Juan Maria Almonte


In 1937, near the border between the Dominican Republic and Haiti, a young Haitian woman named Marie is expecting her first child with Frank, her doting Dominican husband. After her mother's burial, she is awakened in the middle of the night by distant screams. The immediate execution of all Haitians on Dominican soil has been ordered — the so-called “Cut” — and what seals a victim’s fate is whether or not they can pronounce "perejil" (parsley). Marie takes off to find Frank in the next town over, with nothing but the clothes on her back.
El Rey de Najayo
Comandante Ubri
The dramatic story of Julian, a Dominican drug lord who despite his confinement in prison, was still able to maintain Dominican society in a state of suspense, for over 13 years. At the early age of 12, he witnessed the death of his father at the hands of local military authorities, during a well-meant attempt to hand-over a package of drugs he had incidentally found at sea while fishing. As a result of this experience, Julian develops a thirst for revenge that leads him to kill all those involved in his father's death. In the process he becomes a major drug lord and a very powerful headman within Dominican society.
Ladrones a Domicilio
El profesor universitario Bruno, cúyo principal objetivo es echar adelante su familia de manera honrada, es padre de Sandra, quién alberga la esperanza de obtener una beca en una prestigiosa universidad privada. La propia universidad donde trabaja Bruno le informa que han sido suspendidos los programas de beca. Diariamente se enfrenta a la falta de disciplina y respeto de sus alumnos, principalmente de Rogelio, hijo de una familia acomodada, quién no parece valorar lo que a él le da tanto trabajo conseguir para su hija. Decidido a darle una mejor educación a su hija, y con la ayuda de su compadre Biembo, toma un segundo empleo como chofer de una compañía de transporte de valores.
La historia de un dictador dominicano , Ulises Heureaux, desde el comiendo de su presidencia en 1882 hasta su asesinato en 1899.
La Fiesta del Chivo
Adaptación cinematográfica de la excelente novela de Mario Vargas Llosa. Santo Domingo (República Dominicana), 1992. Urania Cabral (Isabella Rossellini) regresa a su ciudad natal. Apenas reconoce al viejo calvo y desdentado que yace en su lecho, mudo e inmóvil, casi inerte. Es su padre, Agustín Cabral, alias "Cerebrito", Presidente del Senado y mano derecha del dictador Rafael Trujillo durante muchos, muchos años. Hasta que cayó en desgracia. Pero de aquello ha pasado mucho tiempo. Todo ello lo recuerda Urania, a través de su ingenua mirada infantil. Se lo cuenta a su tía y a sus primas, que no entienden por qué Uranita ha estado tanto tiempo sin venir a verlos, a ellas y a su propio padre
Bitter Harvest
A young black British woman goes to the Dominican Republic as an aid worker. When she goes missing, her parents make an emotional journey to piece together her story.
Un pasaje de Ida
A fictional retelling of the Regina Express tragedy, in which 22 Dominican stowaways died from suffocation in an attempt of illegal travel in September 1981.
Dakota, a young American, arrives in the Dominican Republic at the dawn of the Trump era with little idea of why he is there, where he is headed, or what might come next. After checking into a beachside hotel, he finds himself in the crossfire of a volatile love triangle between two hotheads and the mysterious and elusive femme fatale Fabiola. The second feature by Juan Antonio Bisonó (Mosh) is a love letter to film noir both classic and contemporary - if the love letter in question was never sent because it got burned to a crisp by its dejected author - and a romantic comedy in reverse, where a breakup precedes the meet-cute, shaking up the beloved and her suitors like a spiked rum cocktail in the Santo Domingo sun.