Something spooky is happening in Dragon Hill, and a sudden change in climate has plunged the land into a deep freeze. The fate of the forest rests in the hands of its protector, a little elf named Robin, and his misfit dragon companions. Together, the would-be adventurers must summon a team of guardians to uncover the mystery that threatens their home, and stop an evil dragon before it's too late.
After 500 years working in a German castle, in the service of Von Salchichen Counts of Francfurt, Don Manuel Malasangre and his family -turned into vampire in weird circunstances- are presented the opportunity to come back home. They have bought a castle in their homeland by the internet. But when they set up the journey the problems start: a chain of incidents wich take them to meet other different creatures finishing in New York City, far from their initial destination.
After 500 years working in a German castle, in the service of Von Salchichen Counts of Francfurt, Don Manuel Malasangre and his family -turned into vampire in weird circunstances- are presented the opportunity to come back home. They have bought a castle in their homeland by the internet. But when they set up the journey the problems start: a chain of incidents wich take them to meet other different creatures finishing in New York City, far from their initial destination.
After 500 years working in a German castle, in the service of Von Salchichen Counts of Francfurt, Don Manuel Malasangre and his family -turned into vampire in weird circunstances- are presented the opportunity to come back home. They have bought a castle in their homeland by the internet. But when they set up the journey the problems start: a chain of incidents wich take them to meet other different creatures finishing in New York City, far from their initial destination.
История о жизни в Стране Драконов, которая существует в параллельном, невидимом мире среди живописных скал и бурных водопадов. Двери Страны Драконов всегда открыты для людей, готовых поверить в чудо, в ком еще не угасли дух приключений, жажда великих подвигов и гениальных открытий. Но даже здесь, в самом сердце этой солнечной земли, притаилось зло и коварство. Колдун Септимус, заточенный в этом месте за свои злодеяния, стремится вернуться в мир людей и покорить его, захватив несметные сокровища Страны Драконов. Он не остановится ни перед чем, чтобы воплотить свой безумный план. Кевин, случайно оказавшийся в Стране Драконов, попадает в стремительный водоворот событий. И только великая сила дружбы людей и драконов, их смелость и смекалка, помогут остановить зло…