Benoît Régent

Benoît Régent

Nacimiento : 1953-08-19, Nantes, France

Muerte : 1994-10-22


Benoît Régent


Oscuros recuerdos
Dr. David Wahl
Una niña llamada Garance es secuestrada y asesinada. Casi veinte años después del trágico suceso, sus padres se han separado, y la madre se ha casando con otro hombre y ha tenido otra hija. Sin embargo, no ha podido superar el dolor y los recuerdos la atormentan constantemente. Un día, los testigos de la desaparición de Garance empiezan a ser brutalmente asesinados.
Out in the Country
In this French drama, an urban professional gives up his fast-track life in favor of the quiet of country life. Benoit now lives as a toymaker who sells games at his chic Paris art gallery. The film opens with young Lila as she is being released from prison. Immediately, she sets out to see her sister in Brionne, a tiny Normandy town. As soon as he sees her, the rather quiet Benoit falls in love. Eventually, the emotionally scarred young woman falls in love with him too. Soon they move in together, and Lila gets to meet his ne'er-do-well friends. The couple are very happy for a while, but when Benoit's gallery goes belly-up, he begins acting strangely, leaving Lila feeling very unsure. Eventually she leaves him. Benoit then struggles to cope with his depression; after many drunken nights, a lost dog helps him find the peace he has been searching for.
This a beautiful May evening. The sun has just set behind the hill. Tonight the inhabitants of the Le Corbusier housing unit are going to experience a slight change of program. They are all sitting in front of their TV sets and in twelve minutes the face of the new President of the Republic will appear on the screens..
Deep in My Heart - Germaine and Benjamin
Benjamin Constant
1794, During the French Revolution : Benjamin Constant meets Germaine de Staël and falls madly in love with her. He has the spirit of a young writer, weighed down by the hardships of life. Germaine, daughter of a wellknown figure, is one of the most brilliant woman of the century. Early on, Germaine lutes against Benjamin's love and only admits ot admiring his spirit. But, little by little, a violent and indispensable passion bonds them together. The two lovers continue to love one another and to struggle against this love for a period of twenty years. Season after season they meet and bask in each other's company. These intimate moments are at times ambivalent, but never lack in obstinance and passion.
Tres colores: Rojo
Valentina, joven modelo que comienza a ser conocida, ha atropellado con su coche a Rita, una perra que esperaba cachorros. Después de curarla, intenta devolverla a su dueño. Asi conocerá a un hombre mayor, juez jubilado, que rechaza al animal. Valentina descubre que está obsesionado por una enfermiza afición: espiar a todo el mundo.
Tres colores: Azul
En un accidente de coche, Julie pierde a su esposo Patrice, un prestigioso compositor, y a la hija de ambos, Anna. Al recuperarse de sus lesiones, Julie decide comenzar una nueva vida, independiente, solitaria y anónima, alejada de los privilegios que antes disfrutaba. En su propósito se cruza Sandrine, una periodista especializada en música que la persigue intentando probar que era Julie quien componía las piezas que hicieron famoso a su marido. También pretenderá entrar en su vida Olivier, el ayudante de Patrice, enamorado de Julie desde muchos años atrás, que la convence para terminar el «Concierto para Europa», una ambiciosa obra inacabada del músico.
Attendre le navire
The journey on the edge of an ocean of a poet, two terrorists, a film-maker, a reporter and two lovers, in search of a ship leaving for Nowhere. A ship like hope for all those who wait: the misguided, the misaligned, the displaced, the exiles that we are at certain times, that we are one day or another, a little earlier, a little later.
I Can No Longer Hear the Guitar
For those who were young, living under the delusions of love and soft drugs in Paris, May 1968 - even if the guitar is still playing, they can't hear it any longer.
Pierre qui roule
Jean Galmot, aventurier
Alexandre Stavisky
Evocation of the life of the journalist Jean Galmot, adventurer, who established himself as a gold digger in Guyana in 1906. Madly in love with this country, he will die for having wanted to give dignity and freedom to the Guyanese people.
Dr. M
Los habitantes de una ciudad con grandes niveles de estrés están conmocionados por una serie de suicidios espectaculares. Un agente de policía investiga la bella y enigmática Sonia, que revelará un complot para manipular a la población a través de la hipnosis de masas.
Bunker Palace Hôtel
La historia trata de la caída de una dictadura imaginaria. Las clases dirigentes derrocadas se refugian en el Bunker Palace Hotel, construido para esta clase de contingencias; entre ellos se infiltra un espía rebelde.
La banda de las cuatro
Constance Dumas (Bulle Ogier) dirige un prestigioso curso de teatro, donde sólo se admiten mujeres. Cuatro de sus alumnas: Claude (Laurence Côte), Anna (Fejria Deliba), Joyce (Bernadette Giraud) y Lucia (Inês de Medeiros), forman una una especie de banda y viven juntas en una casa de los suburbios parisinos. Las cuatro chicas, una tras otra, se irán topando con Thomas (Régent), un misterioso desconocido que las alerta sobre el peligro que corre Cécile (Natalie Richard), una de sus amigas y compañera de clase. Cécile, mientras tanto, se muestra bastante inquieta y parece más fascinada por una enigmática historia de amor que por sus clases de teatro. (FILMAFFINITY)
Gas station attendant
Colin and Mailland are small-time crooks on the run who are surprised to find the seven-year-old runaway Savannah is along for the ride. The police and her parents fear she has been kidnapped, and a massive manhunt is launched with orders to shoot to kill the alleged perpetrators. The lovable little girl soon melts the hearts of the crooks, as the trio enjoy an unlikely but sentimental friendship.
A Soldier's Tale
Father Superior
In the days following the D-Day invasion in Normandy, France, a British platoon leader named Saul (Gabriel Byrne) and his corporal (Paul Wyett) reach an isolated farmhouse and encounter a beautiful French girl named Belle (Marianne Basler). Love blooms between Saul and Belle, but the grim realities of war catch up with them when a French Resistance trio claims that Belle is a Nazi collaborator. Judge Reinhold appears briefly as the token Yank.
Jeanne's House
Jeanne runs a busy inn with her husband Georges, her two children and two sisters. There is perfect harmony and the constant sound of laughter coming from the kitchen and office. One day, Pierre, the landlord, takes up a room without a word of explanation. Jeanne gradually begins to feel a strong attraction toward the new guest.
L'île aux oiseaux
On a stormy night, off the coast of the Arcachon basin, a small sailboat named "Julie" disappears with a young girl of the same name on board. What really happened? The mystery is all the thicker because a month later, her husband met the same sad end. A year later, on the anniversary of Julie's disappearance, a commemorative meal is organized by the young woman's main relations. Many things from the past will then resurface.
A Flame in My Heart
The film relates the painful ending of a love story binding an over-30-year-old woman and a North African, and the beginning and end of a relationship she also has with an “established” journalist. The stories illustrate the absolute claim of a woman who can understand love only in terms of life and death, an attitude that generally makes love appear dramatic, but at least burning and flickering, like the flame that glows in her heart.
Alrededor de la medianoche
Le psychiatre
Una noche de 1959, en París, un debilitado músico de jazz asombra a la clientela del club “Blue Note” con el elocuente sonido de su saxo. Fuera del local, un hombre demasiado pobre como para pagarse un vaso de vino lo escucha entusiasmado. Pronto, a ambos les unirá una gran amistad. Se basa en las vidas del pianista Bud Powell y del saxofonista Lester Young. (FILMAFFINITY)
Un hombre y una mujer: 20 años después
Un infirmier
1986. Después de su breve encuentro de 1966, Anne Gauthier y Jean-Louis Duroc han seguido rumbos divergentes y no se han vuelto a ver más. Anne sigue estando viuda y se ha convertido en directora de cine. Jean-Louis es el director del equipo automobilístico Lancia y se encarga de organizar el rally París-Dakar; también sigue viudo, pero tiene novia. Anne, que está viviendo una etapa crítica, decide rodar un filme sobre un momento crucial de su vida: su idilio con Jean-Louis. Se pone en contacto con él y se citan en el mismo restaurante en el que empezó su historia veinte años antes.
Noir et blanc
Hotel worker
Antoine is an accountant, uptight and withdrawn, married to Edith, who picks out his clothes and shoes. He's assigned to a fitness gymnasium for a month to straighten out their books. The owner, M. Roland, encourages Antoine to use the facilities, including the massages, so Antoine goes to Dominique, a muscular African. In these sessions, Antoine discovers that the pain is comforting, and Dominique finds the accountant ideal for his own sadism. When Dominique breaks Antoine's arm and then goes to the hospital to take Antoine away, Antoine confesses his fascination with and fear of death. With Dominique's help, the accountant breaks all earthly ties to confront his fear.
Spécial police
Paris Flic and computer-crack David Ackermann is a teacher at the academy advising the rookies in computer-crime. By coincidence Informations about personalities from the high-politics and police-authorities that are involved in organized crime fall into his hands. From than on he's been chased merciless, even having his ex-wife kidnapped to blackmail him. With the help from his new girlfriend he lashes back.
Subway (En busca de Freddy)
Le Vendeur
Fred (Christopher Lambert) vive en el metro de París y sobrevive a base de pequeños robos. Héléna (Isabelle Adjani) es la bella esposa de un millonario al que Fred acaba de robar. Ella necesita recuperar los documentos robados; él quiere casarse con ella y montar un grupo de rock con un batería (Jean Reno) y un bajo (Éric Serra). Con la mafia y la policía siguiéndoles los talones, ambos buscan refugio en el laberinto del metro. Así empieza una aventura por un mundo subterráneo, poblado por los seres más extraños. (FILMAFFINITY)
Philippe Page
After graduating from high school where she was a boarder, Reine Ducasse decides to settle down with her rich father Louis in his luxurious apartment. She has just begun her studies in history and has a good friend, Frédéric, a medical student who wouldn't mind being more than just that. Around her, strange fellows attract her attention. Who is Philippe, allegedly Louis's stockbroker? And what about Marguerite who presents herself as her father's former secretary? Even more puzzling is the video cassette she finds in her father's place, showing young motorbikers distributing bundles of banknotes. Some time later, Charles, one of the bikers appearing on the video, rings the doorbell: he is wounded.
El próximo verano
Edouard es el patriarca de una gran familia: su segunda mujer, Jeanne, acaba de tener un bebé. Su hija mayor, Dina, vive con Paul, un dramaturgo; la suya es una apasionada relación bloqueada, sin embargo, por las insatisfacciones de la vida diaria. Otra hija Sidonie se enamora de Jude. Ambos son músicos, excepto que ella tiene fobia a actuar en público.
La diagonal del loco
La Guerra Fría reflejada en una partida de ajedrez. En la ciudad suiza de Geneva -Ginebra- se un prestigioso campeonato de ajedrez, que enfrenta al gran maestro Pavius Fromm con el actual campeón del mundo Akiva Liebskird. Ambos pertencen al otro lado del "telón de acero", pero mientras que Liebskird es leal al régimen comunista de la Unión Soviética, Fromm es un destacado disidente que vive en el exilio en Occidente.
Mon Ami Washington
Jacques Trentin
Un dimanche de flics
Two policemen, Franck and Rupert, intervene in a Parisian heliport where drugs are exchanged for a large sum of money. They decide to keep the loot and find themselves fighting with the mafia.
La Femme intégrale
Cannes Film Festival 1979