Ángel Izquierdo


El corazón del roble
En la Colina del Dragón las temperaturas están bajando con brusquedad. Tanto que un pequeño elfo, guardián de un bosque ya moribundo, suplica ayuda a los dioses. Estos atenderán la plegaria, pero de una forma que sorprenderá a quien la elevó.
RH+, el vampiro de Sevilla
After 500 years working in a German castle, in the service of Von Salchichen Counts of Francfurt, Don Manuel Malasangre and his family -turned into vampire in weird circunstances- are presented the opportunity to come back home. They have bought a castle in their homeland by the internet. But when they set up the journey the problems start: a chain of incidents wich take them to meet other different creatures finishing in New York City, far from their initial destination.
RH+, el vampiro de Sevilla
After 500 years working in a German castle, in the service of Von Salchichen Counts of Francfurt, Don Manuel Malasangre and his family -turned into vampire in weird circunstances- are presented the opportunity to come back home. They have bought a castle in their homeland by the internet. But when they set up the journey the problems start: a chain of incidents wich take them to meet other different creatures finishing in New York City, far from their initial destination.
RH+, el vampiro de Sevilla
After 500 years working in a German castle, in the service of Von Salchichen Counts of Francfurt, Don Manuel Malasangre and his family -turned into vampire in weird circunstances- are presented the opportunity to come back home. They have bought a castle in their homeland by the internet. But when they set up the journey the problems start: a chain of incidents wich take them to meet other different creatures finishing in New York City, far from their initial destination.
El cubo mágico
Dragon Hill: La colina del dragón
Hace siglos, para protegerse de la maldad de los hombres, los dragones se refugiaron en Dragon Hill: la colina del dragón, un mundo de fantasía donde conviven en armonía con seres de otras épocas y lugares, más allá de los confines de nuestro mundo. La entrada a esta colina está protegida por cuatro puertas: el fuego, el agua, la tierra y el aire. Ethelbert, el viejo dragón es su guardián, y es el único que posee la llave y el secreto para poder entrar o salir al mundo exterior. Todo va bien hasta que Septimus, el malvado hechicero, encuentra el secreto para salir de la colina.
Os vixilantes do camiño