz de aceptarlo, al muchacho no se le ocurre otra cosa que encerrarlos en el sótano de su casa hasta que reconsideren su decisión. Enterados de su táctica, varios de sus amigos que sufren el mismo problema deciden imitarlo, por lo que su casa se convierte en una especie de cárcel de adultos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Executive Producer
Tras un desengaño amoroso, una adolescente inicia una relación con un joven ex convicto que ve en ella una posibilidad de redención. Cuando el padre de ella, excesivamente posesivo, les sorprende haciendo el amor, prohíbe a la pareja que se vuelvan a ver. Sin embargo, tras un tiempo de citas a escondidas, la chica consigue convencer a su novio para que asesine a sus padres.
Executive Producer
A man's life and marriage fall apart when he is stalked and harassed by a mysterious secret admirer -- a woman he claims he has never met, in this fact-based variation on "Fatal Attraction."
Executive Producer
William, a Harvard psychology professor is having trouble dealing with life after the death of his wife when he meets a beautiful woman named Ali. As their relationship grows, he begins to question her secretive past, which he discovers is linked to a series of murders that the police are investigating. Tim Matheson (Animal House, The West Wing) stars.
Executive Producer
An uplifting family drama about the danger of drug addiction, DARKNESS BEFORE DAWN stars Meredith Baxter (TV's FAMILY TIES). Baxter plays Mary Ann, a nurse at a methadone clinic who falls in love with one of her patients, Guy (Stephen Lang). While helping him overcome his drug addiction, she still manages to hide her own dalliances with narcotics--so well, in fact, that no one suspects at all. The pair marry and have a child, but soon Mary Ann's troubled past and hidden addiction threaten the stability of the happy life that she and Guy finally have for themselves. DARKNESS BEFORE DAWN illustrates the power of family love and how it can overcome even the greatest personal problems.
Executive Producer
A middle-aged lawyer struggles to face his inner demons as he finds himself embroiled in affairs with three separate women.
Executive Producer
Spooky tale of a lawyer who sees Satan in the Swiss au pair she and her artist husband have hired for their young daughter.
Supervising Producer
Victoria Principal stars in three gripping tales of obsessive love, portraying three different women who find there is a price to pay when passion, desire and love are taken to the extreme. In the three tales, she is seduced into a deadly love triangle, uncovering her husband's deadly obsession, and dealing with an innocent computer correspondence that becomes an obsessive, erotic love affair.
Executive Producer
Años treinta. Sammy (William McNamara), cuya madre murió y cuyo padre (Beau Bridges) no para de trabajar en la granja, quiere ir a la universidad, pero necesitaría una beca y su padre cree que eso sería una limosna. Un día Sammy y Ellie (Reese Witherspoon), su hermana, corretean por el campo y se acercan a sus nuevos vecinos. Descubren a Alice (Patricia Arquette), una joven muda que sufre ataques de epilepsia, a la que su padrastro mantiene encerrada en un cobertizo. Arriesgándose a recibir un disparo, los dos hermanos liberan a Alice y tratan de enseñarle versos y cosas... (FILMAFFINITY)
Executive Producer
The gory ax-murder of one mousy, suburban Texas housewife by another is nearly as shocking as the excuse offered by the bespectacled defendant's attorney: self-defense. Could it be so?
Executive Producer
Kate Capshaw plays a schoolteacher and suburban housewife who happens to be an ex-spy. Nobody knows of Capshaw's previous espionage activities, least of all her somewhat obtuse husband Cliff De Young. When Capshaw's ex-lover Jeroen Krabbe, an intimate of Castro, lands in a Cuban prison, she is swept back into the spy business, leaving her nonplussed hubby in the dust.
Executive Producer
Alex y Kate asisten juntos a unas sesiones de terapia de grupo. Pronto nace el amor entre ellos, pero su romance no cuaja, ya que ninguno de los dos puede olvidar a su anterior pareja.
Varios meses más tarde, Alex y Kate, acompañados por sus actuales parejas, se encuentran en un concierto. Sus miradas se cruzan insistentemente, de repente, Alex ve el asiento de Kate vacío y decide salir del auditorio a buscarla, es entonces cuando...
Executive Producer
Soviet high school girls are sent to the U.S. where they are taught to become secret agents and use sex to find information.
Executive Producer
Struggling actress Hedda Hopper can't get a break in Hollywood, even though an acquaintence of hers is the extremely powerful gossip monger Louella Parsons - maker and breaker of careers (and lives) through her daily syndicated newspaper column. The big movie moguls, fed up with Parson's power over their stars, decide to de-claw her by setting up gossip Hopper as a competitor in the rumour industry. What they couldn't forsee was that Hopper would become as big as Parsons -- and every bit as much of a pain. Based on the true life stories of two of the most powerful (and arguably dangerous) women of Hollywood's hay-day.