Sergey Yurizditskiy

Sergey Yurizditskiy

Nacimiento : 1947-04-21, Sochi, RSFSR, USSR


Sergei Yurizditsky is a world-famous cinematographer, an eminent Soviet and Russian cameraman, Honored Artist of Russia (1994). Member of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia, European Film Academy EFA. The most significant films of his work were directed by Alexander Sokurov (“The Lonely Voice of a Man”, “Mournful Unconcern”, “Days of Eclipse”), worked with Alexander Kaidanovsky, Aleksei Balabanov, Aleksandr Proshkin, Sergey Ursulyak and others.


Sergey Yurizditskiy


Through the Black Glass
This is a story of a blind girl who gets a chance of a lifetime. A rich man offers to her the precious gift of the eyesight, provided that she marries him blindly. This gift opens her eyes on the grim truth of life.
Chapaev Chapaev
Director of Photography
Varvara's Weddings
Director of Photography
Varvara was born in Petersburg at the beginning of the 20th century. And the first wedding she saw was her mother’s wedding. Years passed, the girl grew, matured, the world around changed ... Her generation had to go through many trials - revolution, military communism, NEP, war ... At the weddings that Varvara had a chance to visit, every era and love story was captured in snapshots a life.
Family Name
Director of Photography
A new father could not be more happy about the birth of his first son...until he learns that the baby is not biologically his. In spite of everything, he raises the child as his own.
Sunless City
Director of Photography
Egor, a successful thirty-year-old engineer falls in love with Lucy, a flamboyant artist and amateur actress. He clashes with her brother Alex, an “evil genius” photographer, who has dedicated his new exhibition “Sunless City" to St. Petersburg. Egor can't understand the values of the “sunless city”, the fringe world inhabited by Lucy and Alex. After Egor realizes that Lucy is a drug addict, he desperately tries to save her...
Myths of My Childhood
Director of Photography
The story takes place in a small village on the beach of Sea of Azov at the beginning of 1960s. Adolescents passionately dream of love about which they have heard from their elder experienced friends. 16 year-old Ignat is the first to find out what the real feeling is. His love for an adventuress who pretends to be a singer from capital becomes destructive.
Arseny Tarkovsky: Eternal Presence
Director of Photography
"Poetic documentary about the prominent Russian poet Arseny Tarkovsky (1907/1989), father of director Andrei Tarkovsky. Arseny Tarkovsky translated countless poems from Georgian, Arabic, Armenian, Kyrghyz, Polish etc., but many of his own poems were also translated into other languages. The maker of the documentary, Viatcheslav Amirchanian, cared for Arseny Tarkovsky in the last years of the poet's life, shot many hours of film in that period, took countless photographs and, years later, he combined this with other material to form this documentary. Tarkovsky Sr, who was admired by colleagues such as Joseph Brodsky, Anna Achmatova and Marina Cvetaeva, was never published during the Stalin era, even though he had lost a leg as a soldier at the front. His first book (Before the Snow) only appeared in 1962 during the thaw under Khrushchev." - IFFR
Remote Access
Director of Photography
An experimental drama about a boy and his illness, a wife looking for a site for her husband’s construction company and a beautiful girl who works on a phone sex-line.
Shoes from America
Director of Photography
Isaac Berg is the only Jew in a small town who miraculously survived during the german occupation. The old man is haunted by one idea - he decided to raise the gravestones with which the nazis paved the road and take them to where his loved ones were killed.
A Journey Back to Youth
Director of Photography
Based around the testimonies of four German women, this documentary details the abuse women suffered during after WWII at the hands of the Soviet forces, particularly during their forced labour.
Russian Riot
Director of Photography
The end of the XVIII century. The reign of Catherine II. In the deep Russian provinces, among the vast steppes of the Ural escaped convict Yemelyan Pugachev proclaimed himself Emperor Peter III of Russia. Under the banner of the Pretender embarked detachments of Cossacks, fugitive serfs, and many spirited people. In these troubled times in the God-forsaken Belogorsk young officer Pyotr Grinyov meets his first love - Masha, the daughter of Captain Mironov. Recklessly passionate love with each other did not want to notice the signs of impending trouble. They did not know that soon they will be an ordeal. They could not imagine how bizarre way their fates intertwined with the fate of the self-proclaimed king, and what an incredible effort will be worth it to save their lives and feelings in the bloody chaos of Russian riot.
The Policemen and the Thieves
Director of Photography
Летние люди
Camera Operator
Viva Castro!
Young Kolya is in love with his singing teacher, but his life isn't easy. His father skips town after stealing some coins from a museum and his mother is sent to a labor camp as punishment. When the father returns a year later, Kolya becomes involved with the pretty young woman hired to nurse him.
The Castle
Director of Photography
Closely based on Franz Kafka's book "Das Schloß", the movie shares the same action on a land surveyor who is called to a village to do a job that no one seems to have ordered. Once there, he takes up the struggle against bureaucracy emanating from the castle.
Living With an Idiot
Director of Photography
The main character is an intellectual from Russia, who sees it as his duty to bring an idiot from an mental institution to his house. He can pick someone out, after bribing the boss of the institution, with two bottles of vodka. He chooses Vova, at first sight a silly man, and takes him home. His wife is at first not very happy with this choice. Vova says and does nothing at all. Then he becomes an aggressive man, who terrorises the house and bashes everything to pieces. After she is raped by Vova, the wife gets sexually dependant on the Idiot. Vova isn't interested anymore, when she gets pregnant and doesn't keep the baby. The idiot goes now to the intellectual for his sexual needs. The wife can't take this anymore and forces her man to take a choice: Vova out, or she will go.
A Sacrifice for the Emperor
Director of Photography
The film is based on documentary facts and tells the story of an officer in the Japanese General Staff who received the task under the name of Captain Rybnikov to infiltrate the military circles of St.Petersburg. It was exposed after the famous Tsushima battle of 1904, when Japan destroyed the entire Russian Far Eastern fleet.
Humiliated and Insulted
Director of Photography
Based on the Fyodor Dostoevsky novel about a young woman who leaves her family to live with her lover whose father dead set on keeping them apart.
In the Middle of the World
Director of Photography
Documentary about Arseniy Tarkovsky, poet and father of Andrei Tarkovsky.
It Happened Near the Sea
Director of Photography
The events of the film take place in a resort area South of the seaside city, beautiful and alien. The heroine of the film - girls orphanage for children with a sick spine, physical energy of the characters looking out in painfully cruel scheme of mutual relations. And finds cruel and unfair to the weaker......
Executor 977
Director of Photography
Save and Protect
Director of Photography
Inspired by Flaubert’s Madame Bovary, Sokurov’s Save and Protect recalls the most crucial events of Emma’s decline and fall: affairs with the aristocratic Rodolphe and the student Leon, the humiliation that follows her husband’s botching of the operation on the stable boy’s clubfoot. The universality of the theme of eternal struggle between the soul and the flesh is conveyed through the absence of specific reference to time or place: although the film seems to begin in 1840, its surreal mode effortlessly accommodates an automobile and the strains of “When the Saints Go Marching In” on an off-screen radio. Focusing on passion from a woman’s perspective and downplaying plot, Sokurov explores his subject in exquisite detail, capturing not only the heat of passion but also the quiet moments before and after and the innocent sensuousness of the body.
Días de eclipse
Director of Photography
En el Turkmenistán soviético, región fronteriza de extremada aridez y calor sofocante, el joven doctor Malianov (Aleksei Ananichnov) alterna la atención médica a la población infantil con una investigación sobre la menor propensión a la enfermedad de los niños que viven en comunidades creyentes. Misteriosas fuerzas se conjuran para impedir el avance de este trabajo: un teléfono que suena incesantemente, un amigo que conmina al doctor a abandonar la región, la visita inesperada de su hermana, un muerto que le advierte sobre la conveniencia de no ir más allá de los límites establecidos, el asalto de un rebelde, la aparición súbita de un niño que reclama su atención. Personal adaptación de una novela de ciencia-ficción de los hermanos Strugatski que traza los avatares de una crisis espiritual en un escenario apocalíptico en el que se intuye el inminente desmoronamiento de un sistema político. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Evening Sacrifice
Director of Photography
The manifestation and fireworks on the 1st of May, one of the ritual celebrations of Soviet times, as a gathering of tired participants of a mass scene falling into pieces without the director's orders and without any aims.
La voz solitaria del hombre
Director of Photography
Nikita, atormentado por la guerra civil, conoce a Luba, que es tan profundamente moral y solitaria como él. Con esta película Sokurov debuta como director basada en el libro "The River Potudan". Fue filmada en 1978 y prohibida por la censura soviética hasta que finalmente pudo estrenarse en 1987. Elogiada y defendida con entusiasmo por Andrei Tarkovsky, quien lo señala como su verdadero discípulo.
Dolorosa Indiferencia
Director of Photography
A la mansión del excéntrico capitán Shotover (Ramaz Chjikvadze) llega una comitiva de extravagantes personajes, entre los que están Ellie Dunn (Victoria Amitova) y su prometido, el Jefe Mangan (Ilya Rivin). A la amenaza de una guerra inminente se unen los escarceos amorosos, los pantagruélicos banquetes, muertes súbitas, autopsias y resurrecciones. Finalmente, los personajes se encontrarán en una precaria balsa en medio del océano, lo que representa la incertidumbre del futuro en un medio tan peligroso como inestable. Libérrima adaptación de la obra de teatro de George Bernard Shaw "La casa de las penas" (Heartbreak house). El autor intervendrá en la historia para tratar de poner orden en la representación de su propia obra. (FILMAFFINITY)
El invitado
Director of Photography
Estremecedora adaptación del cuento de Jorge Luis Borges, "El evangelio según Marcos"
Exceptions Without Rules
Director of Photography
The Degraded
Director of Photography
This film was Sokurov's first feature at Lenfilm, roughly based on a short story by the contemporary Soviet writer Grigory Baklanov about the transitional period from power to subordinance.