Philip Linzey


Christmas Bounty
Director of Photography
A former bounty hunter turns into an elementary schoolteacher. Determined to have a normal life and keep her bounty hunter past a secret, she reluctantly returns home for Christmas to help save the family business by catching the one bounty that got away. But when her fiancé follows her home for the holiday, she struggles to hide her wild family business and a bounty hunter ex-boyfriend she thought she'd left behind.
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Director of Photography
Set in the late 1870's - A woman hires an anthropologist/adventurer to track down her husband, who has disappeared while searching for an elusive passage to the center of the earth
The Scream Team
Richard Carlyle tiene que volar junto a sus dos hijos hasta el pequeño pueblo de Steeple Falls, en el cual se enorgullecen de sus tradiciones de Halloween. Entonces recibe la noticia de que su abuelo Frank ha fallecido. Allí, los dos pequeños, Ian y Claire, descubren que todo el pueblo está realmente embrujado e invadido por amistosos fantasmas. Sin embargo, hay un espíritu malvado que no dejará que el abuelo Frank descanse en paz. La familia tendrá que unirse para conseguir ayuda sobrenatural y acabar con Zachariah Kull.
Strange Frequency
A Rock 'n Roll version of the Twilight Zone, with four segments: "Disco Inferno," where metalheads find themselves in hell; "My Generation," where hitchhikers help you die before you get old; "Room Service," rock star room-trasher vs. the hotel maid; "More Than a Feeling," an A&R man feels talent in his gut but can't hold on to the artists he finds.
Están dentro
Director of Photography
En las cercanías de la costa de los Estados Unidos, en una isla de Maine, un pequeño barco se hunde después de una terrible tormenta. Sólo un niño de origen africano consigue salvarse del naufragio y llegar hasta la orilla. Poco tiempo después, llega a la isla un doctor en busca de tranquilidad. Los habitantes del lugar le reciben con frialdad ,y las cosas comienzan a complicarse para él cuando aparecen varios cadáveres. Aunque la mayoría de la gente le cree culpable, la causa de tan inesperada muerte entre los habitantes del lugar son unos letales insectos que anidan en el cuerpo de la gente hasta matarla.
Una Auténtica Muñeca
Director of Photography
Esta es la historia de una muñeca de una niña que se convierte en una mujer de carne y hueso. Triste y sola tras la muerte de su madre, Casey haría lo que fuera con tal de volverla a ver. Pero cuando una serie de misteriosos percances hacen que su muñeca “Eve” se convierta de pronto en una mujer real, el mundo de Casey cambia para siempre.
Cabin by the Lake
Director of Photography
A screenwriter does research for his new script by actually kidnapping and drowning young girls. He then places them in his "garden" of other dead girls coming back daily to check on them. One girl narrowly escapes and the other bodies are found leading to an ingenious plot to try and capture the killer.
Testigo en negativo
Director of Photography
Riley Davis es un ex-policía que un día recibe una cámara fotográfica del hermano de su prometida poco antes de morir. Pronto será raptada su novia y le solicitan la cámara como pago del rescate. Riley decide entonces acudir a su hermano, Cliff Davis, con quien apenas se relaciona a causa de unos dolorosos hechos del pasado.
The Darklings
A bed-ridden teen believes he has witnessed the murder of a neighbor by another neighbor. He then recruits friends to attempt to prove the death when no body is found.
Evidence of Blood
Director of Photography
When a brilliant crime writer investigates a 40-year-old murder, he confronts a small town's worst fears.
Night Visitors
Director of Photography
Agents for the government are after a graduate student and her brother when a secret mysterious box is stolen.
A grieving family opens its household to an unknown woman who claims to have been their dearly departed's girlfriend.
Soft Deceit
Director of Photography
An attractive cop is assigned the task of tracing millions of dollars of stolen church funds. The thief, is locked up in prison, and the plan is to break him out, and follow him to the hidden money. When she falls for the convict, things get complicated. The ex-boyfriend cop is jealous and suspicious.
Cafe Romeo
Director of Photography
A New York City waitress finds opposition rather than support from her husband in achieving her dream of becoming a designer.