Danny John-Jules

Danny John-Jules

Nascimento : 1960-09-16, London, UK


Danny John-Jules (born 16 September 1960) is a British actor, singer and dancer. He is best known for his role as Cat in the science-fiction comedy, Red Dwarf, as well as his role as Dwayne Myers in the crime drama, Death in Paradise.


Danny John-Jules
Danny John-Jules


Creation Stories
The true story of the rise and fall of Creation Records and its infamous founder Alan McGee; the man responsible for supplying the “Brit Pop” soundtrack to the ‘90s, a decade of cultural renaissance known as Cool Britannia. From humble beginnings to Downing Street soirées, from dodging bailiffs to releasing multi-platinum albums, Creation had it all. Breakdowns, bankruptcy, fights and friendships… and not forgetting the music. Featuring some of the greatest records you have ever heard, we follow Alan through a drug-fuelled haze of music and mayhem, as his rock’n’roll dream brings the world Oasis, Primal Scream, and other generation-defining bands.
Red Dwarf: The Promised Land
The posse meet three cat clerics who worship Lister as their God. Lister vows to help them as they're being hunted by Rodon, the ruthless feral cat leader who has vowed to wipe out all cats who worship anyone but him.
Before Grenfell: A Hidden History
Residents of the community around Grenfell Tower tell an extraordinary story, 150 years in the making, of how their borough became the most unequal place in Britain.
Tim Vine Travels Through Time Christmas Special
Cardinal Wolsey
To recover a silver lion ornament for singer Emma Bunton Tim travels back to the court of Henry Vlll where Anne Boleyn (Emma again) asks jester Tim to send invitations to the guests for her Christmas party. However Cardinal Wolsey aims to steal them so that they will come to his own party and Tim must thwart him. (IMDb)
Dr. Stevens
A young woman who has recently moved from Lebanon to London attempts to unravel the startling mysteries of her dreams and whether or not they could be reality.
A story seen from the eyes of a five-year-old boy who, through no fault of his own, comes face to face with disaster.
A story seen from the eyes of a five-year-old boy who, through no fault of his own, comes face to face with disaster.
A story seen from the eyes of a five-year-old boy who, through no fault of his own, comes face to face with disaster.
A story seen from the eyes of a five-year-old boy who, through no fault of his own, comes face to face with disaster.
Respect: A Felix Dexter Special
A special programme celebrating the life in comedy of the much-loved and respected actor, Felix Dexter. Charting his influence as a pioneer of black comedy, from his early days in stand-up, then the landmark Real McCoy, The Fast Show, Down the Line, Absolutely Fabulous, Bellamy's People and Citizen Khan. Friends and colleagues gather to remember Felix, including Paul Whitehouse, Charlie Higson and Adil Ray.
The Grind
The Grind is a modern urban drama, set in world of sex, drug dealers, dance nightclubs and loan sharks. Vince is the nightclub manager of The Grind in Hackney, East London and having fought his way to a decent living and respectable lifestyle he is determined to settle down and take life easier. Upon meeting and starting a relationship with Nancy, Vinces dream of running a casino for his Boss and getting married looks set. Bobby, Vinces best friend from school, is released from prison and their friendship soon falls apart, Bobbys addiction to cocaine and gambling spirals out of control and he now owes a huge amount of money to Vinces boss, Dave ; owner of The Grind and an East End loan shark. Vince's life takes a dramatic turn for the worse. Loyalties are tested and friendships are pushed to their limits.
Arthur Christmas
Elf (voice)
Uma história com todos os ingredientes necessários para o tornar num clássico de Natal: Uma família num estado disfuncional e um herói improvável - o filho mais novo do Pai Natal, Arthur. Quando esta surpreendente operação se esquece do presente de uma das centenas de milhões de crianças, o menos apto da família do Pai Natal embarca numa hilariante e incrível missão contra o relógio para conseguir entregar o último presente antes da manhã de Natal.
A Informante
Adaptação para longa-metragem das experiências de Kathryn Bolkova (Rachel Weisz), uma policial do Nebraska que serviu nas forças de manutenção de paz na Bósnia do pós-guerra, e que expôs a hierarquia militar das Nações Unidas por ter encoberto um escândalo de tráfico sexual.
Sucker Punch
Ray 'Harley' Davidson is a hustler. With flash clothes and a fast mouth, Harley lives life in the fast lane. With his passion for all things gambling, money runs like water through Harley's hands and as quickly as he makes a killing he takes a beating, normally at the poker table. Nominally an illegal prize-fight manager, Harley hasn't produced a live one in months, until Charles Buchinsky literally wanders into his life. Charles Buchinsky, street fighter extraordinaire. He's from out of town looking for a fight and the chance to tie up a few loose ends. Keeps himself to himself, lets his fists do the talking and his word is his bond. Victor Maitland, top illegal fight promoter and porn baron. Hates losing and loves the prestige of managing the best hitter in town. Harley dreams of bringing Maitland down and after seeing Buchinsky at work, engineers a fragile partnership. The duo soon becomes a hot ticket...
Red Dwarf: It's Cold Outside - Series II
A documentary about the second series of Red Dwarf (1988).
Red Dwarf: The Beginning - Series I
A documentary about the first series of Red Dwarf (1988).
Underground: Submundo Sangrento
Lamont Gaines
Nos subúrbios do Reino Unido, um torneio clandestino é montado para desafiar doze dos melhores lutadores pelo prêmio de $1.000.000. Eles foram escolhidos a dedo para uma competição sangrenta que irá levá-los ao limite. O organizador do torneio é inescrupuloso e não tem nenhuma preocupação pelo bem-estar dos lutadores. É guiado puramente pelo seu desejo de entreter seus apostadores e sua platéia. Chegará aonde for preciso para atingir o seu objetivo. Em sua competição, há apenas uma regra: Não há regras! As lutas serão violentas e sangue será derramado. Quem perder uma luta é automaticamente desclassificado e ninguém quer voltar para casa de mãos vazias. Cada lutador tem seu próprio motivo para competir, e cada um dará o seu máximo para levar o prêmio. Mas só pode haver um vencedor…
Red Dwarf: Back from the Dead - Series VII
A documentary about the seventh series of Red Dwarf (1988).
Red Dwarf: Back from the Dead - Series VII
A documentary about the seventh series of Red Dwarf (1988).
Red Dwarf: The Starbuggers - Series VI
A documentary about the sixth series of Red Dwarf (1988).
Red Dwarf: The Starbuggers - Series VI
A documentary about the sixth series of Red Dwarf (1988).
Red Dwarf: Heavy Science - Series V
A documentary about the fifth series of Red Dwarf (1988).
Red Dwarf: Heavy Science - Series V
A documentary about the fifth series of Red Dwarf (1988).
Red Dwarf: Built to Last - Series IV
A documentary about the fourth series of Red Dwarf (1988).
Red Dwarf: Built to Last - Series IV
A documentary about the fourth series of Red Dwarf (1988).
Red Dwarf: All Change - Series III
A documentary about the third series of Red Dwarf (1988).
Red Dwarf: All Change - Series III
A documentary about the third series of Red Dwarf (1988).
Red Dwarf A-Z
A compilation of clips and interviews, originally broadcast on BBC2's Red Dwarf Night in 1998, and subsequently included on the DVD release of Red Dwarf series 2.
Red Dwarf A-Z
A compilation of clips and interviews, originally broadcast on BBC2's Red Dwarf Night in 1998, and subsequently included on the DVD release of Red Dwarf series 2.
Launching Red Dwarf
A documentary about the first series of Red Dwarf, included as a bonus feature on the DVD release of series 1.
Blade II: O Caçador de Vampiros
Blade é um ser meio homem, meio vampiro que é consumido pelo desejo de vingança contra os seres que atacaram sua mãe antes mesmo dele nascer e fizeram com que ele se tornasse o que é atualmente. Com isso, ao crescer Blade iniciou uma verdadeira cruzada pessoal para combater e eliminar os vampiros, mas agora uma nova raça mais poderosa chamada reapers, criada a partir de cruzamentos genéticos entre humanos e vampiros, ameaça eliminar ambas as raças. Visto isso, Blade se alia aos seus maiores inimigos para que, juntos, possam combater esta nova raça de seres.
Jogos, Trapaças e Dois Canos Fumegantes
Barfly Jack
Eddy convence três amigos a ajudá-lo com dinheiro para uma aposta muito alta de pôquer contra o chefão do crime local, Hatchet Harry. Harry trapaceia, e Eddy perde. Harry, então, dá um prazo a ele de uma semana para pagar 500 mil libras ou entregar o bar de seu pai. Desesperado, Eddy e seus amigos começam a roubar e vivem em constante perigo.
Let the Good Times Roll
A short autobiographical film written by Dexter Fletcher.
Can't Smeg Won't Smeg
Cat/Duane Dibbley
20th century television chef Ainsley Harriott beams himself aboard the space vessel Starbug in order to test the crew's culinary skills.
Red Dwarf: Smeg Outs
A video release containing toxic waste from the first three series of space comedy Red Dwarf. Witness the cast, and a number of guest stars, forget lines, reach for misplaced props, or accidentally fall over in a selection of hilarious out-takes. Kryten, the 4000-series sanitation mechaniod, answers questions about Red Dwarf, and the video also includes a full length smeg mix of Cat's Tongue Tied song.
Red Dwarf: Smeg Ups
Kryten presents a collection of bloopers from series 4 to 6 of Red Dwarf.
Amnesty International's Big 30
In the tradition of the acclaimed series of British concerts known as The Secret Policemen's Ball, Amnesty International celebrates its 50th Anniversary live at Radio City Music Hall.
A Pequena Loja dos Horrores
Doo-Wop Street Singer
Seymour Krelborn é um órfão que trabalha na floricultura do Sr. Mushnik. Ele passa seu tempo sendo explorado pelo patrão e sonhando acordado com Audrey, uma colega de trabalho. Um dia, após um eclipse solar, Seymour encontra uma planta estranha. Ele a compra e passa a chamá-la de Audrey II. Ao cuidar dela, ele acidentalmente corta o dedo e percebe que Audrey II tem um grande apetite por sangue. Com o tempo, a planta cresce cada vez mais, forçando Seymour a encontrar pessoas que possam servir de alimento para ela.
Labirinto: A Magia do Tempo
Firey 3 / Firey 4 (voice)
Frustrada por ter de cuidar do irmão caçula enquanto seus pais estão fora, a adolescente Sarah sonha em se livrar da criança, que não para de chorar. Atendendo seu pedido, o Rei dos Duendes, personagem de um dos livros de Sarah, ganha vida e sequestra o bebê. Arrependida, a menina terá de enfrentar um labirinto e resgatar o irmão antes da meia-noite para evitar que ele seja transformado em um duende.
A Grande Farra dos Muppets
Street Dancer
Nessa história, Caco e Fozzie são irmãos gêmeos (apesar de um ser um sapo e o outro um urso) que trabalham como jornalistas e Gonzo os acompanha como fotógrafo. Os três são mandados para a Inglaterra para investigar um roubo de um colar de diamantes e acabam se metendo em muitas encrencas. Todos os outros personagens do Muppet Show fazem aparições no filme, assim como Oscar, da Vila Sésamo.
Baldy's lookout (uncredited)
Powerful, uncompromising drama about two boys' struggle for survival in the nightmare world of Britain's notorious Borstal Reformatory. [This is the feature film version Alan Clarke made after the BBC banned the original before its scheduled TV broadcast (see Scum (1977)].
British Hustle
It shows what the underground soul scene was really like back in the late 70’s.
Seven Green Bottles
Seven wayward juveniles (the "Green Bottles" of the title) spend their days truanting and thieving. One by one they are caught and made to face the consequences of the choices they have made.