Danny John-Jules

Danny John-Jules

Nacimiento : 1960-09-16, London, UK


Danny John-Jules (born 16 September 1960) is a British actor, singer and dancer. He is best known for his role as Cat in the science-fiction comedy, Red Dwarf, as well as his role as Dwayne Myers in the crime drama, Death in Paradise.


Danny John-Jules
Danny John-Jules


Creation Stories
La verdadera historia del ascenso y caída de Creation Records y su infame fundador Alan McGee; el hombre responsable de suministrar la banda sonora del “Brit Pop” a los 90, una década de renacimiento cultural conocida como Cool Britannia. Desde sus humildes comienzos hasta las veladas de Downing Street, desde eludir a alguaciles hasta el lanzamiento de álbumes multiplatino, Creation lo tenía todo. Rupturas, quiebras, peleas y amistades… y sin olvidar la música. Con algunos de los mejores discos que hayas escuchado, seguimos a Alan a través de una neblina de música y caos alimentada por las drogas, mientras su sueño de rock'n'roll trae al mundo a Oasis, Primal Scream y otras bandas que definen una generación.
Red Dwarf: The Promised Land
The posse meet three cat clerics who worship Lister as their God. Lister vows to help them as they're being hunted by Rodon, the ruthless feral cat leader who has vowed to wipe out all cats who worship anyone but him.
Before Grenfell: A Hidden History
Residents of the community around Grenfell Tower tell an extraordinary story, 150 years in the making, of how their borough became the most unequal place in Britain.
Tim Vine Travels Through Time Christmas Special
Cardinal Wolsey
To recover a silver lion ornament for singer Emma Bunton Tim travels back to the court of Henry Vlll where Anne Boleyn (Emma again) asks jester Tim to send invitations to the guests for her Christmas party. However Cardinal Wolsey aims to steal them so that they will come to his own party and Tim must thwart him. (IMDb)
Dr. Stevens
A young woman who has recently moved from Lebanon to London attempts to unravel the startling mysteries of her dreams and whether or not they could be reality.
A story seen from the eyes of a five-year-old boy who, through no fault of his own, comes face to face with disaster.
A story seen from the eyes of a five-year-old boy who, through no fault of his own, comes face to face with disaster.
A story seen from the eyes of a five-year-old boy who, through no fault of his own, comes face to face with disaster.
A story seen from the eyes of a five-year-old boy who, through no fault of his own, comes face to face with disaster.
Respect: A Felix Dexter Special
A special programme celebrating the life in comedy of the much-loved and respected actor, Felix Dexter. Charting his influence as a pioneer of black comedy, from his early days in stand-up, then the landmark Real McCoy, The Fast Show, Down the Line, Absolutely Fabulous, Bellamy's People and Citizen Khan. Friends and colleagues gather to remember Felix, including Paul Whitehouse, Charlie Higson and Adil Ray.
The Grind
The Grind is a modern urban drama, set in world of sex, drug dealers, dance nightclubs and loan sharks. Vince is the nightclub manager of The Grind in Hackney, East London and having fought his way to a decent living and respectable lifestyle he is determined to settle down and take life easier. Upon meeting and starting a relationship with Nancy, Vinces dream of running a casino for his Boss and getting married looks set. Bobby, Vinces best friend from school, is released from prison and their friendship soon falls apart, Bobbys addiction to cocaine and gambling spirals out of control and he now owes a huge amount of money to Vinces boss, Dave ; owner of The Grind and an East End loan shark. Vince's life takes a dramatic turn for the worse. Loyalties are tested and friendships are pushed to their limits.
Arthur Christmas: Operación regalo
Elf (voice)
Santa Claus cree que su reinado está llegando a su fin y que se acerca ya la hora de jubilarse. Confía en que su hijo Steven, que es muy eficiente y responsable, aunque no muy alegre, esté preparado para tomar el relevo inmediatamente. Sin embargo, esa Navidad surge un problema: uno de los 600 millones de niños a los que había que visitar se queda sin su regalo.
La verdad oculta
Tras la guerra de los Balcanes, una agente de la policía de Nebraska que viaja a Bosnia como observadora de las Naciones Unidas denuncia ante la ONU a una multinacional por haber encubierto varios casos de tráfico sexual. El guión se basa en la historia de Kathryn Bolkovac, que fue a Bosnia en 1999 como miembro del comité de las Naciones Unidas para el mantenimiento de la paz.
Sucker Punch
Ray 'Harley' Davidson is a hustler. With flash clothes and a fast mouth, Harley lives life in the fast lane. With his passion for all things gambling, money runs like water through Harley's hands and as quickly as he makes a killing he takes a beating, normally at the poker table. Nominally an illegal prize-fight manager, Harley hasn't produced a live one in months, until Charles Buchinsky literally wanders into his life. Charles Buchinsky, street fighter extraordinaire. He's from out of town looking for a fight and the chance to tie up a few loose ends. Keeps himself to himself, lets his fists do the talking and his word is his bond. Victor Maitland, top illegal fight promoter and porn baron. Hates losing and loves the prestige of managing the best hitter in town. Harley dreams of bringing Maitland down and after seeing Buchinsky at work, engineers a fragile partnership. The duo soon becomes a hot ticket...
Red Dwarf: It's Cold Outside - Series II
A documentary about the second series of Red Dwarf (1988).
Red Dwarf: The Beginning - Series I
A documentary about the first series of Red Dwarf (1988).
Lamont Gaines
En los suburbios del Reino Unido, un torneo clandestino desafía a doce luchadores de diferentes orígenes a competir por un premio de $500.000.
Red Dwarf: Back from the Dead - Series VII
A documentary about the seventh series of Red Dwarf (1988).
Red Dwarf: Back from the Dead - Series VII
A documentary about the seventh series of Red Dwarf (1988).
Red Dwarf: The Starbuggers - Series VI
A documentary about the sixth series of Red Dwarf (1988).
Red Dwarf: The Starbuggers - Series VI
A documentary about the sixth series of Red Dwarf (1988).
Red Dwarf: Heavy Science - Series V
A documentary about the fifth series of Red Dwarf (1988).
Red Dwarf: Heavy Science - Series V
A documentary about the fifth series of Red Dwarf (1988).
Red Dwarf: Built to Last - Series IV
A documentary about the fourth series of Red Dwarf (1988).
Red Dwarf: Built to Last - Series IV
A documentary about the fourth series of Red Dwarf (1988).
Red Dwarf: All Change - Series III
A documentary about the third series of Red Dwarf (1988).
Red Dwarf: All Change - Series III
A documentary about the third series of Red Dwarf (1988).
Red Dwarf A-Z
A compilation of clips and interviews, originally broadcast on BBC2's Red Dwarf Night in 1998, and subsequently included on the DVD release of Red Dwarf series 2.
Red Dwarf A-Z
A compilation of clips and interviews, originally broadcast on BBC2's Red Dwarf Night in 1998, and subsequently included on the DVD release of Red Dwarf series 2.
Launching Red Dwarf
A documentary about the first series of Red Dwarf, included as a bonus feature on the DVD release of series 1.
Blade II
Una nueva raza de vampiros, los Reapers, surge para atacar tanto a los humanos como a los de su propia raza, causando el terror. El Consejo de la Sombra, un grupo de vampiros que teme por su supervivencia y que tiene su sede en Praga, contacta con Blade para que acabe con ellos.
Lock & Stock
Barfly Jack
Eddie convence a tres amigos para jugarse sus ahorros en una partida de cartas contra Harry el Hacha, un mafioso del barrio. La partida está amañada, y Eddie no sólo pierde todo el dinero sino que contrae una deuda de medio millón de libras, que debe pagar en el plazo de una semana. El mafioso pretende quedarse con el local de su padre para resarcirse de la deuda, pero los cuatro amigos planean saldarla de una forma mucho más arriesgada.
Let the Good Times Roll
A short autobiographical film written by Dexter Fletcher.
Can't Smeg Won't Smeg
Cat/Duane Dibbley
20th century television chef Ainsley Harriott beams himself aboard the space vessel Starbug in order to test the crew's culinary skills.
Red Dwarf: Smeg Outs
A video release containing toxic waste from the first three series of space comedy Red Dwarf. Witness the cast, and a number of guest stars, forget lines, reach for misplaced props, or accidentally fall over in a selection of hilarious out-takes. Kryten, the 4000-series sanitation mechaniod, answers questions about Red Dwarf, and the video also includes a full length smeg mix of Cat's Tongue Tied song.
Red Dwarf: Smeg Ups
Kryten presents a collection of bloopers from series 4 to 6 of Red Dwarf.
Amnesty International's Big 30
In the tradition of the acclaimed series of British concerts known as The Secret Policemen's Ball, Amnesty International celebrates its 50th Anniversary live at Radio City Music Hall.
La tienda de los horrores
Doo-Wop Street Singer
Seymour, un joven dependiente de una floristería, está enamorado de su compañera Audrie, pero ella sale con un sádico dentista. Un día, justo después de un extraño eclipse, compra una pequeña planta, a la que bautiza como Audrie II. La planta comenzará a moverse e incluso a hablar con Seymour, de forma que se convierte en una atracción para la ciudad. Poco pueden imaginar todos que realmente es un ser abominable, que Seymour casualmente ha descubierto que se alimenta de sangre humana.
Dentro del laberinto
Firey 3 / Firey 4 (voice)
Sarah debe atravesar un laberinto para rescatar a su hermano pequeño, que ha sido secuestrado por los duendes y está en manos del poderoso rey Jareth. La niña descubre que ha llegado a un lugar donde las cosas no son siempre lo que parecen.
El gran golpe de los Teleñecos
Street Dancer
Se ha cometido el robo del siglo y sólo Gustavo, Fozzie y el gran Gonzo están en condiciones de investigar el caso. Nuestros héroes llegan a Londres para entrevistar a Lady Holiday (Diana Rigg), una diseñadora de alta costura a la cual le han robado un collar de diamantes de valor incalculable. Mientras, la rana Gustavo se topa con la encantadora cerdita Miss Peggy y surge el flechazo. Desafortunadamente, el hermano de Lady Holiday (Charles Grodin) también intenta cortejar a la sensual cerdita, para poder implicarla en otro atraco de joyas. Entonces será el momento de que la rana Gustavo y sus amigos limpien el nombre de Peggy y atrapen al verdadero culpable.
Baldy's lookout (uncredited)
Carlin es trasladado de un reformatorio a otro tras haber dado una paliza a un funcionario. En éste se ejecuta un régimen brutal que hace aumentar la agresividad de los internos en lugar de mejorar su conducta. Los férreos funcionarios, apoyados por el director, animan a los veteranos más fuertes a oprimir a los débiles y que obedezcan todas las normas impuestas. Pocos se atreven a desafiar estas reglas.
British Hustle
It shows what the underground soul scene was really like back in the late 70’s.
Seven Green Bottles
Seven wayward juveniles (the "Green Bottles" of the title) spend their days truanting and thieving. One by one they are caught and made to face the consequences of the choices they have made.