A slapstick comedy about two workmen delivering planks to a building site. This is done with music and a sort of "wordless dialogue" which consists of a few mumbled sounds to convey the appropriate emotion.
Tabitha, que siempre fue una mascota dócil, afable y devota, adopta todas las características de un animal feroz después del asesinato de su ama. Los tres culpables quedan atrapados por el poder del gato y cada uno alcanzará muertes prematuras de horribles proporciones sin que nadie pueda resolver el misterio que rodea su brutal muerte.
Una estudiante de historia americana llega al pueblo de Whitewood, en Nueva Inglaterra, donde a finales del siglo XVII la caza de brujas se saldó con la ejecución de varias personas acusadas del delito de brujería. El tema todavía pervive en cuentos y leyendas populares, que la joven quiere investigar. Al llegar a la pequeña población se percatará de que los pocos habitantes que todavía viven en aquel aislado rincón guardan algún oscuro secreto.
Two friends get drunk and decide to switch identities. One is a Parliamentary Secretary, and the other is the captain of a ship. The former's lack of sea knowledge causes several catastrophes, including torpedoing the First Lord of The Admiralty. The grass is always greener.... In this British comedy, two drunken comrades find out the truth of that saying when they decide to trade places for a while. One of the boozers is a public relations man who knows nothing about sailing, while the other is a captain for the Royal Navy. Comic mayhem ensues as the hapless "captain" tries to run his ship and follow orders.
Henry Crossley is an artist whose wife is spending a week's holiday with her aunt. But when her aunt comes to see him, worried because her niece has not arrived, a police investigation into her disappearance begins. It seems that Henry was fully occupied at the time his wife went missing; but is his alibi completely truthful?
When a ballerina's career is ended after she's injured in a traffic accident, her husband decides to try and turn their young daughter into a ballet star. Drama.