Two sides, one known as the Alphas and the other the Rebels, struggle in a brutal war on Earth and in outer space. When a habitable planet is discovered in orbit around a star that is on the far side of a dangerous wormhole, the two sides mysteriously set aside their differences and send a joint mission to explore the planet. The mission of the starship Scylla is soon beset by political intrigue and treachery, jeopardizing not only the mission, but the lives of the entire crew
Shelley, a slightly-crazy heiress, discovers that her eccentric millionaire uncle Jason Carr was rather more eccentric than even she had thought--he was a costumed superhero in his spare time, half of a duo calling itself "Captain Chameleon and the Paraclete of Justice." Now Shelley must find out exactly who murdered her uncle, with the help of her uncle's mysterious and handsome partner in fighting crime.
Un recien descubierto gorila gigante escapa de un carguero frente a la costa de Korea. Al mismo tiempo una actriz americana está rodando una película en el país. El caos se desata cuando el primate la rapta y arrasa Seul a su paso.