A documentary on the career of Beth Carvalho, the Brazilian singer who became a well known samba legend from the 1970s onwards, edited together from hundreds of hours of footage and audio files kept (and partially recorded) by Carvalho herself during her lifetime.
Self (archive footage)
Documental que explora el misterio de la muerte del icono del cine Marilyn Monroe a través de entrevistas inéditas con su círculo más cercano.
Self (archive footage)
Explora el legendario Harlem Cultural Festival celebrado en los Estados Unidos en 1969. En él se rindió homenaje a la cultura y música afroamericana, además de promover el 'black pride' y la unidad entre personas de una misma raza.
Self (archive footage)
Jackie Kennedy Onassis fue la mujer más famosa del mundo, la descripción viviente de glamur, admirada por todos. Pero Jackie Kennedy Onassis fue, además, una persona compleja, llena de capas y extremadamente reservada, completando así una personalidad enigmática y fascinante. Protagonista de algunos momentos que hicieron historia en el siglo XX, este documental nos propone un recorrido por su figura, desde su imagen como Primera Dama y viuda hasta su menos oficial papel como icono de la moda.Un archivo increíble y varias entrevistas con Jackie y sus amigos nos ofrecen un documental muy completo por el que descubrimos a la mujer que cautivó al mundo mientras controlaba con mano férrea su propia historia.
Self (archive footage)
La Habana, Cuba, 1990. René González, un piloto de avión, huye inesperadamente del país, abandonando a su esposa Olga y a su hija Irma, y comienza una nueva vida en Miami, donde se convierte en miembro de una organización anticastrista.
Self (archive footage)
A journey through Greece and Europe’s past and recent history: from the Second World War to the current crisis. It is a historical documentary, a look into many stories.
«If Democracy can be destroyed in Greece, it can be destroyed throughout Europe»
Paul Craig Roberts
Self (archive footage)
Self (archive footage)
El impactante asesinato del cantautor Víctor Jara en 1973 lo convirtió en un poderoso símbolo de la lucha en Chile. Décadas más tarde, nace una búsqueda de justicia.
The incredible story of Chop Chop Chang, a world famous circus chimpanzee who is secretly trained by the CIA into a deadly assassin.
Himself (archive footage)
According to the official Cuban version, Fidel Castro died on his bed on November 25, 2016. Sixty years after his arrival on the island, with his troop of guerrillas who came to fight the Batista dictatorship, the director went to meet Cubans who talk about the Lider Maximo, who escaped - according to rumor - more than 630 assassination attempts! For his funeral, Fidel Castro had orchestrated a spectacular procession before his death so that his ashes crossed the island on the same route - in reverse - that he carried out when he was young.
Himself (archive footage)
En 1975, Ryszard Kapuściński, un veterano periodista polaco, se embarcó en un aparentemente suicida viaje por carretera al corazón de la guerra civil de Angola. Allí, fue testigo una vez más de la sucia realidad de la guerra y descubrió una sensación de impotencia que desconocía hasta entonces. Angola lo cambió para siempre: fue un reportero quien dejó Polonia, pero fue un escritor quien regresó…
Self (archive footage)
El comandante Hugo Chávez se erigió a sí mismo como un caudillo redentor que acabaría con las mafias del pasado y refundaría a Venezuela. Una vez que llegó al poder gradualmente se fue convirtiendo en un déspota que persiguió y encarceló a la oposición política, enconó a la sociedad, expropió empresas y llevó a uno de los países más ricos del mundo a la ruina. El propósito de Chavismo: la peste del siglo XXI es desenmascarar una de las mentiras políticas más devastadoras y dañinas de la historia de América Latina. El documental “Chavismo: la peste del siglo XXI” no persigue fines de lucro, fue patrocinado por la fundación Humano y Libre y sólo busca crear conciencia sobre el terrible drama que ha sufrido Venezuela en el período regido por el régimen chavista.
Self (archive footage)
This revealing portrait of Cuba follows the lives of Fidel Castro and three Cuban families affected by his policies over the last four decades.
Self (archive footage)
Ernesto "Che" Guevara's controversial story told by the Mexican writer Paco Ignacio Taibo II. He revisits places where the guerrilla and revolutionary leader has passed and interviews people who knew Che, making revelations about this important figure in Cuba's political history.
Two Meetings and a Funeral explores Bangladesh’s historical pivot from the socialism of the 1973 Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) meeting in Algeria to its ideological counterpoint, the emergence of a strong Islamic perspective at the 1974 Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC) meeting in Lahore. Centred on Bangladesh’s navigation of these two historic meetings, as well as its fight for United Nations recognition (vetoed by China, acting as a proxy for Pakistan), the film considers the erosion of the idea of the Third World as a potential space for decolonialism, liberation theology and socialism. In particular, it looks at how a transnational Islamic ‘ummah’ concept was used against socialist forces.
Himself - President of Cuba (archive footage)
For twenty-three years, five western nations, members of the Soviet bloc and two superpowers were locked into a war never formally declared. It all began in 1966. Once the Draft started, every able-bodied white South African male was called up for service.
El documental lanza preguntas sobre quién posee la verdad de la historia que refleja la de muchas otras historias de exilio, familias rotas y sueños arruinados.
Half blind and half deaf, ostraziced Cuban writer Rafael Alcides tries to finish his unpublished novels to discover that after several decades, the home made ink from the typewriter he used to write them has faded. The Cuban revolution as a love story and eventual deception is seen through the eyes of a man who is living an inner exile.
Fidel Castro
The Spanish dictator Francisco Franco was a rabid anti-Communist and a staunch ally of the United States. But that did not keep him from forging a friendship with a Communist nation that was America's sworn enemy: Fidel Castro's Cuba. The Spanish dictator Francisco Franco was a rabid anti-Communist and a staunch ally of the United States. But that did not keep him from forging a friendship with a Communist nation that was America's sworn enemy: Fidel Castro's Cuba.
Himself (Archive Footage)
Fidel Castro, the former President of Cuba and one of the most controversial figures of the 20th century, passed away in November. He famously claimed that "history will absolve me", but will it? This special film considers Castro and his legacy.
Documentary about the attempts to assassinate Franco
Celia Sánchez Manduley (1920 - 1980) was a Cuban revolutionary, politician, researcher and archivist. She was a very close friend of Fidel Castro. She joined the struggle against the Batista government following the coup of March 10, 1952. She was the founder of the 26th of July Movement in Manzanillo. Together with Frank País, she was one of the first women to assemble a combat squad during the revolution.
Self (archive footage)
In the last 250 years, free-market ideology has played a central role in the development of the logic and rhetoric that have influenced the daily life of populations throughout the world. It was cornered for a few decades during the twentieth century in favor of a social economy for the public interest, and then returned to the limelight in the last thirty years of the century to dominate the logics that drive world economies, doing the favor of the elites at the expense of 99%. Through the testimony of six people informed about the facts, Laissez-faire offers a historical and ideological perspective through which to identify the fundamental problems of the economic mechanism on which societies are based.
Himself (archive footage)
Self (archive footage)
During the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, Soviet Navy officer Vasily Arkhipov refused to launch a nuclear strike and saved the world from nuclear war and total destruction.
En México, el asesinato de alcaldes municipales es una práctica común en la lucha por controlar territorios por los cárteles de la droga. El documental cuenta la historia de Mauricio, un polémico alcalde que se presenta como alguien que toma la justicia en mano propia en el municipio más rico y más seguro de América Latina.
Self (segment "Diary of a Beginner") (archive footage)
La Habana como centro neurálgico. Mil y una historias se entremezclan en esta ciudad emblemática que está sufriendo cambios a pasos acelerados. La película pretende servir de reflejo a estas pulsiones que acontecen en la ciudad, y también describir sus mutaciones, la vida de sus gentes: qué hacen, qué comen, cómo se relacionan, qué relación mantienen con sus tradiciones, cuáles son sus sueños y aspiraciones... A partir de un hilo conductor como es la llegada de un empresario extranjero que va a la ciudad a contratar a una artista y termina enamorándose de una mujer nativa, una serie de directores reflexionan en torno a la vida en la capital cubana, sumergiéndose en su espíritu e impregnándose de su ideosincrasia.
Tras "Comandante" (2002) y "Looking for Fidel" (2003), el director Oliver Stone vuelve a ahondar sobre la figura de Fidel Castro con una entrevista en profundidad realizada en 2009, nada más abandonar la presidencia y mientras se encontraba convaleciente de una cirugía de colon. En esta ocasión, la entrevista se desarrolla en su hogar, rodeado de su familia.
Self (archive footage)
La extraordinaria vida de Ethel Kennedy, esposa del asesinado senador Robert F. Kennedy, a través de las revelaciones y las anécdotas de quien mejor la conoce: su propia familia.
Un intelectual cubano abandona la revolución y el subdesarrollo solo para encontrar que no encaja en su nueva vida en el desarrollo. Un estudio de un personaje solitario, sin política e ideología definidas, enfrentando el envejecimiento, el deseo y la imposibilidad del individuo de pertenecer a ninguna sociedad. La narrativa del filme es un collage de recuerdos, ensoñaciones, compuestos de ficción, animación y elementos documentales manipulados y ensamblados de una manera que sugiere la manera en que opera la memoria personal subjetiva. La película está basada en la novela homónima de Edmundo Desnoes.
Himself (archive footage)
President Salvador Allende's topple from Chile's unstable government and the CIA's involvement in the September Coup that would turn the South American socialist country into a dictatorship.
Self (archive footage)
Durante años, los hombres del Servicio Secreto responsables de proteger al presidente John F. Kennedy guardaron silencio sobre el magnicidio que, el 22 de Noviembre de 1963, segó la vida del joven y carismático líder norteamericano. Ahora, por primera vez ante las cámaras, los agentes del Servicio Secreto a cargo de la seguridad de los Kennedy durante esos turbulentos años han accedido a compartir sus historias sobre la familia, así como sus recuerdos y reflexiones sobre el atentado de Dallas.
Himself (archive footage)
Through the voice of an impersonator, the cuban hero will recount with us his political career. This tender, caustic yet authentic portrait will take us through his life from euphoria to revolt, from hollow laugh to genuine cheerfulness. Here comes... "En la Piel de Fidel".
Self (archive footage)
Documentary about the independence and history of Latin America.
Self (archive footage)
Did the Mafia order the killing of JFK? The compelling evidence includes a never before seen interview with an FBI informant who shared a prison cell with a Mafia kingpin.
Self (archive footage)
A road trip across five countries to explore the social and political movements as well as the mainstream media's misperception of South America while interviewing seven of its elected presidents.
Self (archive footage)
An attempt to reconstruct the complete version of Pier Paolo Pasolini's segment of La rabbia.
Self (archive footage)
A new investigative documentary exploring the controversies surrounding the assassination of Bobby Kennedy on June 5, 1968 as he looked set to challenge Nixon for the White House. Munir Sirhan tells how his brother Sirhan has never been able to remember the shooting. Sandra Serrano speaks for the first time in forty years about the girl in the polka-dot dress fleeing the scene, yelling "We shot him! We shot him!" And Dr. Herbert Spiegel of Columbia University describes how Sirhan was hypnotically programmed to kill Robert Kennedy.
Himself (Archive Footage)
The story of Tasmanian-born actor Errol Flynn whose short & flamboyant life, full of scandals, adventures, loves and excess was largely played out in front of the camera - either making movies or filling the newsreels and gossip magazines. Tragically he was dead from the effects of drugs and alcohol by the time he was only 50 & the myths live on. But there is another side of Flynn that is less well known - his ambitions to be a serious writer and newspaper correspondent, his documentary films and his interest in the Spanish Civil War and Castro's Cuba
Self (archive footage)
El 22 de noviembre de 1963, mataron de un tiro al presidente John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Lee Harvey Oswald, el único detenido por el crimen, también fue asesinado dos días más tarde. Más de 40 años después, su muerte sigue siendo un misterio sin resolverse. El magnicidio de J.F.K. fue uno de los escándalos más sonados y que causó una mayor conmoción en la sociedad del siglo XX, no sólo en los Estados Unidos sino en el mundo entero. Las características del crimen y la intriga que envolvió la posterior investigación, que quedaría sin resolver, favoreció que infinidad de libros, películas y producciones de todo tipo fueran creados partiendo de este suceso.
Self (archive footage)
Set both in Latin America and the United States, the film explores the historic and current relationship of Washington with countries such as Venezuela, Bolivia and Chile. Pilger says that the film "...tells a universal story... analysing and revealing, through vivid testimony, the story of great power behind its venerable myths. It allows us to understand the true nature of the so-called "war on terror". According to Pilger, the film’s message is that the greed and power of empire is not invincible and that people power is always the "seed beneath the snow".
Himself (archive footage)
Prior to Fidel Castro's reign, Cuba was open to immigration. However, once Castro proclaimed himself dictator of Cuba, one of the largest exodus recorded began, one that continues today, 47 years after the Cuban Revolution. Six central characters of the film discuss in detail their personal experiences through Operation Pedro Pan, the Freedom Flights, El Mariel, the Rafter Crisis, and the Cuban Visa Lottery.
Eyewitnesses, including Castro himself, look back on the period of resistance and the toppling of Batista's dictatorship. By zooming in on the individual within the collective, the detailed story of the revolution unfolds. In the oral tradition, various Cubans report on oppression, violence, arrests, kidnappings, shootouts, escapes, the guerrilla fight from the mountains and the subsequent triumphant entry into Havana. Their stories are interspersed with archive footage and pictures showing the beauty of contemporary Cuba. In this film, the revolutionary generation muses on the situation on the island 47 years after the heroic revolution.
Self (archive footage)
Dollan Cannell's documentary on the hundreds of alleged plots to assassinate Fidel Castro, and a look at the evolution of Cuban politics. If the title of this extraordinary film sounds ludicrous, don't be fooled. This film looks at the incredible story of the 638 alleged plots by the CIA and Cuban exiles to kill the Cuban leader Fidel Castro.
A man living in the USA is nauseated by the media power and Consumerism, decides to go to Cuba with the intention of meeting Fidel Castro. The man is looking for revolution and socialism for a better future for everybody... But he finds a different Cuba from what he thought. Nostalgic, sad, tired of a strong prohibitionist, and of a shortage of speaking and thinking freedom, for a difficult human situation (before a politic idea).
Contemporary film critics regard the epic film I Am Cuba as a modern masterpiece. The 1964 Cuban/Soviet coproduction marked a watershed moment of cultural collaboration between two nations. Yet the film never found a mass audience, languishing for decades until its reintroduction as a "classic" in the 1990s. Vicente Ferraz explores the strange history of this cinematic tour de force, and the deeper meaning for those who participated in its creation.
Self (archive footage)
A documentary about the life of Errol Flynn, with recollections from friends and family.
Self (archive footage)
El documental "Salvador Allende" sigue la vida del presidente chileno desde su infancia en Valparaíso hasta su muerte el 11 de septiembre de 1973 tras el golpe de Estado militar, a través de documentos de archivos, álbumes de fotos y entrevistas.
Castro has outlived generations of US Presidents, Soviet General Secretaries, CIA Directors and would-be assassins. This film offers a psychological profile of the Cuban revolutionary, and a deeply intimate account of his life based on private letters, correspondence, speeches and interviews. It features interviews with some of Fidel Castro's closest relatives, close friends and committed enemies.
Documental sobre Fidel Castro. En la primavera de 2003, el gobierno cubano recurrió a la violencia para impedir que los cubanos emigraran a Norteamérica. Fueron arrestados y encarcelados 75 de ellos, entre los que había periodistas independientes, que fueron acusados de ser agentes al servicio de los Estados Unidos y de conspirar contra la revolución. Tres cubanos, detenidos mientras intentaban apoderarse de un ferry en la bahía de La Habana, fueron condenados a muerte y ejecutados tras juicios sumarísimos. Estos acontecimientos empeoraron todavía más la imagen que el mundo tenía de la dictadura cubana que fue condenada por numerosos intelectuales y diversos gobiernos.
Himself (archive footage)
Using archival footage, cabinet conversation recordings, and an interview of the 85-year-old Robert McNamara, The Fog of War depicts his life, from working as a WWII whiz-kid military officer, to being the Ford Motor Company's president, to managing the Vietnam War as defense secretary for presidents Kennedy and Johnson.
PBS documentary examining the work of Jack Paar.
Documental sueco sobre el consumismo y la globalización, creado por el director Erik Gandini y el editor Johan Söderberg. Se ve en los argumentos para el capitalismo y la tecnología, como una mayor eficiencia, más tiempo y menos trabajo, y sostiene que éstas no se están cumpliendo, y nunca lo será. La película se inclina hacia la ideología anarco-primitivista y aboga por "una vida sencilla y satisfactoria".
El director Oliver Stone pasa tres días con Fidel Castro, hablando de la situación política internacional, de la revolución castrista de 1959, del embargo americano, de la crisis de los misiles cubanos, etc. (FILMAFFINITY)
Self (archive footage)
Tercera parte de la trilogía formada por Koyaanisqatsi (1982), Powaqqatsi (1988) y Naqoyqatsi (2002).
Himself (archive footage)
La historia de los refugiados cubanos que arriesgaron sus vidas en balsas caseras para llegar a los Estados Unidos, y cómo es la vida de quienes triunfan.
Himself (footage)
A documentary depicting Cuba/US relations through baseball.
Self (archive footage)
Marita Lorenz, the daughter of a German sea captain, recalls how she became the mistress of Fidel Castro in Havana soon after the Cuban revolution in 1959. After being six months pregnant with his baby, she was drugged and given a near fatal abortion. She was then recruited by the CIA and Mafia to assassinate Castro, but she threw away the poison pills just before she met Fidel. She then worked for the CIA in Florida and, in 1962, had a daughter while she was the mistress of an ex-dictator of Venezuela. She later married an FBI agent, by whom she had a son, and they spied on UN diplomats in a New York apartment. She claimed her spying days were over when she testified, in the 1977 Kennedy Assassination Inquiry, about her connection to Frank Sturgis and Lee Harvey Oswald.
Himself (archive footage)
On Nov. 22, 1963 the world was shocked by the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The mystery surrounding this history-changing event has led to many unanswered questions.
Self (archive footage)
A documentary destined to calmly explain and analyze the facts, myths and rumours about John Kennedy's assassination and the overwhelming use of information in Oliver Stone's epic "JFK" (1991), at the same time it presents a behind the scenes documentary on the controversial film. Features interviews with the cast and director, and the personalities who lived and remember the facts concerning the November 22, 1963, like reporters, eyewitnesses and others, and some of the real characters from the movie, like Jim Garrison, Numa Bertel, Lou Ivon and Perry Russo.
Self (archive footage)
El fiscal de Nueva Orleans, Jim Garrison, reabrió el caso del asesinato del presidente de los Estados Unidos John F. Kennedy y presentó cargos contra algunas personas. Después de entrevistar a numerosos testigos de Dallas y a personas relacionadas con los hechos, mantuvo la tesis de que el magnicidio fue fruto de una conspiración en la que podrían haber intervenido el FBI, la CIA y el propio vicepresidente Lindon B. Johnson.
Host/narrator James Earl Jones explores the island of Cuba, introduces the viewer to the Cuban people and discusses the uncertainty of the country's future.
Self (archive footage)
Investigative reporter Jack Anderson hosts a two-hour investigation of the Kennedy Assassination featuring interviews with experts, eyewitnesses, government officials and authors. Includes dramatic recreations of key events.
Profiles the Cuban Revolution and Fidel Castro at political middle age. The Cuban leader reflects on his life and Cuba — past, present and future – and declares his continuing faith in communism. In numerous other interviews, including encounters with people on the streets, Cuban citizens voice their pro and con feelings about the revolution and Cuban society.
Self (archive footage)
"The CIA's War Against Cuba" - a briefing of the past ten years of CIA activities in Cuba, and the agents and other staff involved by the Dirección General de Inteligencia (DGI). DGI executed a parade of CIA agents active in Cuba, technology used, arms caches, journalists and other correspondents involved in intelligence tasks. This action was taken by Fidel Castro when his top agent Florention Aspillaga defected to the US via their embassy in Vienna, which immediately was followed by more defections and disclosure of so-called double agents. "La guerra de la CIA contra Cuba" was being broadcasted in 11 episodes.
In 1985, Miguel Littin returned clandestinely to Chile and made this documentary divided in four parts about the political reality of the country. The parts are titled, Miguel Littin: Clandestine in Chile; The North of Chile: When I Fled to the Pampa; From the Frontier to the Interior of Chile in Flames; and Allende: the Time of History, the film features testimony from Garcia Marquez, Fidel Castro and Hortensia Bussi. Also shown is the Chile of Augusto Pinochet and Salvador Allende. When Littin returned to Spain and finished his work, Gabriel Garcia Marquez set out to write the story of the film, published under the title Clandestine in Chile: the Adventures of Miguel Littin, which quickly became a best seller.
Self - Politician (archive footage)
The story of the persecution of homosexuals and intellectuals in Cuba under Fidel Castro's dictatorship, from the beginning of the Cuban Revolution (1953-59) until the early 1980s. Interviews with relevant personalities of Cuban culture who suffered persecution demonstrate that concentration camps for gays existed in Cuba.
Self - Prime Minister of Cuba (archive footage)
A controversial three part critical documentary on the history of the CIA.
Alvarez' longest documentary examination of the Cuban Revolution, this contains exceptional interviews with Fidel, Raúl, Almeida, Vilma, Haydee, Celia and Faustino Perez, among other key players in the Revolution.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
En este documental Marker disecciona los movimientos sociales que surgieron en muchos países del mundo a finales de la década de 1960, además de reflexionar, una vez más, sobre las imágenes y la memoria.
as Himself
This program examines Cuban exile terrorists living in Miami. These terrorists were secretly trained and employed by the U.S. government in the early 1960s to fight Fidel Castro. Now, without U.S. support, terrorist activities continue in Miami and Latin America. The program reviews secret U.S. policies toward Cuba in the 1960s and includes interviews with Castro and former top CIA officials. Members of this group, formerly secretly trained and employed by U.S. Government until 1967, have been active in Watergate crimes and anti-Castro terrorism including bomb explosion on Cuban Airline killing seventy-three. Includes interviews with Castro, E. Howard Hunt, Bernard Barker, and Rolando Martinez.' - The Paley Center For Media
El documental narra el encuentro entre Fidel Castro y Salustiano Leyva, un anciano que a los 11 años tuvo un encuentro con José Martí, en la breve visita que este hiciera a su casa el día que desembarcó por Playita de Cajobabo, el 11 de abril de 1895. Salustiano, sin saber por quién está siendo entrevistado debido a su mala visión, hace referencia a la presencia constante de Martí en la persona del comandante, y es luego, al final de la charla, que Fidel se da a conocer al anciano.
Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)
Filmmaker Barbet Schroeder shows the Ugandan dictator meeting his Cabinet, reviewing his troops, explaining his ideology.
Self (archive footage)
Guy Debord's analysis of a consumer society.
This feature-length documentary from 1974 takes viewers inside Fidel Castro's Cuba. A movie-making threesome hope that Fidel himself will star in their film. The unusual crew consists of former Newfoundland premier Joseph Smallwood, radio and TV owner Geoff Stirling and NFB film director Michael Rubbo. What happens while the crew awaits its star shows a good deal of the new Cuba, and also of the three Canadians who chose to film the island. (NFB)
Él mismo
En la casa presidencial de Tomás Moro, en noviembre de 1971, se reúnen el presidente Salvador Allende y Fidel Castro. Hablarán de la revolución, el imperialismo, la oligarquía, subdesarrollo, dependencia cultural, económica. Dirige el diálogo el periodista Augusto Olivares.
Él mismo
Recollections of Fidel Castro's visit to Chile on November, 1971, and of the historical imperialist exploitation of Latin America.
This film provides a unique view of Cuba's leader, containing fascinating archive footage of the Bay of Pigs invasion and scenes of Che Guevara - alongside interviews with political prisoners.
Documentary about economic development in Cuba, particularly the effort to boost output of sugar cane. This film is made from a compilation of newsreel footage from the Cuban film institute and from Santiago Alvarez's film Despegue a las 18.00 (Departure 18:00).
Self (archive footage)
Copenhague, Dinamarca, 1962. Cuando un alto funcionario soviético decide cambiar de bando, un agente de los servicios de inteligencia franceses se ve envuelto en una fría, silenciosa y sangrienta conspiración en la que su propia familia desempeñará un papel decisivo…
Himself (archive footage)
Documental histórico de adoctrinamiento político. Está dividido en tres partes: "Neocolonialismo y violencia", "Acto para la liberación" (dividido a su vez en dos grandes momentos:"Crónica del peronismo (1945-1955)" y "Crónica de la resistencia (1955-1966)") y "Violencia y liberación". Muestra la dependencia económica, social y cultural de la Argentina y ofrece pautas sobre cómo superarla.
Himself (uncredited)
Siete directores realizan conjuntamente este documental contra la intervención estadounidense en Vietnam. Pese a estar dividida en episodios, no se indica explicitamente quién dirige cada parte.
Self (uncredited)
“Salut les Cubains” anima mil quinientas de las más de cuatro mil instantáneas que Varda tomó durante sus vacaciones en Cuba. Mediante el montaje, la realizadora consigue que las personas retratadas canten y bailen, en lo que ella denomina como "socialismo y cha cha cha". (FILMAFFINITY)
Himself (archive footage)
Short documentary about Cuba's resistance to American invasion.
Self - Cuban Politician (uncredited)
A chronicle of the evolution of the Cuban Revolution, ending with the Bay of Pigs incident and including two interviews with Fidel Castro.
After the US forces Cuba out of the OAS, demonstrations erupt in Venezuela. In Cuba Castro addresses a rally of one million people.
Fidel Castro
In Asamblea general (1960), the documentary about Fidel's address of the First Declaration of Havana in the Plaza of the Revolution, Alea practises what becomes a sustaining Cuban contribution to documentary. Engaging with Free Cinema and cinema-vérité, his camera seems to touch the faces of the new citizen one by one rather than as a single mass before a leader.
Himself (uncredited)
Errol Flynn, que se desempeña como corresponsal de guerra, ayuda a Fidel Castro a derrocar al dictador cubano Fulgencio Batista. La película fue filmada, con la cooperación de Castro, mientras aún luchaba contra Batista.