Philip Linzey

참여 작품

크리스마스 바운티
Director of Photography
A former bounty hunter turns into an elementary schoolteacher. Determined to have a normal life and keep her bounty hunter past a secret, she reluctantly returns home for Christmas to help save the family business by catching the one bounty that got away. But when her fiancé follows her home for the holiday, she struggles to hide her wild family business and a bounty hunter ex-boyfriend she thought she'd left behind.
잃어버린 세계를 찾아서 2: 지구 속 여행
Director of Photography
쥴 베르느의 세계적 베스트셀러 ‘지저탐험(지구 속 여행)’을 원작으로 한 스펙터클 대작! ‘내셔널 트레저’ ‘인디아나 존스’ ‘미이라’... 그리고 지금 세계로부터 지구 중심으로 향한 더욱 위험하고 장대한 모험이 시작된다!! 세계의 모험가들이 꿈꿔 온 고대의 전설..일 년에 한 번 태양의 빛이 가리키는 수수께끼의 동굴에 지구 밑바닥 깊은 곳, 지구의 중심으로 이어지는 길이 있다. 그곳에는 상상을 뛰어넘는 세계가 기다리고 있는데...
The Scream Team
Eccentric Frank Carlyle ran a horror shop in small-town Steeple Falls, which takes pride in and profit from its Halloween traditions. Frank's widower grandson Richard grudgingly returns there from Boston with his own kids, bright Ian and bratty Claire, to settle the inheritance. Ian discovers great-grandpa's house is really haunted, and not just, as legend holds, by historic owner Zachariah Kull, who was burned on the stake.
Strange Frequency
A Rock 'n Roll version of the Twilight Zone, with four segments: "Disco Inferno," where metalheads find themselves in hell; "My Generation," where hitchhikers help you die before you get old; "Room Service," rock star room-trasher vs. the hotel maid; "More Than a Feeling," an A&R man feels talent in his gut but can't hold on to the artists he finds.
아라크네의 비밀 2
Director of Photography
종합병원에 근무하는 젊은 외과의 벤 카힐(Dr. Ben Cahill: 토마스 카라브로 분)은 아내와 이혼한 후부터 술에 입을 대기 시작한다. 병원에서 환자를 수술하던 중 알콜 중독 증세를 보여 병원 상사로부터 장기 휴가를 권유받은 그는 메인 주의 외딴 섬에 위치한 자신의 별장으로 요양차 떠난다. 벤은 별장으로 가는 도중 우연히 선상에서 마주친 잭 왈드(Jack Wald: 존 세비지 분)라는 전기수리공과 이런 저런 얘기를 나누다가 잭이 자신의 별장 전 소유주였음을 알게 된다. 경제적 어려움으로 인해 집을 은행에 담보로 맡기고 대출을 받았던 잭 왈드는 대출금을 상환하지 못했고 끝내 그의 집은 경매에 의해 도시에 사는 의사 벤 카힐에게 헐값으로 돌아간 것이었다. 집에 대한 미련을 버리지 못하고 있던 잭은 새 소유주 벤에게 이유없는 적개심을 품게 되고 그를 별장에서 몰아내기 위한 치밀한 계획을 꾸민다. 그 즈음 섬의 외곽 지역에서 하나 둘 씩 원인 모르는 사건이 일어나고 잭 역시 벤의 별장에 침입한 어느날 밤 잔인한 죽음을 맞게 된다. 이를 수사하던 마을의 보안관 홉스(Sheriff Hobbs: 딘 스톡웰 분)는 의사인 벤에게 상처의 원인을 의뢰한다.
Director of Photography
After her mom's death, Casey pulls away from everyone in her life, including her emotionally distant dad. With help from a magic spell, she tries to bring her mother back from the dead; instead, Casey's words accidentally awaken one of her least favorite toys: a statuesque Barbie clone named Eve. Things get worse when Casey's dad develops a crush on his daughter's living doll.
Cabin by the Lake
Director of Photography
A screenwriter does research for his new script by actually kidnapping and drowning young girls. He then places them in his "garden" of other dead girls coming back daily to check on them. One girl narrowly escapes and the other bodies are found leading to an ingenious plot to try and capture the killer.
Director of Photography
Renegade Los Angeles cop Riley Davis is forced to seek the help of his estranged brother, a homicide detective, when his model fiancee and a photographer friend are kidnapped.
The Darklings
A bed-ridden teen believes he has witnessed the murder of a neighbor by another neighbor. He then recruits friends to attempt to prove the death when no body is found.
Evidence of Blood
Director of Photography
When a brilliant crime writer investigates a 40-year-old murder, he confronts a small town's worst fears.
Night Visitors
Director of Photography
Agents for the government are after a graduate student and her brother when a secret mysterious box is stolen.
A grieving family opens its household to an unknown woman who claims to have been their dearly departed's girlfriend.
Soft Deceit
Director of Photography
An attractive cop is assigned the task of tracing millions of dollars of stolen church funds. The thief, is locked up in prison, and the plan is to break him out, and follow him to the hidden money. When she falls for the convict, things get complicated. The ex-boyfriend cop is jealous and suspicious.
Cafe Romeo
Director of Photography
A New York City waitress finds opposition rather than support from her husband in achieving her dream of becoming a designer.