Judith A. Polone


Widow on the Hill
Executive Producer
A sexy young hospice nurse, is hired by a wealthy man to care for his sick wife who eventually dies. When the nurse becomes the widower's new bride and then he dies suspiciously leaving his vast fortune to the new Mrs., his daughter becomes convinced that her gold-digging stepmother is up to no good and could be a murderess.
Executive Producer
A married family therapist cheats on her husband with a younger man and becomes trapped in her double life, unable to say anything and risk hurting either man in her life.
Lucky 7
Executive Producer
Before Amy Myer's mother died when Amy was 7, she planned out the little girl's life on a timeline, including the fact that Amy would marry her 7th boyfriend. When Amy falls in love with #6, she's thrown into a tailspin, because all of her mother's advice had worked perfectly. Now she must decide whether to follow her mother's advice and wait for #7, or follow her own heart.
Executive Producer
27-летняя преподавательница Кристи выглядит настолько молодо, что многие принимают ее за старшеклассницу. Желая помочь своим ученикам, Кристи всегда готова «подтянуть» отстающих во внеклассные часы. Но один из них, 17-летний Джош, вообразил, что помощь Кристи - плата за его сексуальную привлекательность. После того, как Джош попытался заняться с ней любовью, она отказала ему и сообщила об инциденте директору школы. А когда разъяренный Джош едва не изнасиловал Кристи, она обратилась в полицию. Но Джош переходит в контрнаступление, утверждая, что это Кристи пыталась его соблазнить. Даже ее муж начинает верить в то, что Кристи «переступила грань» между учительницей и учеником.
Co-Executive Producer
A firefighter pilot blames himself for the death of his previous colleagues and gets a new assignment with a raging forest fire in Portland, Oregon, that has the whole city in jeopardy.
The Pilot's Wife
Executive Producer
Kathryn is distraught at the news of her husband's death delivered by a stranger from the airline for whom he was a pilot. She starts however to uncover information which leads to her arrival in London for further investigation...and further devastation.
What We Did That Night
Executive Producer
An ex-con Henry (Rick Schroder) returns to town after being released from prison and contacts his old college frat members about a murder that they committed years earlier. They have to return to move the body to a new location before it is uncovered by recent digging in the area. Now a lot older and bitter about going to prison Henry has planned revenge on his old friends.
Close to Danger
Executive Producer
A college student (Rinna) typing a manuscript for a novelist (Estes) begins to realize he's planning to carry out the murder mystery in real life.
Домашний арест
Брат с сестрой узнали, что их родители задумали разойтись. По совету одноклассника они заманили их в подвал и заколотили дверь, объявив, что не выпустят, пока те не решат все свои проблемы. На следующий же день это стало известно всей школе, и вскоре другие подростки, у которых в семье не было полного счастья, поместили своих «предков» в тот же подвал, заменив дверь стальной решеткой…
Извращенная страсть
Executive Producer
Когда родители разрушили ее любовь с Брэдом, Дженнифер Стэнтон некоторое время не находила себе места. Она была в отчаянии. Но время лечит раны, и вскоре она знакомится с другим парнем - Ником. Но и это знакомство не устраивает родителей Дженнифер из-за того, что Ник сидел в тюрьме. Чувства влюбленных были настолько сильны, что на карту поставлена жизнь родителей. Дженнифер и Ник разрабатывают зловещий план, обеспечивающий им алиби. Но параллельно с этим планом у Дженнифер был и еще один.
Her Deadly Rival
Executive Producer
A man's life and marriage fall apart when he is stalked and harassed by a mysterious secret admirer -- a woman he claims he has never met, in this fact-based variation on "Fatal Attraction."
A Kiss to Die For
Executive Producer
William, a Harvard psychology professor is having trouble dealing with life after the death of his wife when he meets a beautiful woman named Ali. As their relationship grows, he begins to question her secretive past, which he discovers is linked to a series of murders that the police are investigating. Tim Matheson (Animal House, The West Wing) stars.
Darkness Before Dawn
Executive Producer
An uplifting family drama about the danger of drug addiction, DARKNESS BEFORE DAWN stars Meredith Baxter (TV's FAMILY TIES). Baxter plays Mary Ann, a nurse at a methadone clinic who falls in love with one of her patients, Guy (Stephen Lang). While helping him overcome his drug addiction, she still manages to hide her own dalliances with narcotics--so well, in fact, that no one suspects at all. The pair marry and have a child, but soon Mary Ann's troubled past and hidden addiction threaten the stability of the happy life that she and Guy finally have for themselves. DARKNESS BEFORE DAWN illustrates the power of family love and how it can overcome even the greatest personal problems.
Getting Up and Going Home
Executive Producer
A middle-aged lawyer struggles to face his inner demons as he finds himself embroiled in affairs with three separate women.
Midnight's Child
Executive Producer
Spooky tale of a lawyer who sees Satan in the Swiss au pair she and her artist husband have hired for their young daughter.
Seduction: Three Tales from the 'Inner Sanctum'
Supervising Producer
Victoria Principal stars in three gripping tales of obsessive love, portraying three different women who find there is a price to pay when passion, desire and love are taken to the extreme. In the three tales, she is seduced into a deadly love triangle, uncovering her husband's deadly obsession, and dealing with an innocent computer correspondence that becomes an obsessive, erotic love affair.
Полевые цветы
Executive Producer
1985 год. 17-летняя Келли живет со своим странным отцом в прибрежной коммуне, которая навсегда осталась в "эпохе хигши". Упрямая и самостоятельная Келли не знает, кто ее мать, а отец отказывается говорить о ней. Однажды Келли замечает загадочную девушку и начинает следить за ней. Вскоре вольная художница Сабина становится для юной мечтательницы воплощением ее матери и всех ее грез. Она хочет во всем подражать Сабине, но знает ли она, какие неожиданности уготовил ей чужой мир и чужие страсти?
A Killing in a Small Town
Executive Producer
The gory ax-murder of one mousy, suburban Texas housewife by another is nearly as shocking as the excuse offered by the bespectacled defendant's attorney: self-defense. Could it be so?
По прозвищу «Танцор»
Executive Producer
Энни — учительница, работающая в школе в пригороде Лос-Анджелеса. Она уже шесть лет замужем, счастлива и любит своего мужа. Но раньше она была спецагнтом ЦРУ и работала на Кубе. Об этом не знает практически никто, даже её муж Пол Гудвин. Энни же отлично владеет испанским и обладает всеми качествами, нужными секретному агенту. Неожиданно спокойная жизнь Энни нарушается — ей кто-то звонит и сообщает, что бывший её возлюбленный по прозвищу «Танцор», которого она когда-то спасла от верной гибели, снова в беде и нуждается в её помощи. Теперь Энни отправляется на Кубу, в одну из тюрьм, чтобы спасти «танцора» и ещё одного агента Мэлэрина.
Letting Go
Executive Producer
Letting Go stars John Ritter as a widower and Sharon Gless as a lonely unmarried woman. They meet during a group-therapy session. Romance is inevitable, but the road to true happiness is pockmarked by a series of comic complications. Advertised as a straight romantic drama, Letting Go is actually more akin to the screwball comedies of the 1930s, with a strong satirical bent regarding "behavior modification" theories. The made-for-TV film debuted May 11, 1985.
Secret Weapons
Executive Producer
Soviet high school girls are sent to the U.S. where they are taught to become secret agents and use sex to find information.
Malice in Wonderland
Executive Producer
Struggling actress Hedda Hopper can't get a break in Hollywood, even though an acquaintence of hers is the extremely powerful gossip monger Louella Parsons - maker and breaker of careers (and lives) through her daily syndicated newspaper column. The big movie moguls, fed up with Parson's power over their stars, decide to de-claw her by setting up gossip Hopper as a competitor in the rumour industry. What they couldn't forsee was that Hopper would become as big as Parsons -- and every bit as much of a pain. Based on the true life stories of two of the most powerful (and arguably dangerous) women of Hollywood's hay-day.